[»]Supreme Master First Class [✔]   Niedersachsen, Germany
STATS: 5.700h | 1862 MM Wins (csgo) | 966 WM Wins
CS2 Wins: 100 Premium | 39 Wettkampf
Ingame Sense 4K: 4,07 and 3200 / 3600 DPI
Ingame Sense: FHD: 2,3 DPI: 3000 / 3600 1,28 K/D CSGO

I faced in csgo 475 Cheater Games

Be aware of possible scammers like
!!! https://ad.gamersky.info/@steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199260694915/ !!!
I allways have a public inventory and everyone can comment!

This is my seccond account: http://ad.gamersky.info/@steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198350369138

Gemietete EA-Spiele:
- Battlefield 3
- Battlefield Hardline
- Battlefield 5
- Battlefield 1 Revolution
- Medal of Honor

War Robots Payment:
1. Einsatzpass für ~13€
2. 8k Schlüssel, 8k Gold, 400 Platin, 4k Memorium (Bonus: 1 Aufwertungsmarke) 3,72€
3. 4k Memorium ~ 0,90€
4. Titan Pilot Rook, 5,6k Memorium (Bonus: 500 Gold) ~8,20€
5. Shai Drohne + 150 Memorium ~8€
6. 4000 Gold: 0,50€
7. 10.000 Memorium: 3€
8. 4400 Gold + 4400 Schlüssel für ~1,90€ (ultimate ion bekommen)

Ich werde mir NIEMALS fertig Roboter/Waffen/Schiffe/Module/Titanen holen.
- This Acc: 1168 mm wins + 528 wm wins (3.000h) Fulltime KD: 1.28
- Sec Acc: 562 mm wins + 298 wm wins (2.320h) Fulltime KD: 1.39
- Third Acc: ~100 mm wins + 140 wm wins ( 400h)

Pls Fix Valve: https://ad.gamersky.info/@steamcommunity.com/app/730/discussions/0/4676423350570129999/?ctp=11

- 53 Frags in 1 Match
- 30 Frags in the First Half of a Match
- 3 Aces in 1 Round
- 1100+ damage in DangerZone

New Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUpvu1T0kC8
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8oguTJkN6h8zQQZ1hxQoZg :cozybethesda:
Ranks: https://csgostats.gg/player/76561198796360163

Steam Inventory Price: ~ 2.500€ (CHECKED 23.3.2023) ( 1. only >5€ Skins 2. without OVERPAY! )

Butterflymesser (★) | Einsatzgehärtet : ~950€ (+Overpay for 0,220 and Pattern)
M4A1-S | Hot Rod : ~1000€ (+Overpay for 0,015)
Chauffeurshandschuhe (★) | Kaiserliches Karo : 270€ (+Overpay for Pattern)
AK-47 | Rote Linie : 95€ (+Overpay for 4 Foil Sticker (worth 340€))
USP-S | Orion : 47€
Desert Eagle | Printstream : 45€ (+Overpay for 0,540)
MP9 (Souvenir) | Hot Rod : 42€ (+Overpay for 0,172)
AWP (StatTrak™) | Exoskelett : 13€ (+Overpay for 0,088)
SSG 08 | Drachenfeuer : 12€
Glock-18 (StatTrak™) | In Mode : 8€
MAC-10 | Neonreiter : 7€ (+Overpay for 0,076)
UMP-45 | Indigo : 6€

I registered my nickname! https://nick-name.ru/nickname/id759557/

surf map: Connect

1. Butterfly Night
2. Flip Knife Doppler
3. Karambit Ultraviolet
4. Bayonet Autotronic
5. Butterfly Case Hardened
( with close blaze pattern)

Usp-s History:
1. Kill Confirmed
2. Orion
3. Cyrex St
4. Neo-Noir
5. Serum ( + Katto holo)

Ak-47 History:
1. Neon Revolution
2. Redline (2x : MW+ FT St)
3. Bloodsport
4. Vulcan

1. Desolate Space
2. Buzz Kill
3. Evil Daimyo
4. X-Ray (MW St)
5. Neo-Noir

1. Golden Coil
2. Mecha Industries
3. Nitro ( + Katto Holo)
4. Golden Coil (Ft St)
5. Hot Rod

Awp History:
1. Redline
2. Asiimov
3. Man o war
4. Electric Hive
5. Mortis
5. Lightning Strike
6. Wildfire
7. Exoskelett (Mw St)

SSG O8 History:
1. Big Iron
2. Dragon Fire

ich hab aim. ich mag nur die map nicht ¯\_( ͡' ͜ʖ ͡')_/¯
( ^◡^)っ✂ Ɑ͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞͞ ̶̶͞͞ ̶̶͞͞ ̶̶͞͞ ﻝﮞ

ich spiele nur mit braunen Rängen, weil ich so gut bin und upranken will und keinen derank aufgrund schlechter mates haben will, obwohl ich die mates gar nicht kenne ¯\
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
Supreme Uprank
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3,223 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
1,017 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
2.6 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
⚡Mirasius☀ 9 Feb @ 10:25am 
laser-focused gameplay
AirHeadKXツ 17 Jan @ 8:34am 
Sry hatte vergessen wer du warst hab dich wieder geadded <3
Blackshady 3 Dec, 2024 @ 10:08am 
nice Opel
Buzadwyn 2 Dec, 2024 @ 7:28am 
+rep best clutcher