Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Animated-Gyroscopes-replace vanilla
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Script
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21.684 MB
5 gen 2019, ore 16:18
10 lug 2020, ore 9:41
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Animated-Gyroscopes-replace vanilla

Ever wanted those gyroscopes to look a bit more lively like they are actually doing something? Well now you can with these animated gyroscopes.

This version replaces vanilla gyroscope

There are two versions of the large grid, one with externally rotating sphere, and the other with a rotating wheel inside the sphere.

this mod is incompatible:
Unofficial Space Engineers Patch Beta
there is nothing that can be done to make them work together - it's straight up overwriting the model and after that there is no subpart for my script to pick up

**Now rotates with ship movement**

This version does NOT replace vanilla gyros.

Hope you all enjoy this mod, and if you like this one please check out The Rest of my Workshop.
Visit my Discord server Ntech Mods[]
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (1)
12 giu 2022, ore 12:55
something weird goin on.
133 commenti
disCro 19 ott 2024, ore 12:05 
can you make a mod that gets rid of the prototech gyro animation
Shoku 'Jetwash' Silverfall 22 ago 2024, ore 18:13 
There are scripts (autopillock, SCAM mining) that require you to orient a gyro correctly to "face front".
NightReaper 14 mag 2024, ore 12:26 
Ah, I meant for small grid, I should have specified
YOYOMAN_MODDER 13 mag 2024, ore 11:20 
sync bug is still or fixed?
nukeguard  [autore] 7 mag 2024, ore 16:42 
If small grid, I don't really see a point
nukeguard  [autore] 7 mag 2024, ore 15:37 
The terminal on the gyro would be an indication.
NightReaper 6 mag 2024, ore 23:16 
Any chance you could add a way to tell which side of the gyro is the front?
Once the sphere has rotated a bit, it's hard to tell
Titan Nya 5 giu 2023, ore 6:15 
Yeah the sync issue in SP is a thing... Still not a big problem :p
The Soulkeeper 30 mag 2023, ore 16:07 
im getting sync issues on single player
nukeguard  [autore] 28 mag 2023, ore 14:41 
I don't think I can fix sync issues with subparts drifting away