Super Hexagon

Super Hexagon

389 évaluations
Some Super Hexagon Tips & Tricks
De Sciyo
This guide, written by one of the Top 15 Super Hexagon players on the Steam leaderboards, aims to help you get better at Super Hexagon.
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General Tips
Hey, I'm Chris and this is my very first (and, perhaps, last, haha) guide here on Steam. Well, how can I put this without seeming incredibly cocky? I'm probably one of the best Super Hexagon players in the world, at least on PC. That's not my pride speaking but simply the leaderboards, where I am at at least place 20 in every single mode (for instance, my PB in Hyper Hexagonest is currently 717:02 seconds. Here is proof and my current spot on the leaderboards, to add some credibility). I don't like bragging, so the only reason I'm saying this is so that you know that you can ask me whatever you want about the game in the comments, and I will be happy to answer it to the best of my ability.

Let's start with some general and very, very important tips.

1. Don't get demotivated or demoralized. This is very important. There's no point in playing this game, if you immediately press ALT+F4 once you die one second to your record. Also, you might think at multiple points, "I will never be able to do this." Don't. You will, just have a little patience. This game is like anything else in life. Take volleyball, for instance. At first, you'll suck at it and it will be absolutely no fun. But once you get the hang of it, it suddenly becomes a lot more interesting.

2. Keep practicing. Tip number one and two basically go into one. You have to keep playing, even if you're dying every few seconds, if you want to get good at this game. Believe me, that's how I did it. Steam says I have over 60 hours playtime, but most of that is probably just having the game running in the background. But still: I would estimate at least about 20 hours playtime to be able to get to the last (the black-white) stage.

3. Turn off VSync. I'm not kidding: Do it. VSync, even though it eliminates screen tearing, introduces some serious delay. And no, this is not just for some people. If VSync is activated, you will have a slight delay to all your input. In other games, that may be acceptable, but Super Hexagon is all about precision and timing. It doesn't work. Just turn it off. And personally, I don't even notice a difference (in graphics, that is. The delay is now gone, obviously).

4. Play in fullscreen. At least when you're new at the game. You will be able to see better as everything is bigger. That's it. Plain and simple. If you keep dying, this might be worth considering, especially since you can't resize the window if you decide to play in windowed mode. If I'm going for a new personal best, I also like to play in fullscreen.

5. As soon as you get to a higher time and your heart starts beating like crazy, take deep periodic breaths. Though your heart doesn't really slow down, it still helps to stay a little more calm. Still, be very careful now: When you are that nervous, the smallest mistake could throw you off and kill you.

Now, on to some more specific, less important tips.

6. If your record doesn't get uploaded into the leaderboards for some reason, don't panic. As long as it updates your personal best in the main menu, the game will try to keep uploading your record to the leaderboards, it's just a matter of time and it happens, sometimes. This is also true if you play the game offline: Obviously your record won't be uploaded to the leaderboards until you go online, but even then it's going to take a little. Just keep playing the same mode and it should try to upload your record each time you die. If it still doesn't work, try again some other day. Your PB (personal best) won't get deleted, as long as it displays it in the main menu.

7. Play using the mouse. That's my personal preference, at least: LMB (Left Mouse Button) and RMB (Right Mouse Button) to play, MMB (Middle Mouse Button) to suicide or go back a menu and both LMB + RMB at the same time to go forth a menu (though it's undoubtedly easier to just use the arrow keys and space for navigating the menus, believe me). Of course, you can play using a controller (and the shoulder keys) or the keyboard, but I've found that the mouse just works best for me due to the low pressure that needs to be applied, resulting in more reaction time overall.

8. If you're wondering about all the different patterns and the best strategy to them, go visit the "Super Hexagon 101" guide here on Steam. Honestly, it's a lot more in-depth and it describes every single pattern, it even gives pictures to each one. However, there were some things missing in that guide in my opinion, this is why I created one myself.

9a. Turn off the sounds entirely. This will disable both the announcer's voice and the music, so you will be able to listen to your own music or videos in the background, whatever you prefer.

9b. If you still want to have the music in, but not the distracting announcer's shoutouts, replace the respective sound files in steamapps/common/Super Hexagon/data/sounds with silent .wav files (simply create an empty sound track using an audio/video editor of your choice, I used Sony Vegas, for example). Thanks to Colonel Thirty Two for this tip.

10. Don't freak out during the sudden rotations, especially in the black-white stage. After a certain time, you should be able to go through a pattern with your eyes closed as soon as you've seen it. That's because you will have gone through these pattern so many times, it'll have become second nature to you. Instincts will guide you through, you don't even have to think anymore.

11. This one's more of a funny technical glitch than a hint. Basically, if you mess with your sound settings in the sound manager and manage to disconnect all available sound sources (so Super Hexagon can't output any sound), then the Hexagon in the middle will stop beating in each mode. It's funny, because it will stay in a specific size, and it won't grow or anything.

12. If for whatever reason you don't feel like paying a dollar for a good game, Open Hexagon is an open-source (that is, free) alternative. I haven't played it myself though so I can't say how good it is.

If you have more questions or suggestions for tips, please let me know in the comment section so I can expand this guide accordingly.
Hyper Hexagonest Tips
"What about the other levels?", you might say, staring at the section title. The answer is, the other modes are pretty simple and straight-forward. Sure, it will take you some time to be able to do them one-handedly (actually, I don't know why you would play this game with more than one hand), but there are no patterns or anything in there that you need a specific explanation for.

That is different for the Hyper Hexagonest stage. If you've played it (or if you have eyes and just take a look to the left), you'll know what I'm referencing here.
This pattern will literally drive you insane if you play Hyper Hexagonest for the first time(s), and you always fail at this pattern, simply because you cannot take a good look at it due to the speed of the stage and you have no clue what to do. Well, here's what:

Right, right, left, left, left

That's all there is to it. Tap right two times, then tap left three times. Try it, and after a few attempts, you should be able to do it. You will have this awesome feeling as in "Yes! I did it!" I know it, I've had that feeling myself.

Secret Tactic
But that was just the standard, "normal" way to complete that pattern. But that would be to boring for me, so I experimented a little and found out an alternate way to actually do it. Not kidding. It's:

Sway left until you're through the third gap, then tap left two times.

The good thing about this tactic? There is none! Only a lunatic would apply this, as it is a lot more difficult than the standard way (I do it, sometimes). You can't even really use it if you just happen to press Left first instead of Right, because you need to hold left down as soon as you're through the first gap, and you can't release it unless you passed the third (or is it the fourth? I can't really count during this speed) gap, so it's a lot more unforgiving than the "actual" way. Only try this if you feel fancy.

In the black-white stage or the vortex stage, as I like to call it, there is an additional pattern, that looks exactly like the previous one. The only difference is its structuring, in that one pattern involves you going

Right, Right, Left, Left, Left (upper picture)

and the other one makes you go

Right, Right, Right, Right, Right (bottom picture)

You may not recognize the latter. For good reason, because the last time it appeared was in the Hexagon stage. If you don't believe me, go play that again until you've encountered this pattern. Of course it won't look black and white, but it's still the same.
Anyhow, this confuses a lot of people - me included. The trick is to take a quick look at it as soon as you encounter either one of the patterns. After some time, you will be able to keep them apart as the gaps are at a different place for each pattern (obviously).

Secret Tactic
You thought that'd be it? Wrong! Of course, feeling fancy, I have not only developed an alternate tactic for the RRLLL pattern, but also for the RRRRR pattern! It works as follow:

Tap right, right, then sway left until you're through the last gap

I know, the other hidden tactic actually proved to be a lot more difficult than the standard way. It's different with this, though: It's especially useful, if you couldn't take the said quick look at the pattern, to see if it's the RRLLL or RRRRR one, and you have to decide quickly. The first two taps are the same as in the RRLLL pattern, and the direction after that (going left) is the same, as well - the only difference is that you have to hold Left down in this case, whereas in the RRLLL pattern you just have to tap it three times. This has gotten me out of some deep trouble a lot of times already. Just make sure to stop at the right moment and not pass by the last gap, that would be quite bad.

Of course, that's not it. There are a lot of other patterns in the black-white stage, but you'll figure them out after some time, and as far as I've experienced, there are no hidden tactics you can use for any of the other patterns. The biggest difficulty in the black-white stage is the fact that the top and bottom of the screen are actually cropped. Of course. After all, most screens these days have an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 16:10 (width:height), so it's always not as high as it is wide. But in this game, that makes the biggest difference, as you can see less to the top and bottom than you can for the left and right. You'll notice that when you begin playing more of the black-white stage. Most times you're dying will be because you couldn't see whether the gap was at the top or at the bottom quickly enough. I know it, I experience it everyday, and of course, besides of a better reaction time, there's not a whole lot you can do about it. You will just have to keep playing, as always, and at some point, you're not going to die very often anymore due to this.

That was my Super Hexagon guide. As I've said, if you have any suggestions, questions or other feedback, please tell me in the comment section below. Thanks, and good luck!
116 commentaires
Azure 11 févr. 2023 à 16h25 
How do you avoid overshooting? It is the reason for most of my deaths
Chef 10 mai 2022 à 11h03 
The V-Sync tip is some next level s**t.
Norrisaurus 3 mars 2022 à 7h32 
Oddly enough, I've always handled the first pattern you put by tapping in the direction of the spiral 2-3 times, then holding the direction
Idiot Savant✔ 5 oct. 2021 à 0h35 
The amount of tearing with Vsync disabled makes it unplayable for me. but good guide thanks
TheDoginator 20 aout 2021 à 23h07 
with 11, it also works if you just delete the music from the game (or what i did was change the name of the music folder to disable it)
alkohol 23 mai 2021 à 3h49 
Great notes. This v-sync thing really matters, I always noticed delays between mouse click and triangle moving, but didn't know that it happens because of v-sync
paper2222 23 mai 2021 à 0h27 
for 9b, you don't have to replace the wav with a silent 0 second sound, you can just remove it. no error is gonna pop up
coul_tn 26 févr. 2021 à 6h32 
is there any other way to practice post-60 second hyper hexagonest besides getting there yourself
solamon77 15 oct. 2020 à 0h49 
Wow, you are so right about VSync. I beat my record the very first time I ran the game with it turned off. It's like I had complete control over the puck for the first time.
Duns 27 sept. 2020 à 9h51 
Disabling VSync immediately raised my record by 50sec. Thanks a lot!