A Kiss For The Petals - Remembering How We Met

A Kiss For The Petals - Remembering How We Met

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Steam 100% Achievement Guide
By GameMasterZer0
This is a guide for the easy way to get 100% of the achievements while doing something else on your computer or watching something else on TV or streaming.
This is a guide for the easy way to get 100% of the achievements while doing something else on your computer or watching something else on TV or streaming.
System Setup
At the main menu, click on the Systembutton
On the first page under the Skip Mode section, click on All.

Under both Auto Advance Speed and Text Speed sections, set the circle to max (all the way to the right).

Under BGM, SFX, and Voice sections, click on the Off button

Click on the OK button to save your settings. Your screen should look similar to this

Start the game and once the first dialog comes on screen, click on the Auto button. Enjoy!
FandF 🥗 28 Dec, 2023 @ 10:15am 
After clicking the auto button press skip as well. You will have to do it like 7-10 times but you get all achievements in ~2min
Altern@Tyff 25 Oct, 2022 @ 8:25am 
Excellent Guide.
Liam_Dollas 10 Oct, 2022 @ 10:51am 
Lol. The guide legit had more steps than i thought. Nice guide bro
飞天喵王 15 Jan, 2022 @ 7:52am 
nice job~!:cupup: