Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

240 ratings
A Complete Guide to 2013 Souvenirs
By Auror3k
Hey, I'm Auror3k and this is my complex and complete guide to 2013 souvenirs. Please enjoy and share this guide full of CS:GO's history.

[Part 1, The stickers]
These sticker commemorate the DreamHack Winter 2013 Major. 2013 souvenir stickers were the first stickers to enter Counter-Strike. These stickers cannot be obtained sealed. They are only obtainable applied to skins when you unbox a 2013 souvenir package. 2013 souvenirs only have one sticker applied when unboxed. 2013 souvenirs dropped with the sticker being scrapped from 20-30%, however this did not affect the appearance of the sticker. There are twelve stickers in total six classic and six foil, referred to as "foils" because there was no holographic (holo) stickers at the time.
[Part 2, Stickers rarity]
The sticker rarity breakdowns are as follows:

Non-foil stickers and blue snowflake foil: 13% each
Foils stickers minus the blue snowflake foil: 2% each

The blue snowflake foil's rarity matches that of non-foils due to its design and coding, which I'll explain later on.
[Part 3, Blue Snowflake .VS. Blue Snowflake (Foil)]
The “Blue Snowflake” and “Blue Snowflake (Foil)" are the only two stickers that have differing foil and non-foil layouts for the same sticker. As a result of this the game is coded to treat the blue snowflake foil like it's a separate sticker and is coded to not be a counter part to the blue snowflake, so it will have the same drop rate as non foils even though it is a foil.
[Part 4, The stickers rotation]
2013 souvenirs are unique in having sticker rotation. Sticker rotation is the degree of the angle the sticker is placed at, an 180-degree angle is the normal rotation for a sticker. With 2013 stickers the sticker is not always at a 180-degree angle.
[Part 5, Sticker size]
2013 souvenirs have different sizes for stickers, even for the same sticker in the same position.

[Part 6, Maps collections]
These are the map collections that 2013 souvenirs can come from:

Original Six:
1. Dust II
2. Train
3. Mirage
4. Safehouse
5. Lake
6. Italy

This Collection Only Has The Glitched "Souvenir R8 Revolver | Bone Mask":
7. Bank

[Part 7, Teams included]
These are the teams involved, Fnatic being the winner. The prize pool was $250,000 USD.

Norway - bsl (Jonas Alsaker Vikan)
USA - SirScoots (Scott Smith)

United Kingdom - Thorin (Duncan Shields)

USA - dunN (Corey Dunn)
United Kingdom - TosspoT (Stuart Saw)
Finland - lurppis (Tomi Kovanen)
Denmark - Anders (Anders Blume)
USA - Semmler (Auguste Massonnat)

Teams and members:

Ninja in Pajamas:
1. Sweden - f0rest
2. Sweden - GeT_RiGhT
3. Sweden - Xizt
4. Sweden - Fifflaren
5. Sweden - friberg

1. Denmark - gla1ve
2. Denmark - karrigan
3. Denmark - cajunb
4. Denmark - Pimp
5. Denmark - raalz

SK Gaming:
1. Sweden - pita
2. Sweden - twist
3. Sweden - xelos
4. Sweden - Delpan
5. Sweden - MODDII

Copenhagen Wolves:
1. Denmark - FeTiSh
2. Denmark - dupreeh
3. Denmark - Xyp9x
4. Denmark - device
5. Denmark - Nico

Universal Soldiers:
1. Poland - TaZ
2. Poland - NEO
3. Poland - pashaBiceps
4. Poland - Snax
5. Poland - byali

Natus Vincere:
1. Ukraine - Zeus
2. Ukraine - starix
3. Ukraine - ceh9
4. Russia - seized
5. Russia - kibaken

Astana Dragons:
1. Ukraine - ANGE1
2. Russia - Dosia
3. Kazakhstan - AdreN
4. Ukraine - markeloff
5. Russia - kUcheR

compLexity Gaming:
1. USA - Hiko
2. USA - seang@res
3. Canada - Semphis
4. USA - swag
5. USA - n0thing

1. Belgium - Ex6TenZ
2. France - NBK-
3. France - SmithZz
4. Belgium - ScreaM
5. France - shox

1. France - HaRts
2. France - ioRek
3. France - kioShiMa
4. France - KQLY
5. France - apEX

1. Sweden - JW
2. Sweden - flusha
3. Sweden - schneider
4. Sweden - Devilwalk
5. Sweden - pronax

1. USA - anger
2. USA - Skadoodle
3. USA - adreN
4. Canada - AZK
5. USA - DaZeD

LGB eSports:
1. Sweden - SKYTTEN
2. Sweden - eksem
3. Sweden - KRiMZ
4. Sweden - dennis
5. Sweden - olofm

Recursive eSports:
1. France - Happy
2. France - GMX
3. France - kennyS
4. France - Uzzziii
5. Switzerland - Maniac

1. Norway - ultra
2. Norway - centeks
3. Denmark - cadiaN
4. Denmark - aizy
5. Sweden - robiin

Reason Gaming:
1. Denmark - MSL
2. Denmark - coloN
3. Denmark - smF
4. Denmark - EXR
5. Denmark - LOMME
[Part 8, Rarest 2013 souvenirs]
These are the most wanted and rarest 2013 souvenirs. There is only one known Total Teamless souvenir to my knowledge. The market for most of these is scarce, especially for factory new skins with foil stickers.

1. Total Teamless (No souvenir information)

It is unknown why this has no information.

2. Valve Pre-Event Test (Valve squad alpha .VS. Valve squad bravo)

This one is rare because it was the Pre-Event Test, meaning they were testing to make sure everything was in working order. Very few packages were dropped because very few people watched it. Therefore there was little opportunity for the packages to be obtained.

3. Valve Pre-Event Test (NIP team A .VS. NIP team B)

This one is rare because it was the Pre-Event Test, more people were watching this one, but still very few, only a minuscule amount of more packages were dropped from this match.

4. Teamless (No team)

Teamless souvenir packages were dropped throughout the games of the tournament of winter 2013. As it is unknown why this happened, I believe they all come from another "Pre-Event Test" that was before the tournament was live, they didn't select team names, so these packages made it out of the system.

5. Exhibition Match (Team Tomi .VS. Team Duncan)

This match was just a practice match between team, "Tomi" Kovanen, in-game name Lurppis and team "Duncan" Shields, in-game name Thorin. Tomi and Duncan were commentators at the event.

Team Lurppis (or team Tomi Kovanen):
1. Ukraine - markeloff
2. USA - Skadoodle
3. USA - anger
4. Poland - pasha
5. France - KQLY

Team Thorin (or team Duncan Shields):
1. Russia - Dosia
2. France - kennyS
3. Poland - TaZ
4. Ukraine - starix
5. Sweden - Delpan
[Part 9, Swapped Teams]
If multiple matches were played with the same teams, it shows whatever team started on the CT side.

The first states, "This item commemorates The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries Counter-Strike Championship. It was dropped during the Grand Final match between Fnatic and Ninjas in Pyjamas."

The second states, "This item commemorates The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries Counter-Strike Championship. It was dropped during the Grand Final match between Ninjas in Pyjamas and Fnatic."

[Part 10, How to find 2013 souvenirs]
How to search by sticker, gun, condition and placement:

Go to, you can select normal or foil stickers, after that you can select wear or gun at the bottom left of the page. Then you hit "search" to search with the sticker in that position only, or you can hit "Search (ignore order)" for any gun (or your selected gun) with that sticker in any position.

How to search by match/game:

Go to the steam marketplace. Under the search bar hit "Show advanced options". Then hit Counter-Strike (you may need to scroll), and make sure to check "Include descriptions in search" and add the team names.

1. Team Tomi .VS. Team Duncan
2. Valve squad alpha .VS. Valve squad bravo
3. NIP team A .VS. NIP team B

Or using that format you can search for your own.

[Part 11, Pricing]
Pricing 2013 souvenirs is difficult.

One reason they are hard to price is there is so many one of ones.

A big price determinator is in the matches played. These souvenirs can be completely empty, lack team information, or be from an exhibition or pre-event match. There is only 1 skin completely empty. There are very few skins with no team information.

Here is a list of the matches by rarity:
1. The Grand Final match {Most Common}
2. Semifinal matches
3. Quarterfinal matches
4. Group Stage matches
5. The Exhibition matches
6. Teamless matches (Unknown matches)
7. Pre-Event matches
8. The Empty information gun (Unknown match) {Most rare}

Another big price determinator is sticker and placement. This applies to all the Counter-Strike souvenirs, but for 2013 it is more present. As it is super rare to get a foil in the best position. The Blue Snowflake is the most common foil. It is super rare to get a hitman foil in the best position for the AK-47, M4A4, M4A1-S, or AWP, they will be quite rare.

I removed the second part of the pricing section on October 19th, 2020, due to possible confusion. If you would like a price check on any 2013 skins, feel free to add me with questions.
[Part 12, Packages Dropped]
Grand Final: 3 Matches Total, 408,985 Views Total, November 30th 2013
Total Package Drops: 32,841; or 43% of total package drops.

Semi-Final: 5 Matches Total, 461,922 Views Total, November 30th 2013
Total Package Drops: 23,777; or 32% of total package drops.

Quarter-Final: 12 Matches Total, 503,455 Views Total, November 29th 2013
Total Package Drops: 9,052; or 12% of total package drops.

Group Stage: 20 Matches Total, 680,348 Views Total, November 28th-29th 2013
Total Package Drops: 6,275; or 8% of total package drops.

Exhibition Match: 2 Matches Total, 72,446 Views Total, November 30th 2013
Total Package Drops: 3,985; or 5% of total package drops.

Coming soon!
Valve Pre-Event Tests: 2 Matches Total, ? Views Total, November 28th 2013
Total Package Drops: ?

Packages are NOT map specific, you can get any maps (meaning collections), the only thing that stays the same is the team names that played. So if you open a package that was dropped on a Dust 2 game, you can get a Mirage item.
[Part 13, Items Opened]
Blue Snowflake: Items opened 6,239; or 13% of total items.
Blue Snowflake (Foil): Items opened 6,630; or 14% of total items.

Mountain: Items opened 6,202; or 13% of total items.
Mountain (Foil): Items opened 1,022; or 2% of total items.

Frosty the Hitman: Items opened 6,184; or 12% of total items.
Frosty the Hitman (Foil): 1,059; or 2% of total items.

Shooter: Items opened 6,328; or 13% of total items.
Shooter (Foil): Items opened 962; or 2% of total items.

Shooter Close: Items opened 6,016; or 12% of total items.
Shooter Close (Foil): Items opened 935; or 2% of total items.

Polar Bears: 6,221; or 13% of total items.
Polar Bears (Foil): 976; or 2% of total items.

This trend will follow as more are opened.
[Part 14, Theoretical]
Since the 2013 Dreamhack major, the R8 was added, and R8 skins were added into souvenir collections, like the R8 Bone Masked. The R8 Bone Masked was not intentionally supposed to be for 2013 souvenirs, but since they made the mistake, they have not reversed it. This means, so long as the coding stays the same for the collections, you could in theory get a 2013 Souvenir R8 Amber Fade.
[Part 15, Conclusion]
2013 souvenirs are an amazingly odd addition to the game. For the stickers involved and the matches played, we all must agree these skins are a great addition to the game. The market for most of them is scarce, so get on the train now! Thank you for reading my guide, I am Auror3k and this is the end of my complete guide to 2013 souvenirs. Please Favorite, like, and share because I updated every day I get new information.

Balcika 2 Feb @ 8:49am 
still better than shanghai 2024
Ivdea Delenda Est 30 Jan @ 9:46pm 
I've been into skins for a decade and I didn't realize there were foil versions of these stickers until now. I want one now but I'm really not trying to spend 50 bucks on a field tested gray lmao, only if I'd known back in the day prob could've gotten once for a few bucks.
goonz 26 Jan @ 12:22pm 
i don't know why my love with this souvenir is different from the rest, istg i prefer get a whole loadout with 2013 dh's souvenirs rather than a dragon lore souvenir
𝘼𝙧𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙘 (Cozy) 6 Jul, 2024 @ 1:43am 
I have a wonderful Polar Bears Foil perfect condition/best placement (sizing to be determined but is at least mid or high tier sizing) and a few other pieces from DreamHack 2013 if any interest please comment on my screenshots or artwork
Volt 25 Jun, 2024 @ 2:47am 
Still Buying and Searching for some of those skins :P
crz 10 Jun, 2024 @ 2:39pm 
I have a scar20 with blue snowflake on it, don't know what its worth
🧮 1 Jun, 2024 @ 6:53am 
I already own most of these they are ok but there are much nicer skins and stickers out there with better value too
Cimbi. 31 Mar, 2024 @ 6:54pm 
Cool stuff, theye are going up in prices a lot!
Snips 23 Feb, 2024 @ 5:55am 
22.02.2024 - different rotation is back
SubokaJ 20 Nov, 2023 @ 1:19pm 
Hey :D Could you Price check my UMP Blaze with the frosty the Hitman foil? I bought it from csfloat a couple months back and I'm so much in love with the skin. It's just the perfect skin with the flames and the frotsy fighting in :)