Nuclear Dawn

Nuclear Dawn

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Player Class Guide
By Vertex
Explains the purpose of each class and the best situations to use them.
Assault Class
Infantry Kit
Infantry kit is a relatively light weight class designed for killing enemy units.

Sprinter is used at the start of the round, to reach resource points faster. It increases your movement speed by a substantial amount. This is useful when no forward spawns are built.

Advanced Munitions is used most of the time to increase damage dealt to enemy units. This is the best gizmo for this class. Experienced players use this gizmo for most of the game.

Armour Piercing rounds is useful for killing exos. It doubles the damage, at the expense of dealing 20% less damage to other units. The best use case is with a lot of exos on the battle field.

Kinetic Field is used when capturing the primary resource point. It shields against the first instance of commander ability or grenade damage. This should be used constantly on the Corner map.

Grenadier Kit
Grenadier Kit is a relatively light weight class designed for a hybrid of killing structures and enemy units. It has trouble killing exos, but the shotgun packs a punch if you're attacked while destroying structures. This class is used when enemy structures are a long walk from a forward spawn.

Sprinter is one of the most useful gizmos for this class, mainly because nothing else is balanced. It increases your movement speed by a substantial amount.

Marksman Kit
Markmans kit is a sniper class, which has a visor to see invisible stealth units. It does a high amount of damage and can kill most units in 1-2 shots; however, it's very difficult to aim.

Snipers are a temporary class, which should be used for short bursts of time. The best use case is to hit units unreachable to other forums of infantry. For instance, killing exos with lots of health.

Advanced Munitions is used most of the time to increase damage dealt to enemy units. This is the best gizmo for this class. Experienced players use this gizmo for the most of game.

Armour Piercing rounds is useful for killing exos. It doubles the damage, at the expense of dealing 20% less damage to other units. The best use case is with a lot of exos on the battle field.
Exo Class
Suppression Kit
Suppression kit is a slow-moving class with a chaingun, designed for killing enemy units. Its high amount of health and ammo makes it ideal for big battles with large groups of infantry.

Don't forget to press f to engage lockdown mode. This greatly increases weapon accuracy, by reducing the bullet spread (recoil); while, being hit by enemy units.

Armadillo reduces the amount of damage caused by enemy infantry. This is the most ideal gizmo because it helps the unit stay alive for longer and inflict more damage.

Siege Kit
Siege kit is a slow-moving class with a railgun or rocket launcher designed for killing structures. It's the most useful class, especially when supplies and forward spawns are nearby.

Magazine Compression should always be used when your squad has wrecking crew. It increases the amount of ammo your weapon has. This combination makes siege kit extremely overpowered.

Wrecking Crew is a gizmo which gives your squad increased structure damage. It's always preferable the commander uses this gizmo because they spend most of the game inside the bunker.

Siege Specialist 2 is an occasionally used gizmo which increases the damage and fire-rate of the main weapon. However, the pistol will deal less damage, making is hard to defend yourself.

Homewrecker is the most popular gizmo for this class. It increases the structure damage, but a little bit less than siege specialist. However, this gizmo is ideal for defending yourself when attacked.
Stealth Class
Assassin Kit
Assassin Kit is a fast-moving unit ideal for stabbing exos and capturing resource points.

Chameleo is a gizmo which increases the amount of time spent invisible. It also makes regeneration of the cloack much quicker. This gizmo is ideal for capturing resource points.

Melee Specialist is a gizmo which increases the amount of damage dealt by blades. This gizmo is ideal for back-stabbing exo units and killing them with one shot into the back.

Sniper Kit
Sniper kit is a sniper class, which allows you to go invisible when not firing the weapon. It does a high amount of damage and can kill most units in 1-2 shots; however, it's very difficult to aim.

Snipers are a temporary class, which should be used for short bursts of time. The best use case is to hit units unreachable to other forums of infantry. For instance, killing exos with lots of health.

Advanced Munitions is used most of the time to increase damage dealt to enemy units. This is the best gizmo for this class. Experienced players use this gizmo for most of the game.

Armour Piercing rounds is useful for killing exos. It doubles the damage, at the expense of dealing 20% less damage to other units. The best use case is with a lot of exos on the battle field.

Saboteur Kit
Saboteur kit is a anti-structure class, packed with Remote Demoted Explosives. This class is ideal for destroying smaller buildings such as artillery or supply stations.

Advanced Munitions slightly increases the amount of structure damage dealt. This is the best gizmo for this class because total damage is always the limiting factor for effectiveness.

Chameleo is a gizmo which increases the amount of time spent invisible. It also makes regeneration of the cloack much quicker. This gizmo is rarely used for large groups of turrets.
Support Class
Medic Kit
Medic Kit is a supporting class designed to assist teammates. It has three purposes which include dropping a medic kit to heal teammates, hypo-spraying teammates to temporarily boost their armor and throwing gas grenades to prevent the enemy team from holding a position.

Bunn is a gizmo designed for perform suicide rushes with gas grenades. It increases the amount of gas grenades from 4 to 6. Gas grenades should be evenly spaced out, when performing a suicide rush. Simply throwing them in one spot, will allow the enemy units to move to a different position.

Smooth Operator is a gizmo designed for supporting teammates. It greatly increases the healing speed of medic kits. This is best used to support exo units, while they defend or destroy structures.

Engineer Kit
Engineer Kit is a critical supporting class designed to repair structures. This role is very important attributing factor to the success or failure of the team. Structures are very costly to rebuild when destroyed. Repairing damaged buildings will free up resources for strategic investments.

It's highly recommended commanders exit their bunker and use this class to repair damaged buildings. The strategy of keeping buildings alive, while resources accumulate is very effective.

Smooth Operator greatly increases the repair speed of engineers. Experienced players use this gizmo for most of the game, unless their goal temporarily switches to EMPing buildings.

Bunn is an offensive gizmo designing for EMPing structures (knocking their power out). It increases the number of EMP grenades from 1 to 3. Each of the 2 ammo packs will grant 1 additional EMP.

BBQ kit is class designed for destroying enemy structures. It's most effective against transport gates or un-powered enemy buildings. The flame thrower can be aimed in such a way, multiple buildings can be damaged at once. Turrets make this class ineffective.

Support warfare increases the flamethrower damage and makes grenades deadly against structures. You can only explode 1 grenade at once, multiples cancel out and deal NO damage.

Magazine compression increases the ammo from 115 to 160 on Redstone. This is ideal for destroying large blocks of structures, without a supply station nearby.