Soccer Online: Ball 3D

Soccer Online: Ball 3D

159 ratings
100% Achievements Guide
By ♿ SoSo
I will try to explain you how to unlock all the achievements for Ball 3D: Soccer Online.
First Goal
Score your first goal.

Start a Bot or a normal game and score a goal.

Score at least 3 goals in one match.

Start a Bot or a normal game and score 3 goals.

Ball 3D Player
Play and finish a Ball 3D match.

Finish a normal game. It takes 4-6 minutes, depending on the score (if it's a tie, the game will go to overtime). The achievement doesn't unlock playing a Bot game.

The Winner
Win a Ball 3D match.

Win a normal game. It takes 4-6 minutes, depending on the score (if it's a tie, the game will go to overtime). The achievement doesn't unlock playing a Bot game.

Score a goal and catch other player with the UFO celebration.

Start a Bot game and let bot Joe score a goal. Joe has the UFO celebration.

Send some love to other players <3

Start a normal game, press ESC and you should have a chat window in the middle of the screen. Just write "<3" in there and the achievement should unlock.

Basically you have to write "<3" in chat. But the reason why people have issues unlocking this achievement is because the achievement doesn't unlock if you write it by pressing enter and writing "<3" while in game. You have to press ESC and write it in the lobby chat.
окурок пивной 19 Feb @ 7:12am 
Edelhopfen 31 May, 2024 @ 8:18am 
Thanks a lot
♿ SoSo  [author] 28 Aug, 2023 @ 11:47am 
You are all welcome!!:100percent::lunar2020hearteyesrabbit:
Equip Monk 27 Aug, 2023 @ 4:13pm 
good stuff, thank you
HWMN 20 Jun, 2023 @ 7:57am 
thanks buddy :CapSta_Pow::CapSta_Pow::lol_tk:
Jeff Redd 25 Mar, 2023 @ 1:27pm 
qixhex 1 Feb, 2023 @ 7:54am 
Killua 30 Jan, 2023 @ 1:09pm 
Kudos for the last achievement.
Sending Love :ElizaHeart:
machu 28 Jan, 2023 @ 8:37pm 
raul_avlis 24 Jan, 2023 @ 4:23pm 