The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

38 ratings
Portable Restock Box
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28.006 KB
3 Dec, 2017 @ 4:21pm
3 Dec, 2017 @ 4:26pm
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Portable Restock Box

One of the most useful recent(ish) additions is now portable with the Portable Restock Box.

The Portable Restock Box is a one use item with spawns a Restock Machine near Isaac on use, this Restock Machine works in any room where items can spawn.

The Portable Restock Machine can only be found in the shop

NOTE: Restock Machines will not replenesh devil deals like it does in the shop, but it WILL reroll every item in the room, including those on pedastals
Opheim 1 Jan, 2018 @ 2:06pm 
This + Three of Wands card is great.
ernesma 10 Dec, 2017 @ 1:26pm 
I feel like this item would be a card but this is still cool
Xalum  [author] 10 Dec, 2017 @ 7:08am 
I'll need some time to consider everyone's suggestions. I do appreciate it but it will take some time to figure out what I really want from this mod
Blu19 9 Dec, 2017 @ 8:33am 
Maybe make it a 3 room charge d6 that consumes say 5 coins on use and only has a 50% chance to work. Basically a faster charging but riskier d6. I'm thinking of this item along the same lines as the portable slots or blood bag, where it doesn't actually spawn the machine but has the same effect as it.
... 4 Dec, 2017 @ 9:15pm 
Cool item but I agree it's a little on the weak side. I like the 5 coins back idea a lot.
Torcie 4 Dec, 2017 @ 3:54am 
please add an o to restck box first line in the description really ruins the whole items experience
Alphius 4 Dec, 2017 @ 3:02am 
I changed it to a 12 room charge on my side, and it seems good. It's not overpowered since you still have to bomb/donate pennies to the machine
Xalum  [author] 4 Dec, 2017 @ 2:58am 
What if it gave you 5 coins back after purchase? The total price would go down to 10 coins, but you would need slightly more to start. And since a restock machine guarantees at least 4 rerolls. It may come out cheaper than buying batteries, especially if you have bombs
Alphius 4 Dec, 2017 @ 2:28am 
Should be a 6 room charge item that disappears after a few uses. 15 pennies for just one reroll machine isn't worth it, but 15 pennies for 3 reroll machines is a lot more interesting!

Or, could be a 12 room charge item.