sv_cheats 1;
sv_enablebunnyhopping 1;
sv_autobunnyhopping 1;
sv_staminamax 0;
sv_staminajumpcost 0;
sv_staminalandcost 0;
sv_staminarecoveryrate 0;
sv_airaccelerate 2000;
sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed 0;
sv_maxvelocity 3500;

ent_fire !self addoutput "modelindex
C4 Bomb: ent_create planted_c4_training; ent_fire planted_c4_training ActivateSetTimerLength 20"
Explosion: ent_create env_explosion; ent_fire env_explosion
0:17 - Spawn Chicken: give chicken
0:24 - Spawn Chickens keybinding: bind "key" "give chicken"
0:38 - Spawn Flashbang: ent_create flashbang_projectile
0:46 - Turn Invisible: ent_fire !self addoutput "rendermode 6"
Normal: ent_fire !self addoutput "rendermode 0"
0:58 - Big Chicken: ent_fire chicken addoutput "modelscale 10"
1:08 - Big Guns (awp): ent_fire weapon_awp addoutput "modelscale 10"
1:14 - Banana In Pocket: prop_physics_create props/cs_italy/bananna.mdl; ent_fire !picker addoutput "CollisionGroup 2"; ent_fire !picker setparent !activator; ent_fire !picker setparentattachment grenade0
1:23 - Spam Flashes Behind You: ent_create flashbang_projectile; ent_fire !picker addoutput CollisionGroup 2; ent_fire !picker setparent !activator; ent_fire !picker setparentattachment grenade0
* 1:32 - Spawn A Prop Inside You: crate2; ent_fire !picker addoutput "CollisionGroup 2"; ent_fire !picker setparent !activator; ent_fire !picker setparentattachment grenade0
* 1:44 - Spawn Lots Of Melons: bind "key" "melon;melon;melon;melon;melon"
1:53 - Spawn Sparks: ent_create env_spark; ent_fire env_spark StartSpark
Stop Sparks: ent_fire env_spark kill
2:07 - Spawn Fire: ent_create env_fire; ent_fire env_fire StartFire
Stop Fire: ent_fire env_spark kill
2:22 - Spawn Water Splash: ent_create env_splash; ent_fire env_splash Splash; ent_fire env_splash kill
2:30 - Make Yourself Smaller: ent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale 0.5"
2:40 - Make YourSelf Bigger: ent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale 3"
Huge Pants: ent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale 20"
2:57 - Make Your Friend Smaller: ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 0.2"
Bigger: ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 3"
3:15 - Make Chickens Red: ent_fire chicken color "255 0 0"
Chickens Green: ent_fire chicken color "0 255 0"
Chickens Blue: ent_fire !self color "0 0 255"
3:31 - Make Your Friend Green: ent_fire !picker color "0 255 0"
3:37 - Barrel Roll: cl_pitchup 360; cl_pitchdown 360
3:46 - Make Yourself Blue: ent_fire !self color "0 0 255"
3:57 - Slow-Motion: host_timescale 0.3
4:26 - Fast-Motion: host_timescale 2.0
4:36 - Add Custom Color To A Mode/Target: ent_fire !picker color "0 0 0" (Change the Numbers to a RGB number value)
Hot Rod: ent_fire !picker color "255 0 0"
Ak-47 BackSide Jungle: ent_fire !picker color "250 250 20"
4:58 - Bloopers...

★ Other Useful commands: ★
sv_cheats 1
bind "key" "command"

scrap mechanic

/night - Set night
/day - Set day
/noaggro - Bots do not aggro players
/noaggrocreations - Bots do not aggro creations
/aggroall - Notifies all bots of player position
/popcapsules - Open all bot and animal capsules
/killall - Kills all spawned units
/place tree - Places a tree in creative mode
/place stone - Places a stone in creative mode
/place birch|spruce|leafy|pine - Places a specific tree type
/dropscrap - Enables or disables Scrap Metal loot drops in creative mode (default off)
/restrictions - Allows removing restricted objects in creative mode, like tree parts.
/clear -Removes all creations from the entire world in creative mode. Can only be used by the host and must be enabled with /allowclear
/allowclear - Allows the use of the /clear chat command
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