Space Engineers

Space Engineers

2,355 ratings
SmartRotors: Solar
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block
File Size
26.515 MB
Apr 30, 2019 @ 7:59pm
Nov 22, 2024 @ 5:08pm
23 Change Notes ( view )

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SmartRotors: Solar

SmartRotors, rotors with built-in functionality for ease of use.
This is the solar variant, it automatically tracks the sun. Other variants to follow later, currently planned are VTOL and PMW.

Isn’t this the same effect as running a script on rotors? Yes.
But I can run this on a server where scripts are disabled? Also yes.

Simply place the base part and a 2 axis solar tracking system is automatically set up.

Some welding required if in survival mode.
This is composed of a baseplate and a hinge rotors.
For single-axis tracking, remove the 2nd axis hinge parts and the baseplate will continue to work.
You will notice the shiny dome “sensor” always faces the sun. Place the solar panels to the rotor ends appropriately, the system will continue to track as the sun or the grid it’s mounted to is moved.

Included in this mod:
  • SmartRotor:Solar; Conveyored style for large grid O2 and/or solar farming.
  • SmartRotor:Solar Type B; Double-ended style, non conveyored, for large and small grid.
  • Solar support; This is a large grid pole with panel mounting structure to mount solar panels to.
  • Simple rotor; Vanilla logic versions of the slim baseplate rotor and hinge, small and large grid. Feel free to use these for any application.

Additional notes:
If the structure seems unstable, try turning the torque down. Same issue as with other rotor scripts, the feedback loop is not "one size fits all" so it helps to tune the motor's power to the weight of your solar structure.
Additionally, consider that the maximum torque is the same as vanilla rotors. If in gravity, too heavy of an array may not work, try to build it in a balanced way so that not so much torque is required, or split it into multiple smaller arrays.
The "Share Inertia Tensor" is a good option to increase stability as well, especially for large arrays on slow moving craft or bases.
There is a plain 15m (6 block) version of the support pole included in the MA Stackable Wind Turbines mod, it is a handy way to get your array off the ground.

Known Issues:
Unable to reattach top part on slim bases. Re-adding works.
Automatic placed hinges will not work in cockpit tools bars. (good thing they are automatic)
Unable to delete automatic placed solar hinge top part with CTRL + X shortcut when creative tools enabled.

Those seem rather minor compared to the gained function

Art and assets: AutoMcD
Programming and functionality: SISK
Support testing and help: Nukeguard, Mattacon
This mod may not be re-uploaded without permission.

Satisfied with this mod? Hit that thumbs-up button.
Want some say on what happens next? Consider buying us some beer, we appreciate it.
Auto:Patreon[], Paypal[].
Sisk:Patreon[], Paypal[].
Popular Discussions View All (13)
Dec 5, 2024 @ 4:59pm
Please report any issues/bugs/crashes >HERE<
Apr 15, 2023 @ 2:34am
Automatons update conflict: hinges movement properties vanished
Feb 24 @ 3:43am
Solar Rotor issues
AutoMcDonough  [author] 17 hours ago 
I probably am not going to be adding any updates to this aside from the occasional bugfix. Have you checked out Nukeguard's rotors? He made a bunch of little ones that are convenient for turrets and whatnot.
Nighthunter Feb 16 @ 4:18am 
@AutoMcDonough and @🅂🄸🅂🄺 Might I be able to make a request to you both for this incredible mod? Could you add a version of the Simple / Flat Rotor with 3 1 Block connections on the rotor head (like on the vanilla Conveyor Converter block) instead of a large connection point? I often use your mod to make Custom turrets and run in to problems with connecting a small 1x1 hinge over the rotor.
Bunnies&Cherris Jan 16 @ 10:50pm 
I completely agree, thwack19. I have played this game inconsistently since then, but this mod stays consistent.
thwack19 Jan 12 @ 9:59am 
I just wanted to post a huge THANK YOU to the mod authors! I subbed to this mod back in '19, and it has been an integral part of my engineering since.
O_T Jan 2 @ 10:45am 
That's what I thought. I guess it's sad for the mod but great for the game.
🅂🄸🅂🄺  [author] Jan 2 @ 3:18am 
@O_T no, the vanilla tracking is probably better. This mod existed before we got the turret controller in SE.
O_T Jan 2 @ 2:48am 
Is the mod doing anything better then the new vanilla blocks, aside using a little less space?
MagicMarker Jan 1 @ 6:21am 
Never was setting up an auto-aligning solar array easier than with this absolutely fan-fricken'-tastic mod! Thanks for sharing.

It works very well with Isy's Solar Alignment Script. The alignment part of the script is redundant, of course, but the rest of the script is still useful.
Slimger Nov 22, 2024 @ 6:59pm 
Everything is cool, it works, only the light pickup is directed in the opposite direction
Slimger Nov 22, 2024 @ 6:37pm 
You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!