Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Nedostatek hodnocení
Přidat do oblíbených
Odebrat z oblíbených
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 2
Play Time: 10 minutes
Assets: Components
Language: English
Velikost souboru
41.520 KB
29. lis. 2018 v 8.08
29. čvn. 2021 v 9.38
Poznámky ke změnám (4) – zobrazit

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Octi is a game of strategy that is really simple but quite fun.

NOTE: This game can be played with either 3 or 4 pieces, it's your choice, but from what I've seen, 4 is the standard (the number of prongs remains the same).

Pods=The octagonal pieces.

Prongs=The purple rectangles.

The rules are kinda simple, and can also be found on the internet explained mostly with pictures, which offers a better understanding of the game.I recommend googling the rules, but I've added them below as well.

A pod may not move until it has been equipped with at least one prong.
Once equipped, a pod may move in any of the directions indicated by its prongs.
On each turn, a player performs ONE of the following actions:

1) Add one prong to any friendly pod, thereby enabling the pod to move in that direction on subsequent turns.
Add that prong by rotating the prong in the desired direction and put it on top of the pod on the desired face of the octagon.

2) Move a friendly pod to an empty, adjacent square. You may only move a pod one square and only in a direction for which it is equipped with a prong.

3) Make a jump, or series of jumps.
-- A friendly pod may jump over pods of either color, in any direction indicated by its prongs.
-- A player may make a series of jumps in a single turn.
-- The square immediately behind each jumped pod must be vacant, and the player may not jump twice over the same square in the same turn.
-- At the end of the turn, the player may choose whether to capture some or all of the pods, of either color, that were jumped , or leave them in place.
-- A player is not obligated to jump when presented with the possibility – jumping is always optional. All captures are made at the conclusion of the turn.

Capturing prongs: A player who captures a pod, of either color, removes all the prongs from the captured pod. These prongs can be used by the player in subsequent turns.

WIN CONDITION: Land with a pod of yours on an enemy base tile (starting tiles of the enemy player).

Observation : A pod can only move once , unless it has captured/jumped over another pod using a direction and has the possibility of jumping/capturing another piece using another direction/same direction.

I made this mod because there are no places currently to play Octi online, and since it also wasn't in the TTS Workshop I've made it myself.
Počet komentářů: 3
wisty 18. říj. 2021 v 2.33 
thank you for this!! :p2cube:
Sotrav  [autor] 29. čvn. 2021 v 9.22 
I've fixed & updated the mod
yotamolenik 28. čvn. 2021 v 22.49 
first of octi is a great game! but i cant seem to play it right. i lunched the game from steam workshop and a message appeared asking if i want to import stuff. so i clicked import a few times but every time i got an error - something about files not on github anymore i think
any help would be appreciated