40 ratings
Think&Act - Slower Battles
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Sep 13, 2017 @ 5:24pm
Sep 16, 2017 @ 10:09am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Think&Act - Slower Battles

Are you tired of molesting innocent Stop and Slow time buttons? Do you weep manly tears when all those war preparations go into waste on 5-minute hack'n'slash fest? Unsatisfied in any other way about the current state of battle system?

I might have something you'd like to try out.

I greet you all to Think&Act mod - my humble creation which aims to tweak vanilla battle system by slowing combat and rebalancing some of its rules, providing more tactical feel to the game.

Say goodbye to arcade battles lasting 3 minutes - this mod gives you more time to admire (and to think!) glorious Warhammer battles, as well as providing changes in core game balance to make up for arcade'y feel of the vanilla battle system. It works well with AI, but was also made with multiplayer in mind, so expect competent enough balancing, which is supported by a small group of game testers.

{ Overall changes in battle system }
» All units with shields received major Melee Defence buff, now serving as a proper main line defence - they won't slaughter each other in a matter of moments anymore, and will provide a few crucial moments to try and outmaneuver your oponent.
» Spear and Double-Handed units had both slightly icreased Attack and Melee defence - they'll still serve their role just as they did, for the most part.
» Artillery operators and range-orientated units are little bit better with everything, so that they won't be slaughtered in seconds anymore - yet still won't pose challange to melee-orientated units.
» Monster units are more durable now, with both better armor and melee defence values - and an additional 10% missile resistance for smaller units (e.g. Crypt Horrors), and 25% for the big ones (e.g. Giants).
» Anti-large units are provided with better bonus vs. large to compensate for Monster defence buffs.
» All infantry units got themselves 10% physical damage resistance - it makes them just this little more durable to keep up the pace with all the changes.
» Cavalry becomes the real "glass hammer" - it's much better at dealing damage, but is also much more exposed to taking damage in prolonged melee brawls.
» Lords and Heroes are mostly unchanged - at least for now.
» The mod doesn't (and probably won't) change movement speed of any unit, so don't worry about potential lead-boot syndrome

» Most ranged units were provided with slightly more powerful damage-per-volley.
» At the same they their reload times are longer.
» More personalized projectiles - bullets will be more powerful but slower to reload than arrows/bolts, some artillery pieces now have major damage bonus vs. large.

» Units take more time to tire themselves, but also rest at a slower rate.
» Tired units fight less efficiently, but their defence stays almost the same. (In vanilla, tired units received major de-buffs even to their armor value)
» Cavalry and skirmish units are quicker to tire than infantry.
» Very tired units move much slower.

» As a overall rule, units morale is dropping at a slower rate, while climbing at faster, forcing units to stay in the fight longer.
» Units will receive more punishement before routing, but even after that it's not game over for them - they are more likely to rally, and it takes them less time.
» In siege battles, defending army receives a significal buff to morale, as long as they are holding the Plaza and Walls.
» No morale statistics were changed for any of the units.


Is it a perfect mod? Of course not, you silly. But we are getting there! Well, I will at least try, but I need feedback. So after you have a few matches, don't be shy and write something down - I'll really appreciate it!

As for now, the mod is not very cheesy-proof - mass spaming cav or ranged will make little difference to vanilla battle time. As a general rule, your tactics are the main leverage for usefuless of this mod.


Current problems:
» Mod doesn't change anything from The Lord and the Warlord DLC - changing anything from these files simply crashes whole game. Still looking for solution.


Compatibility disclaimer:
This mod operates on files linked only to battle system.
It will work with any mod for campaign, ui, graphic, and else.
It will also work with mods changing rules in siege battles - I don't plan changing anything in them.
It will not work with any other mod that changes battle rules files, such as Radious Mod, or Proper Combat Mod.

Current version - 0.3
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Sep 20, 2017 @ 10:51am
Feedback and suggestions
Chocolate Warfare Jan 12, 2019 @ 6:11pm 
any Idea if this will work with a mod like Ultimate Chaos?
Egg Dec 10, 2017 @ 5:19am 
Also, any plans for Warhammer 2 version?
Egg Dec 10, 2017 @ 5:18am 
Love the idea of the mod. One question though, doesn't giving all units physical resistance and balancing around that make Magic attacks really OP?
MrRaTmAn  [author] Nov 4, 2017 @ 1:28pm 
Thanks for the rundown, surely appreciated!

As for the "killer-combos", I'm still looking after units like these, trying to figure out how to tackle them. A bit of a tough nut to crack, especially with all the ranged weapons around - nerfing them makes them literally melt to any mildly competent army set-up, while buffing them as I did in the last update makes them... well, you tested it.

As I said, still on the planning table, especially since I still have a version for WH2 to make.
BierTempelier Nov 3, 2017 @ 6:01pm 
I have done over 30 simulations on the same exact battle (also using the Spectator Mod) and a battle which lasted 6,5 minutes has increased to 31 minutes by combining the following MODs:

(A) Think & Act ; (B) Corpse Maker ; (C) 2/3 Speed ; (D) Increase unit size +150%

These MODs are designed to change different parts of the game and therefore proved to be compatible.

However, the battle outcome was opposite between Vanilla and this 'killer' combo mostly due to overly strong monsters. That is my main and only concern at the moment, that the stat change using Think & Act in various combinations differed from the Vanilla simulations.

ANYHOW - across the wide range of battle-extending MODs, this one is at the very top in the broad comparisons I did. Keep up the good work !
Markliuz Da Jesterly Oct 5, 2017 @ 8:45pm 
Would it be too much to ask for lords and heroes to have a slightly faster attack speed? having played around with an attack speed mod for lords and heroes, it really makes those duel fights fierce and brutal.
Crunbum Sep 20, 2017 @ 10:54am 
@Mr. RaTmAn

No problem, just wanted to tell you I appreciate your work, Though I'll make my own personal (dumbed down) version that can be used with SFO and unit packs because I cant go without them at this point, though some may.

Also, gave you some suggestion in the feedback thread you made, they aren't very original but well..maybe you can use something :)
MrRaTmAn  [author] Sep 20, 2017 @ 10:48am 
Nope. The changes I made are staying here, and I'm not sacrificing anything just so it can work with something different. Maybe if the author himself would be interested in co-operation, but other than that, I see no point of doing it.

The started as a thing for personal use anyways, I never expected fame or recognition. Sure, the more people the better, but I'm just as okay with a small or even zero following. Things are how they are, and I'm not trying to fight it.
Crunbum Sep 20, 2017 @ 10:30am 
@Mr. RaTmAn
Im actually thinking about giving units global reload penalties from fatigue, even at fresh (large enough to mitigate the dmg increase relative to the melee units). I think that would work fine but then again, you never know.

Just wondering, will you ever consider doing a SFO compatibility patch? Or is that completely out of question? I mean, sadly, "moar units and mechanics" are more appealing to most than "silent, background changes", so I doubt your mod will see much use if its restricted to vanilla.

Best of luck though
MrRaTmAn  [author] Sep 20, 2017 @ 10:05am 
Yeah, it does work, I tried to fiddle with it a few times, but without any proper testing. I guess you could work it in that way, but as you mentioned yourself, missiles are the biggest problem in these kind of mods. There's no real workaround for that in my knowledge, so I'm just trying to count on people to choose this mod over SFO for the battles. Not that I have something against them, just some healthy competition (if you can even say that with such small following) ;)

As Crunbum said, the mod will work, but won't change any units from other mods. This doesn't neccesarly mean they'll be OP though - this mod actually changes vanilla units by buffing them to work better with the new system, which means mod units are either going to be UP, or not really changed much.