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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
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1,379.9 hrs on record (1,292.5 hrs at review time)
I love this game with all of my heart. It made my teenage years and brought me an incredible amount of fun and heartwarming memories. A great game that, despite its age, still manages to thrive through one of the most creative and dedicated game communities there is.
Posted June 5, 2024. Last edited October 14, 2024.
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61.0 hrs on record (50.6 hrs at review time)
LISA is one of the most creative RPGs of these last years.

This game is a tragedy, a twisted, grim, absurd tragedy. The quest for redemption of a man who has lost everything, and will reach new lows in a post-apocalyptic depravation-filled hellscape.

The combats are dynamic and imaginative, with over 20 different and unique characters and skillsets, the overworld navigation is fast-paced and creative, the story will tear you apart, from laughter to sheer trauma, all coming with a unique, incredible soundtrack that will fill your head days and days after finishing the game.
Posted November 8, 2023.
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27.6 hrs on record (26.7 hrs at review time)
There is so, so much more to this game than just "funni milk man sez his milk delicious" (it's still pretty darn funny though) !
This game brings you back to the time where you were watching Nickelodeon or Cartoon Networks in your jammies eating a bowl of cereal with its unique art style, its wacky humor, and its unexpected (?) depth, exploring the world of mental illnesses and traumas in a creative and respectful way.
Razputin's adventure to become a Psychonaut is packed with (mostly) dynamic platformer levels, intriguing mechanics and psychic powers to use at your whim ! Each level is full of personality and proposes a different approach to the genre of platforming, with RPG elements, strategy, and much more. This game has barely aged, and still shows how much love and passion was put into it.
I loved this game, and I am pretty sure you will too.
Posted March 1, 2023.
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110.0 hrs on record
Il y a un monde de la peinture avant et après Picasso.
Il y a un monde de la littérature avant et après Charles Baudelaire.
Il y a un monde du cinéma avant et après Abel Gance.

Il y a un monde du jeu vidéo avant et après Undertale, un jeu révolutionnaire qui a bouleversé plusieurs générations de joueurs par son écriture, ses personnages, sa relation au réel et aux actions du joueur. Vous n'en sortirez pas indemne, mais qu'est-ce que vous vous serez bien marré !
Posted August 9, 2022.
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9.3 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Un jeu de plateformes d'une rare beauté tant dans son graphisme d'aquarelle que dans sa bande-son douce et mélancolique, abordant avec poésie le thème du deuil. Je vous le conseille très chaleureusement.
Posted June 26, 2021.
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33.4 hrs on record (18.6 hrs at review time)
Inventif, drôle, divertissant ! J'ai beaucoup, beaucoup aimé ce jeu. Et pourtant, je n'ai pas encore exploité pleinement toutes les possibilités du jeu, comme le mode Coopération ou la création de stage.
Posted April 3, 2020.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries