Warhammer: Chaosbane

Warhammer: Chaosbane

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Warhammer Chaosbane Farm Strategy ( XP Added) guide for gearing Tomb Kings now with potential exploits
Tekijältä mac2monster
My findings of the different play modes and their value.
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Guide Basics
With the vast amount of content quickly getting added, alot of people seem to wonder what to do and when. This is my interpretation of the content and it's usefulness to us as players.

Basically strategy for me is to hit 35 as fast as possible as that's when gear rights start to open, then to 50. At 50 you probably still have no real gear i/e red/green pieces and the ones you do suck. At 50, just yellows should allow you to do chaos 1 if your build is any decent. Be sure to have high dr and dps, dont slack on defense.

I run Chaos 1 Relic Hunts until I have a complete set, or good enough pieces to move to Chaos 2. Once a set has been attained Chaos 3-4 should be possible. ( by possible i mean 5 minute or less relic hunts. Once the main set is obtained that you will play, i move to chaos 4-5. Greens will appear more often here. Here is where all that Loot Quality will pay off.

Loot Quality basically effects the HIGH end roll on dropped gear. This is why no two pieces offer the same stat bonus's. The higher the loot quality, the higher the POTENTIAL rolls can be. I tend to get Loot Quality through Difficulty and not passives/gear. Unless it's 200% or more it's not even worth thinking about.

When you turn in gear to the collectors guild at rank 20 and it levels, you get the max loot (blessing mats) and a buff call Blessing of Luck. It lasts until you die ( you may have seen this as quest reward as well) and adds 300% loot quality 50% experience and gold.

The necklace that spawns enemy champions with high loot drops and gives Loot Quality based on Crit is insane for farming lower end content (Speeds especially). This is why Chaos 5 becomes ideal for Greens. Anything harder and DPS necklace become mandatory.

Difficulty Loot Quality
Chaos 1 1700
Chaos 2 2000
Chaos 3 2300
Chaos 4 2600 Ideal speed farm/difficulty setting for reds
Chaos 5 2900 Ideal Difficulty setting for speedfarming greens (you should be able to
equip Lucky charm and loot necklace for Chaos 7 style loot)
Chaos 6 3200
Chaos 7 3500
Chaos 8 3800 (+900 from relic hunt +750 (max on loot Gear known*) and finally 250% from passives = approxiamately 5700 max LQ* and 300 from blessing of luck (received after hitting rank 20 with collectors guild when you level it) = 6000 which seems right now.

Relic hunt Modifiers +300 LQ/level

Cursed Charm of the Desert actually increases monster spawn rate and density. Worth using if farming easier content for extra drops and xp.

Invasions are for side content that adds a little flavor and something to achieve in goals of Achievements.

Each Invasion is set to it's OWN difficulty regardless of the difficulty it says in game. There are currently ten levels of difficulty that can be used to scale the difficulty harder then originally set. To me, rank 10 invasion of chaos 1 is like fighting in chaos 2/3. on Chaos 3 it's like 5/6. Each rank gives 100 loot quality on top of the loot quality for the difficulty rating.

Chaos 6 Rank 10 Best possible gear availabiltity 3200 c6 + 1000 r10 +1000 gear = 5200 LQ
Given the extreme difficulty it is not recomended to farm here.

As a note: I seem to get more xp by abandoning bonus loot/xp buffs and going for chaos level. Farming 6 has been better than 5 even though its a little slower.

I do Invasions later unless i absolutely need and item.skill on the list which i never have NEEDED them before. Once on Chaos difficulty missions, the rank 10's do drop loot at a decent rate. Relic Hunts are still my prefered hunt.

Boss Rushes

These to me are merely GEAR CHECKS. To me they are the hardest content in game. Only 6% of steam players have killed one on Chaos 5 (at time of writing), and i have the first recorded Chaos 6 Boss rush with my mage that can FACETANK it.

To sum up
Relic Hunt speedfarms for gearing
Invasion for Something Different/skills/rings.
Boss Rush to test build viabilities
and finally back to Relic Hunts on as high as difficulty possible with completion possible. The real loot is always in the chest at the end. Always loot all chest found, they can drop good gear even when they feel like they are shafting you al ot.

* denotes only what is known to the author.

Proof Boss Rushs Suck for loot
Exploits (for farm aiding and abetting!)
I haven't found many yet but there is one exploitive gear equiping feature currently in game that may aid you in farming and pushing. For my mage it's not needed as the weapon that provides the buff is adequate enough to wear and still have results but you can get an edge with this current gear potential exploit.

The newer items in the game that have been added when equipted in the characters Build slots effect ALL 4 slots when equipted in any one.

Weapon equipted slot 4

Slot 3 has the effect

For Vollen I just have this necklace exploitive as well

This necklace

IS supposed to just add 50% damage to far off enemies as read. It actually adds 50% damage to the character sheet as well as to far off enemies. It is impossible to beat this neck item
Regular neck and dps

Neck item mentioned with minimal dps increase

Neck item equipted adding over 150k dps
Experience farming in this game is pretty basic. By passives you can get a max of +75% ( 5% fan, 20% collectors guild, 50% special dlc well worth it!) xp. Making them almost negligible to be honest save the dlc.

Xp by difficulty

Level of difficulty
chaos 1 70%
chaos 2 110%
Chaos 3 160%
Chaos 4 230%
Chaos 5 320% Ideal solo farm (least by dev design) for xp.
Chaos 6 450% Group Content Bonus awards start to apply here.
Chaos 7 650%
Chaos 8 960% 3 x greater than chaos 5 (Amazing group xp here. A 4 man can shine done right here)

There are no other additions to xp. Speed-farming Chaos 5 Relic Hunts at Max Difficulty seems to make the fastest xp as i can kill the boss in 3 seconds or less, which means most elites are wiped easily where all the xp seems to come from. So if your farming elites for xp, might as well the necklace that spawns elites with bonus loot and gives loot quality at max at the highest chaos possible you can clear the mission out in under 3 minutes ( xp oriented) - 5 minutes (loot Oriented) max. True xp comes from group content 6-8. So Group!
1 kommenttia
Artwolf 16.9.2023 klo 10.56 
Thanks for the guide!