Le Tallguy
Heard & McDonald Islands
The unyanyimous Decwawation of the thiwteen unyited States of Amewica When in the Couwse of human events it becomes nyecessawy fow onye peopwe to dissowve the powiticaw bands which have connyected them with anyothew and to assume among the powews of the eawth, the sepawate and equaw station to which the Waws of Nyatuwe and of Nyatuwe's God entitwe them, a decent wespect to the opinyions of mankind wequiwes that they shouwd decwawe the causes which impew them to the sepawation.

We howd these twuths to be sewf-evident, that aww men awe cweated equaw, that they awe endowed by theiw Cweatow with cewtain unyawienyabwe Wights, that among these awe Wife, Wibewty and the puwsuit of Happinyess. — That to secuwe these wights, Guvwnments awe instituted among Men, dewiving theiw just powews fwom the consent of the guvwnyed, — That whenyevew any Fowm of Guvwnment becomes destwuctive of these ends, it is the Wight of the Peopwe to awtew ow to abowish it, and to institute nyew Guvwnment, waying its foundation on such pwincipwes and owganyizing its powews in such fowm, as to them shaww seem most wikewy to effect theiw Safety and Happinyess. Pwudence, indeed, wiww dictate that Guvwnments wong estabwished shouwd nyot be changed fow wight and twansient causes; and accowdingwy aww expewience hath shewn that mankind awe mowe disposed to suffew, whiwe eviws awe suffewabwe than to wight themsewves by abowishing the fowms to which they awe accustomed. But when a wong twain of abuses and usuwpations, puwsuing invawiabwy the same Object evinces a design to weduce them undew absowute Despotism, it is theiw wight, it is theiw duty, to thwow off such Guvwnment, and to pwovide nyew Guawds fow theiw futuwe secuwity. — Such has been the patient suffewance of these Cowonyies; and such is nyow the nyecessity which constwains them to awtew theiw fowmew Systems of Guvwnment. The histowy of the pwesent King of Gweat Bwitain is a histowy of wepeated injuwies and usuwpations, aww having in diwect object the estabwishment of an absowute Tywanny uvw these States. To pwuv this, wet Facts be submitted to a candid wowwd.He has wefused his Assent to Waws, the most whowesome and nyecessawy fow the pubwic good.

He has fowbidden his Guvwnyows to pass Waws of immediate and pwessing impowtance, unwess suspended in theiw opewation tiww his Assent shouwd be obtainyed; and when so suspended, he has uttewwy nyegwected to attend to them.

He has wefused to pass othew Waws fow the accommodation of wawge distwicts of peopwe, unwess those peopwe wouwd wewinquish the wight of Wepwesentation in the Wegiswatuwe, a wight inyestimabwe to them and fowmidabwe to tywants onwy.

I'm so sorry.

I'm not.

I love the souls games. Favorite game is Bloodborne, but alas, can't actually prove it because its not on Steam, thanks Sony. You jackass.
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ProfessorLobster Dec 23, 2021 @ 10:26pm 
Billy Bob's Hillbillies Dec 10, 2021 @ 1:38am 
I do decware