Arma 3
1,638 ratings
DUI - Squad Radar
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Equipment, Mechanics
File Size
1.749 MB
28 Jan, 2019 @ 11:09am
9 Mar @ 5:37am
30 Change Notes ( view )

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DUI - Squad Radar

A UI showing unit positions and names of units in your squad

This clientside mod shows a compass in the bottom middle of you screen and a list of people in your current squad. It is made with SQF commands which recently have been added to Arma3 and were not available back in the days of Arma2 or early Arma3. Meaning no weird workarounds with map elements are needed anymore which just eat more frames.
A strong point of this UI is its customizability and its many features are all settable with CBA settings. This mod is made as an alternative to STHUD (not the full STUI suite).

Squad Radar
A compass showing all nearby units in your squad. Additionally you can show your bearing in number format above this compass. Has support for occlusion, different ranges, colors, icons and so on!

Shows who is in your squad, which role they have and in which team color they are in.
Support for SQL, Medic, AT, Engineer, Demolition expert and Autorifleman!

Similar to the hexagon indicators the vanilla base game offers, but much more customizable!

Buddy system
Choose a squad mate to be your buddy, they will get a unique icon in your namelist, radar and indicators, so you can find them easily.

Wanna know who someone is, just look at them. Nametags show the name, rank and group of the unit you are looking at.

Highly customizable
Tons and tons of CBA settings available, set the refresh rate of the radar, scale things up and down, you choose, this is your personal preference and style!

Arma 3 Layout editor support
Enable the layout editor support in the CBA settings and move around the radar and name list to where ever you want them to be. Scaling also supported!

Currently English, French, Czech, German, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese and Russian are supported. You can help expand this list or fix things up!

ACE3 Support
Playing with ACE3? Support in terms of unit classes and ACE interactions have been added!

ACRE and TFAR (both versions) Support
Additional support for popular radio mods, such as indicators when someone is speaking

SQF Bytecode support
DUI comes pre packaged with SQF Bytecode, that is all scripts are precompiled and pre optimized to run faster during game play

And more in the future!

Special Variables
DUI has a special variable mission makers can use.

Array of objects in missionNamepace. Every unit or vehicle in this array will be tracked on compass. Be aware that this might be a performance issue if too many objects are added. Be also aware that you do not add a unit that is already in your squad, or else you have 2 icons for that unit.

Q: What does DUI mean?
A: I leave that up to you ;)

Q: Possible more icon, color or compass styles in the future?
A: Sure, I am very open for suggestions and people helping to make some

Q: I found a bug, where do I report it?
A: Best post that to the GitHub page, makes things easier to organize

Q: Can you add this feature?
A: Head over to the GitHub page and request it in the issue tracker, or make a pull request. Everyone is welcome :)

Q: Hey, I am from server XYZ can we use this mod?
A: Sure! Keep the license in mind tho

Q: How do I use the buddy system?
A: Be in the same squad with your person of choice, look at them and be close to them. It will appear in your scroll wheel menu. If you use ACE3 however, you have to ACE interact with that person!

Q: Does the namelist support more than 12 people
A: Yup, not sure why you have that many people in one squad, but yeah. As long as your screen has width.

Q: Can I move the UI elements around?
A: Yes! Best refer to the bottom of this post[]

Q: Can I safely delete PBOs I do not want?
A: Yes! The "main" PBO and the "radar" one are required however!

Known Issues
People running custom FOV settings will have a distorted compass. Sadly that has to be fixed by BI. If you want to use the compass component then you have to reset your FOV to the standard settings.
Here is the bug report ticket to BI detailing the issue, it is however very old and will most likely NEVER be fixed:

Some icons have small artifacts when rotating. This is an issue that is caused by the script commands used. BI would need to fix that or the vanilla icons would need an edit
Ticket, it is however very old and will most likely NEVER be fixed:

BI Thread[]
GitHub Repo[]

Thanks for testing during development
FPArma[] (Discord[])

Copyright 2019 diwako

This work (diwako_dui or the like) uses the license Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)
For your Steam accounts safety, do not reupload it to the workshop as it violates Steam Subscriber Agreement section 6B.

Copyright 2019 diwako. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named diwako
Popular Discussions View All (9)
22 Jul, 2024 @ 12:48am
UI Streches with diffrent FOV
21 May, 2023 @ 10:51pm
Requesting permission to bundle
9 Dec, 2021 @ 3:01am
Add shortcut/Hotkey to hide/show namelist
diwako  [author] 7 Mar @ 7:31am 
New major feature added!
The line compass component has been added, see the wiki entry for a bit more information
simonusios 3 Mar @ 1:11pm 
You're a legend! Thanks!
diwako  [author] 3 Mar @ 12:45pm 
simonusios 3 Mar @ 12:00pm 
Hey, I have a quick question.

How do I temporarily disable the squadradar while I'm playing a cinematic? There must be a variable somewhere, you even have the keybind set up to toggle it. I just cant find the variable :)

diwako  [author] 22 Feb @ 4:43am 
It is an open source project, feel free to create a pull request with the changes. There is a pending update with a new feature in the works anyways, so now is a good time for that.
Elitehunter34 22 Feb @ 4:11am 
Got it yeah. For my purposes that would be a bit clumsy, especially since it's mainly for a player in my group and not myself. Personally I think a small update to the mod to change the max values for the group indicators in the addon options to as high as you want.

Server owners can always override it at a certain value with the addon override options if desired I believe right? I think that doing that could be the best of both worlds.
diwako  [author] 22 Feb @ 3:58am 
Those are 2 variables, yes you can dynamically change their value with the debug console, or mission file or even another mod.
Elitehunter34 22 Feb @ 3:52am 
Right, I know you can adjust those in the files, I've done the same for the original STUI mod, but since it still works it's not worth the effort. I mainly wanted to see if this mod handles it differently. Unless you mean you can use those commands to adjust them in game through the debug console?
SeaCaptainJim 19 Feb @ 1:54pm 
I'll harass BI! Don't stress it!

Thanks for getting back to me!
diwako  [author] 18 Feb @ 10:56pm 
There is currently no getter command for setCompassDeclination or setCompassOscillation. Nothing much i can do, other than introduce a variable or function in DUI that the mission maker also needs to use.

DUI was initially made for milsim, thus it was restricted to 50 meters max for the radar and 100 meter for the indicators.

The vanilla indicators were hidden using a config edit, which is not toggable due to the static nature of many config entries.

However, since this is all just code and DUI is made with mission makers and developers that know SQF in mind, you can simply set these variables to what ever numeric value you desire
"diwako_dui_indicators_range" and "diwako_dui_indicators_range_crew"