Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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L.U.I.S Little Jump Tug
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Type: Blueprint
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891.711 KB
22 Jun 2018 @ 11:05pm
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L.U.I.S Little Jump Tug

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Sir Luis
L.U.I.S Utility Space Ships
Item 20
Lets Use It Strategically Presents

L.U.I.S Little Jump Tug NO MODS.100% Vanilla Survival Ready.

what is it?

it is a large grid.

the short story

this ship is fairly small tug with jump drive.

the long story. aligns to use solar power with isy script.
2. runs off solar power only. [has alot of batteries like 10 or 12]
3. ship printer friendly.

Heavy armor casing.
not exactly cheap to build since you need alot of metal grids.