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Space Industry (Habitat Overhaul) for 2.8.1
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Space Industry (Habitat Overhaul) for 2.8.1

In 1 collection by I'm A Distraction!
The Sober Bar Games Night
19 items
For the 3.0 version, please go to:
As 3.0's population changes are a bit contentious, I felt it best to keep the 2.8.1 version and make a new profile for the 3.0 one.


SIHO; Space Industry and Habitat Overhaul, updated to 2.8! Compared to vanilla habitats in 2.8, SIHO allows you to gain useful resources from almost any habitat's placement, allow habitats to be placed on asteroids and stars, and allow habitats to scale deeper into the late game.

Context Dependent Districts
Rather than just checking for resource deposits, habitats will also check for the type of planetary body they're built upon. Asteroids and most rocky planets allow for the astro mining districts. Ice asteroids, gas giants, toxic worlds, and luminous stars allow the generator district. And collapsars, shrouded worlds, and shielded worlds can support science districts.

Habitats can still not be built over moons, however any unlocked districts or deposits the moon would have given the habitat are added to any habitats built over the primary planetoid. In addition, habitats built over planets that possess moons or are gas giants get a free +2 district limit.

Also spiritualist empires do not produce leisure districts. Instead they can construct temple districts, which give a +5% spiritualist ethic attraction and three priest jobs.

Seamless Transition
You no longer need to build a colony ship and park it over to your newly constructed habitat. As soon as your habitat is finished building, it'll auto colonize with your Empire's primary species, reflecting the growing population of space miners (and administrators) that will surely welcome new fresh faced immigrants who didn't realize the toil it took to turn a dead space rock into a home for the family.

Deposit Scaling Modifiers
If you build a habitat over a planetary body with mineral, energy, or science deposits, the habitat will inherit the resource production of the deposit. In addition, for every 1 mineral, energy, or science deposit, the habitat will have a 5% bonus to job yields of that deposit type!

Void Dweller Tradition Swaps
Expansion Adoption and Finisher are swapped for Void Dwellers, giving them bonuses that are more important for a race that (near) exclusively settles on Habitats. The adoption will give a 10% faster megastructure build speed (allowing for new habitats to be built faster), and the finisher will give a 20% reduced upkeep on alloys for all your habitats, helping to deal with the resource cost of a sprawling habitat-based empire.

Late Game Habitats
Habitats in 2.7 suffer in the late game compared to planets because of how lackluster their city districts and capitals are compared to their planetary cousins. From technologies and traditions, planetary city districts gain the same housing as habitat cities, in addition to two clerks. This leads to a residency crunch as the late game approaches.

SIHO addresses this by making sure that the habitat city district will always be 50% better than their planetary counterpart. The housing of your habitat city district will increase by one with each city technology, and 2 for the prosperity tradition (to a maximum of 12), and also produces two clerks (with a third unlocked by the relevant prosperity tradition).

Planet View 2 The mod functions without this, but certain habitats (looking at you, Gas Giants) can have more than four districts, requiring this mod to properly function.

Bigger Planet View Can be used as an alternative to Planet View 2, if you want to not use the bigger building slots, or use a different max building mod of your choice.

The following vanilla files were overwritten with this mod;

In addition, the habitat technology, expansion adopt and finisher, and void dweller system initiation and starting script were over written. And scripted triggers for capital unlocks.

District Overhaul Compatability Mod Made by Arigas to address compatability issues between SIHO and DO.

Ancient Cache of Technologies Code made by Velaroz to address issues with SIHO. Load SIHO after ACOT if any other issues are discovered.

Special Thanks and Other Projects
Special thanks to the Stellaris Modding Den discord channel for helping me through with any questions I've had since starting to try my hand at modding.

Thanks to SushiSquid for writing the new code for reading the deposits and translating it to the resource bonuses for habitats.
Popular Discussions View All (3)
16 Apr, 2021 @ 12:02am
Suggestions & Ideas!
I'm A Distraction!
2 Jan, 2021 @ 11:02am
SIHO Update Ideas (2.0 designation pending)
I'm A Distraction!
19 Mar, 2021 @ 10:40pm
Bug Reports
I'm A Distraction!
I'm A Distraction!  [author] 14 May, 2021 @ 5:03am 
After delaying release for a week for bug hunting (which I didn't find any with some people doing QA, so of course there's going to be a ton), SIHO for 3.0 is finally released!

Major changes from the 2.9 version is the trade value bonus from habitats above colonies has been changed to a contextual bonus based on the habitat's districts. In addition, instead of colonies and moons giving more district caps for habitat, habitats can get up to +2 districts for upgraded colonial buildings.
I'm A Distraction!  [author] 25 Apr, 2021 @ 2:14am 
Unfortunately part of that is the population change, and I'm going with the mindset of balancing for the Flat Population Growth mod until Paradox handles the issue.

At the very least, adopting some of Pioneer's colony bonuses for habitats above them will help them to buff your planets, but I can't do much for Void Dwellers in the long run.
cil19800 23 Apr, 2021 @ 11:38pm 
The vanilla habitat has now fallen to the ground.
I'll be waiting for your update.
I'm A Distraction!  [author] 17 Apr, 2021 @ 9:24pm 
If not I'll be updating it in the coming week. Just contemplating any balance changes I want to make with the new pop system.
Cúchulainn 17 Apr, 2021 @ 7:30pm 
Hoping this still works with 3.*
SgtWhatsHisName 26 Mar, 2021 @ 5:46pm 
Uranus habitat has a messed up name, Sol starting resources are not very random any more with this mod. Incompatible with Better Sol System. Other than that i love the mod
I'm A Distraction!  [author] 23 Mar, 2021 @ 11:58pm 
@ZLP Unless I've forgotten any major bugs, it should be working on Federations. I did have to remove the auto-colonization start feature (due to 2.8 breaking that scripted trigger).
ZLP 23 Mar, 2021 @ 10:47am 
the mod still doesnt work with 2.8, does it?
SgtWhatsHisName 18 Mar, 2021 @ 10:47pm 
I Love this mod. Fits me perfectly, Habitat born and raised.
I'm A Distraction!  [author] 26 Feb, 2021 @ 8:54pm 
Its currently been removed because the last update broke the code for it. It'll be back in when its fixed.