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The Broke Man's Grinder (DW Approved)
By Chuck
Today for this build we will be using an underappreciated perk deck, Ex-President, in conjunction with the skills, Bullseye and Graze, as well as Crits and Dodge skills to practically mirror the effects of Grinder while being well off with about 15 more dodge than available when using a suit with Grinder.
Starting Facts
You will require the UE of Payday 2 for this, due to the weapons used.
  • Historical Pack
  • Western Pack
  • Yakuza DLC
  • Gage Mod Courier DLC

This is usable up to Death Wish, as the enemy damage in Death Sentence is much too ridiculous high to live for more than a few seconds, but you're welcome to try! You could probably use this build better than I ever could.

The key skill of this build is Graze. You are going to be using it most of the time, at least with my experience, due to a familiar reliability with snipers. The snipers that really shine in this build are the Nagant (Historical Pack) and the Repeater 1874 (Western Pack) due to their either high damage and nice pick-up (in the Nagant's Case) and a fast time in-between shots with very decent damage that can be capitalized upon with headshots (which you'll need with Bullseye, anyways.)

Aggressive Reload Aced is mostly for the Nagant, but the Repeater can quickly replenish it's magazine size too with or without the skill. Ammo Efficiency is taken for the Graze effectiveness, due to the headshots.

We will also be taking First Aid Kits and Inspire because while the build in full may make you feel like you have Grinder, Grinder itself is not invincible and benefits greatly from these, as well as the possibility of being downed and getting back up with low health.

Now the Enforcer skills are very simple.

Ace Resilience for Flashbang resistance, sort of like a quality of life skill. Die Hard and Transporter for objectives and utility, and basic Bullseye. You won't need it aced because simply, you won't be taking any large amounts of armor.

For Technician, the skills are simple as well.

Basic Hardware Expert for Utility, and Steady Grip for your sniper rifles and your secondary, although your secondary will most likely benefit more from this skill.

Now for the Ghost skills.

Take Chameleon (or don't) for more utility, in case you don't plan on going loud straight out of the gate. This one skill point can be used for many other skills, so if you would like, you can go without it.
Duck and Cover basic and Parkour Aced for movement speed as well as being able to reload your guns should you not keep track and run out in a jiff (and with the secondaries, that's usually the case.) Inner Pockets Aced for the point threshhold, as well as the extra concealment on your melee. Dire Need to abuse the armor-gate, as well as for an escape plan of sorts. Aced Sneaky for dodge, bringing you up to a maximum of 30.

Second Wind basic for emergency escapes, and if you play like me, you'll be triggering this effect a lot, but that's not bad (in my eyes,) it keeps you fast and alive. Optical Illusions basic because while you might be running dodge, you don't want enemies shooting at you all the time. Aced Low Blow for the crits, which your secondary benefits from, usually, and also helps with other things having to do with the sniper, such as specials, or when you can only get bodyshots.

Fugitive Skills are simple as well.

Nine Lives Aced for taking some potshots when you're down, and if you get a sniper headshot, you could possibly take out way more than one enemy should you be down within a group of them, as well as that extra down. The last skill for this build is Martial Arts. Because everyone needs training.
Loadout Option 1

Nagant Sniper Rifle
  • Short Barrel
  • Any boost
  • Compact Laser Module
  • Iron Sight
  • Discreet Stock

Micro Uzi
  • Custom Barrel
  • Funnel of Fun Nozzle
  • Concealment Boost (can be interchangeable with the Nagant i.e the Nagant has it instead.)
  • Auto Fire
  • No Stock
Loadout Option 2

Repeater 1874 Sniper Rifle
  • Completely unmodded. Boosts are welcome.

Bronco .44 Revolver
  • Flash Hider
  • +3 Concealment Boost
  • Ergo Wooden Grip
  • Pocket Surprise Barrel
  • Slimline Body
Any 32 Concealment melee will suffice.

I personally like to take the kunai for damage purposes, but the Buzzer or Electric Brass Knuckles will also be more than welcome to your teams should they require hostages.
Any will do, although I prefer the Incendiary Grenades due to its wide area range and I feel it clears out rooms faster sometimes.
Perk Deck & The Mechanics of the Build
Ex-President, of course.

If you don't know what it does, is it makes you able to store health with your kills, as well as your teammates'. And everytime your armor breaks, the health is available to be restored. When your armor regenerates, the health goes along with it, replenishing any health lost.

Important to know that all the health replenishes any lost, so even one health will take up all of the health you are going to take all the 210 maximum health that gets stored.

It's 10% dodge chance that just seems to be there like a consolation prize for not being grinder, allows you to get 30 dodge maximum with Sneaky, or up to about 50(?) with other dodge granting skills like Parkour aced.

Bullseye is used in this build because the healh will replenish even if you just get the 5 armor from Bullseye or regen it fully. Think of it in this build like a grinder-anarchist-rogue thing. It's a jack of all trades, master of none.
Final Thoughts
Use the build Run and Gun style as well as defensively. The higher the difficulty goes, the more defensively you will have to play, however. But as long as you use the Graze skill effectively with your sniper, you should rack up health (and so should your teammates, they're a big help) in no time.

Happy Heisting.
Spatial 17 Jan, 2020 @ 5:24pm 
doing a dodge based ex-pres is best used in conjunction with a tank build to help you out. With a good duo you could def do DS
PolishDogge 2 Sep, 2019 @ 8:11am 
If u dont want to use rouge then u can use..... Grinder.... Sociopath.... Ex-president... idk i dont use other perk decks
Agoraphobic decaf latte,please:) 30 Aug, 2019 @ 12:08pm 
"underappreciated perk deck" Didint know that 0_o

I am using ex-president on my main build and I wouldnt think its "underappreciated" :/... Its good option if you dont want to use Rogue.exe