Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
89/154 (58%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


Use every emote in the game
Avattu 28.11.2023 klo 21.33


Visit all six Royal Cities
Avattu 8.11.2023 klo 20.52

This looks interesting!

Gather resources worth 10,000 Fame
Avattu 21.6.2023 klo 21.32


Gather resources worth 100,000 Fame
Avattu 18.12.2023 klo 11.10

That's a start

Gain 1,000 Fame from killing mobs
Avattu 20.8.2022 klo 10.53

Killing is… fun?

Gain 100,000 Fame from killing mobs
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Die, Die, Die My Darling!

Gain 10,000,000 Fame from killing mobs
Avattu 1.6.2023 klo 22.35

More-ganna die

Defeat 1,000 Disciples of Morgana
Avattu 4.6.2023 klo 8.04


Defeat 1,000 Keepers
Avattu 13.6.2023 klo 2.23

And stay down!

Defeat 1,000 Undead
Avattu 1.6.2023 klo 7.50

No one expects the Inquisition!

Defeat 1,000 Heretics
Avattu 4.6.2023 klo 21.38

Not creepy at all!

Inspect 100 players
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Harmless Person

Reach the first positive reputation level
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Like a Boss

Have 5000 Health at any point in time
Avattu 30.5.2023 klo 22.39


Salvage an item
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

My Sanctuary

Get your very own island
Avattu 15.6.2023 klo 3.20

Critter Killer

Kill 100 Tier 1 mobs of any kind
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

More Fun Together

Create or join a guild
Avattu 20.8.2022 klo 11.03

Highway to Hell

Enter a Hellgate
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 11.07

Alone No Longer

Add a friend to your friend list
Avattu 30.5.2023 klo 0.19

Silver Millionaire

Own 1 million Silver
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

It's dark in here…

Enter a black zone
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Expedition? What's an Expedition?

Finish a T3 Solo Expedition
Avattu 20.8.2022 klo 11.02

Welcome to Albion

Get killed by another player
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

First Blood!

Kill or assist a kill in PvP
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

This. Is. Albion!

Kill 300 players in the open world
Avattu 7.7.2023 klo 2.25

M-m-m-monster Kill!

Kill 6 players within one minute
Avattu 29.12.2023 klo 6.48

Blood and Sand

Win your first Arena match
Avattu 4.11.2023 klo 22.53

Chug! Chug! Chug!

Use any 100 potions
Avattu 7.6.2023 klo 3.18

Fishing for Compliments

Catch your first fish
Avattu 3.4.2023 klo 3.28

Fishing for More Compliments

Catch fish worth 10,000 Fame
Avattu 28.10.2023 klo 21.20

Adept Gatherer

Unlock any Tier 4 Gathering Profession
Avattu 21.6.2023 klo 7.25

Master Gatherer

Unlock any Tier 6 Gathering Profession
Avattu 20.12.2023 klo 22.10

My Home is my Shack

Build a house on your island
Avattu 15.6.2023 klo 3.24

All Your Base are Belong to Us

Participate in a successful attack on a territory
Avattu 21.11.2023 klo 6.00

Give me your clothes, your boots and your mount...

Loot any armor, foot gear and a mount from a killed player at the same time
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Tonight We Dine in Hell!

Defeat a team of enemy players in any type of Hellgate
Avattu 11.7.2023 klo 23.41


Sell any item on the Black Market in Caerleon
Avattu 19.12.2023 klo 21.08


Sell any item through the Marketplace
Avattu 20.8.2022 klo 10.52


Sell items worth 100,000 Silver at the Marketplace
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Grand Merchant

Sell items worth 1,000,000 Silver at the Marketplace
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46


Sell items worth 10,000,000 Silver at the Marketplace
Avattu 4.6.2023 klo 8.04


Enlist in any of the six City Factions
Avattu 14.6.2023 klo 21.28

Get off my lawn!

Capture an Outpost
Avattu 20.6.2023 klo 19.07

Frontier Justice

Capture 10 Outposts
Avattu 27.11.2023 klo 7.55

Safe Passage

Finish a Trade Mission for any city
Avattu 14.6.2023 klo 21.45

Turn it up to 11!

Overcharge one or more equipped items
Avattu 8.6.2023 klo 0.09

One Year of Service

Be part of Albion for one year
Avattu 18.9.2023 klo 8.03

Cast Away

Tutorial completed
Avattu 20.8.2022 klo 10.41

Whatever Floats Your Boat

Fix Captain Tia's ship
Avattu 20.8.2022 klo 10.16

Into the Unknown

Finish a T3 Solo Dungeon
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Tomb Raider

Finish 1,000 Solo Dungeons
Avattu 21.3.2024 klo 11.29

Lost My Chest-ity

Unlock your first chest in any kind of Randomized Dungeon.
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Look at my horse, my horse is amazing!

Apply any Mount Skin
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

My precious!

Unlock 10 chests in Solo Dungeons
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Treasure Hunter

Unlock 100 chests in Solo Dungeons
Avattu 8.6.2023 klo 0.52

Mind if I roll need?

Unlock 10 chests in Group Dungeons
Avattu 1.6.2023 klo 1.46

Chest Rat

Unlock 100 chests in Group Dungeons
Avattu 3.11.2023 klo 9.04

Invader Banished

Defeat an invading player in a Corrupted Dungeon
Avattu 31.5.2023 klo 5.49

Target Destroyed

Defeat another player after invading their Corrupted Dungeon
Avattu 3.4.2023 klo 3.25

Corrupted No More

Defeat the final boss in a Hunter Corrupted Dungeon
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Demon Hunter

Defeat 100 Demons
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46


Defeat 1,000 Demons
Avattu 18.6.2023 klo 0.12

Hit the Road

Enter a Road of Avalon
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Far Down the Rabbit Hole

Enter a Deep Road of Avalon
Avattu 8.6.2023 klo 22.19

Get Outta My Way!

Defeat 250 Avalonians
Avattu 3.4.2023 klo 0.03

I like it...another!

Chain 2 Hellgates without returning to the surface
Avattu 11.7.2023 klo 23.41

Neither Demon nor Man

Chain 5 Hellgates without returning to the surface
Avattu 4.12.2023 klo 8.42


Assist in completely capturing another city's zone in Faction Warfare
Avattu 20.6.2023 klo 19.07

Spring Cleaning

Help repel a Bandit Assault
Avattu 22.9.2023 klo 2.33

Winner Takes All

Open an open-world Treasure Chest
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Seasoned Treasure Hunter

Open 100 open-world Treasure Chests
Avattu 14.7.2023 klo 2.56

Dungeon Insider

Participate in a Static Dungeon Event
Avattu 6.6.2023 klo 9.11

Keep On Rollin'

Reroll an item at a Repair Station
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

Finishing Touch

Create a Masterpiece item by rerolling it at a Repair Station
Avattu 8.6.2023 klo 22.19

Better than the Rest

Gain your first Elite Level
Avattu 7.6.2023 klo 3.02

Best of the Best of the Best

Gain all Elite Levels in any combat specialization
Avattu 2.11.2023 klo 1.24

Home Sweet Home

Set a Hideout as your Home
Avattu 14.11.2023 klo 22.00

Core Workout

Successfully transport a Power Core to a Hideout
Avattu 16.11.2023 klo 21.47

Holy Diver

Gain 10 million Fame in Static Dungeons
Avattu 6.11.2023 klo 19.52

King of the Hill

Help loot a Castle Outpost Chest
Avattu 20.7.2023 klo 3.00

Beyond the Veil

Follow a Will o' Wisp into the Mists
Avattu 2.4.2023 klo 7.46

City in the Mists

Find the lost city of Brecilien
Avattu 14.6.2023 klo 20.45

Friend of Wisps

Gain Accepted status with Brecilien
Avattu 30.5.2023 klo 2.18

Mythical Beasts...

...and how to kill them
Avattu 3.7.2023 klo 8.21


Kill a "Mysterious Stranger" that's your friend or ally
Avattu 19.6.2023 klo 5.37


Kill any Titan in a Randomized Dungeon
Avattu 6.12.2023 klo 23.13


Kill any Colossus in a Randomized Dungeon
Avattu 6.2.2024 klo 10.13

Hunter Exam

Track down a solo Rare Creature
Avattu 4.11.2023 klo 22.53

Gathering is not a game! It's war!

Gather resources worth a million Fame
499,743 / 1,000,000

Beginner Crafter

Craft Items worth 10,000 Fame
441 / 10,000

Hardworking Crafter

Craft Items worth 100,000 Fame
441 / 100,000

Industrious Crafter

Craft items worth a million Fame
441 / 1,000,000

Work, Work!

Craft items worth 10 million Fame
441 / 10,000,000

Model Citizen

Reach maximum reputation level

Jack of All Trades

Unlock everything on Tier 4

It's not a phase, mom!

Unlock all Tier 4 weapons and offhands
16 / 20

Studious Crafter

Study an item

Long Live the King!

Defeat the Demon Prince

Yo mama is so big…

Defeat the Earth Mother

Defeating Death Itself

Defeat the Harvester

Expedition Veteran

Finish every non-hardcore Expedition
1 / 11

That wasn't so hard…

Finish any Hardcore Expedition


Win 100 Arena or Crystal Arena matches
2 / 100

Wolf Amongst Sheep

Ride a Direwolf

Adept Crafter

Unlock any Tier 4 Crafting Profession

Master Crafter

Unlock any Tier 6 Crafting Profession

Elder Crafter

Unlock any Tier 8 Crafting Profession

My Little Farm

Farm your first crop

Seasoned Farmer

Farm crops worth 100,000 Fame
0 / 100,000

My Epic Farm

Farm crops worth 1,000,000 Fame
0 / 1,000,000

You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

Catch fish worth a million Fame
23,917 / 1,000,000

Thief: The Gathering Project

Gather a T8 resource at an enemy territory

Elder Gatherer

Unlock any Tier 8 Gathering Profession

My Home is my Castle

Upgrade a house on your island to Tier 8

Shared Workload

Employ any kind of Laborer

Your very own indentured servant!

Have a Tier 8 Laborer and send them on a mission

Happy Workforce

Send a Laborer on a mission with 100% Yield from Happiness

My sanctuary. Complete.

Upgrade your island to the maximum of 6/6

Horsin' Around

Raise a horse

Napoleon Complex

Capture 100 Outposts
10 / 100

New Sheriff in Town

Defeat all opposing City Faction Warmasters at least once
2 / 5


Achieve a standing of 330,000 with any faction
44,746 / 330,000

Crystal League Chronicles

Participate in a Crystal League Battle

Party Time!

Use the Party Finder to form or join a party

Seen it All

Kill the legendary Morgana Demon General, Keeper Earth Aspirant, Undead Reaper, and Heretic Shadowmask
1 / 4

Big Game Hunter

Harvest resources from Aspects in every biome
1 / 6

Just a trim, please

Unlock any customization option

This Belongs in a Museum

Unlock 10 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
8 / 10

Loot Goblins

Unlock 100 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
8 / 100

In a League of Their Own

Defeat every Avalonian Dungeon boss type
3 / 5

Bound by His Oath

Defeat Sir Bedivere

Crystal Novice

Win a 5v5 Crystal League Match

Crystal Adept

Win a Rank 3 5v5 Crystal League Match

Crystal Grandmaster

Win a Rank 7 5v5 Crystal League Match

Pull the Plug

Defeat the Sentry Mage in an enemy territory


Receive the Ascension buff at the end of an Avalonian Dungeon

On and On, South of Avalon

Unlock the Slayer difficulty in Corrupted Dungeons
34,124 / 100,000

Big Game Hunter in Another World

Harvest resources from a Guardian in the Roads of Avalon

Been Through Hell

Gain 100,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
5,428 / 100,000

Hell is My Home

Gain 250,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
5,428 / 250,000

Rip and Tear

Rip and Tear
6 / 10

Quality AND Quantity

Reroll a full stack of 999 items at a Repair Station

Omae ha mou shindeiru!

Kill 5 enemies at once with the after-effect of the Hundred Striking Fists

Capture the Crystal!

Successfully transport a Power Crystal to a Territory

Silver Gladiator

Reach Silver Rank in the Crystal Arena

Rank Up!

Rank Up!

King of my Castle

Help loot a Castle Chest

Monster Hunter

Track down 7 different solo Rare Creatures
3 / 7

Fully Fortified

Enter a fully upgraded territory that's owned by your guild

Let Yourself In

Help open the gate of an enemy territory from within

3 piilotettua saavutusta jäljellä

Kunkin saavutuksen tiedot paljastetaan niiden avaamisen jälkeen