Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Drivable Tank by Farboid
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Content Type: Dupe
Dupe Tags: Vehicles
4.249 KB
3. aug. 2013 kl. 16:10
1 ændringsbemærkning ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
Drivable Tank by Farboid

Forward: Up Arrow
Backwards: Down Arrow
Turn Right: Right Arrow
Turn Left: Left Arrow
Turn Turret Left: 2 (on keypad)
Turn Turret Right: 1 (on keypad)
Fire Turret: 3 (on keypad)

You will want to replace the camera when you spawn it because cameras don't seem to work when you dupe them. Just weld a new camera to the barrel.
You will need to go no-clip to get into the vehicle.
The vehicle contains two seats, decent speed and turning ability, decent stability and a controlable turret. Small missiles can be fitted into the turret.
You may need to reset the weights by clicking on each part with your physgun if they do not appear to be on the weights that I have set them.

Turret Mod

Recommended Mods:
Explosive Entities (so that you can build missiles for the turret or make the vehicle explodable which makes for great tank fights)