Richard Kemper Gacy
TRI$   Clarksville, Indiana, United States
🥃 Struggling with the past, living for the present.
😔 Lost my wife & kids, life's never been the same.
🍺 Alcohol is my constant companion these days.
💭 Looking for meaning in the chaos, but not sure if I’ll ever find it.
📍 Somewhere between memories and regrets.
Favorite Group
Are you lonely and wants a good time?
In Chat
Artwork Showcase
I was much happier back then🍺
Artwork Showcase
❤️My pretty little angel needs a real cowboy who can handle her and drink beer🤠
1 1
Featured Artwork Showcase
🏈Hell yeah, Indianapolis Colts for life!🏈
Featured Artwork Showcase
🫀Doc said i had the C-word🎣
Favorite Guide
Created by - Richard Kemper Gacy
Get Shredded Like Tachanka Rules 1. you have to do them to be like Tachanka 2. do them after the match or if you have time do them while you are dead
Favorite Game
Hours played
Favorite Game
JBV 7 Mar @ 10:03am 
JBV 6 Mar @ 9:14am 
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JBV 17 Feb @ 6:05am 
My daughter is doing online prosecutions or whatever they said at the bar, so I cut contact. Tho I will say she got a nice rack on her
Lars Rumph 17 Feb @ 4:22am 
plus rip - your daughter has some good advantages
JBV 31 Jan @ 11:17am 
⠻⣄⡀ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ
JBV 9 Dec, 2024 @ 5:19am 
