just a silly person online #certifiedhater

10 minutes = $20
30 minutes = $40
1-3 hour = $70
4-6 hours = $100
10+ hours = $300

good morning/night text = $5 per day
per day "i love you" = $5 per message
per message "i love you" with a chosen pet name after = $10 per message
per message pet names pack (regular texting with additional pet name of your choice) = $70

putting you in my status = $35
putting you in my status with a pet name in front of your name = $50

10 minutes of matching pfp = $10
30 minutes of matching pfp = $25
1-2 hours of matching pfp = $50

e-kiss = $17
e-footjob= $20
e-cuddle = $25
vc = $30
e-sex= $40

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DoodleMold 8 Feb @ 1:12pm 
woaw :brownchicken:
TacoCasual 7 Feb @ 2:01pm 
anyone got $20
xXx_Bree_Tea_xXx 10 Jan @ 1:20pm 
I bought a property in de_nuke and what they do for you is they give you de_property
JM ツ 31 Dec, 2024 @ 4:44pm 
(o’∀’)ノ。+。゚☆I wish you a happy new year☆゚。+。ヽ(‘∀’o)
corporate 23 Nov, 2024 @ 8:05pm 
kissing Deus fren~ :3
iChoro 12 Nov, 2024 @ 2:52am 
Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. Everyday someone online calls me a "weeb" desu. Watashi won't stand for this. 26 percent of bullying victims are chosen due to their race or religion desu. I may look like a basic brown boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Watashi religion is anime. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? Disgusting desu. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ country desu. Watashi pity anata. You'll never be Nihongo like watashi. I'm a weeb? Pfft. I AM AN OTAKU DESU. Educate yourself on nani a "weeb" is before anata try to insult watashi desu. I WILL NOT BE CYBERBULLIED ANYMORE. REPORTED.