Granblue Fantasy: Versus

Granblue Fantasy: Versus

28 ratings
How to find people to play with
By lornlynx
Playing fighting games can sometimes make it difficult to find people online to play with.
Here are a few things to consider when searching for opponents that should make it easier and not create any frustration.
Not everyone of us has the luxury to have a local scene or local players to play with offline, and have therefore to rely on online modi to find opponents.
But as long as you don't play the most popular fighting games like Tekken or Street Fighter, you might have issues finding others online. Fighting games are a very specific nichè of games themselves and depending on the game you play it might be harder or easier to find enemies.

But you can increase your chances easily by taking note of a few things and using the right options, times and channels. Often people claim that a game "is dead" where the main issues is simply because they are not willing to search for people in the right way or not follow some simple rules.

So before you give up and drop a game you like, be sure to give the options I describe here a thorough chance.
Search at the right times!
Simple, but often forgotten in the days of matchmaking, is that people don't play all the time and with games that have a lower playercount, this starts to show.

In general, the best options from what I can tell are:
  • Search for games at the late afternoon to evening. You have a weak chance to find people in the early afternoon and a very weak chance in the morning or before noon. People have to go to work or to school and often just don't have time during the day to play. Some people play till late in the night, but in general, I suggest you start searching up from 17:00.
    You should find some people at least up to 20:00.
    Times for this obviously differ depending on countries and there are always some outliers.
  • The best days to find players are obviously Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in short when people have freetime or they are on holidays. I also feel like people sometimes play on Monday still (here in EU) to get some motivation at the start of the week, or sometimes on Wednesday or Thursday if they can find the time. But ye, this surely differs from country to country and there probably is also a lot of cultural differences playing part there.
Search with the right options and in the right mode!
Depending on the game, consider the following things to be of importance:

  • Search in your area/server region. Usually this gets set automatically but in some games you can also set the area the game searches for other players manually. Usually you obviously want to select the region you actually play yourself in, because you get the most stable connections. But in some edge-cases or if you really are just unlucky and in an area where there are no players at all, you could change it to the next nearest server region and bite in the sour apple. You should really consider this only as a last resort though. Just confirm that you've chosen the correct server. (in EU as example, it currently seems that the UK lobbie 1-1is the only one frequented, so check those if you don't find anyone of your actual region filled)
  • Usually for anime-fighters/air-dashers like BBTag and Guilty Gear, but also for games like Unist and Granblue Fantasy Versus, people rarely play in ranked or matchmade games! This is simply because there is not a big enough playerbase to make matchmaking worthwhile, and people avoid it totally. What you want to search for player made lobbies or server lobbies. Even in best case scenarios and playing at the right time and in populated areas, people avoid matchmade modes.

    Granblue kinda hit a low after some time, so you gotta be lucky to find people playing ranked. It can happen, but it might match you against Master rank players because it doesn't find everyone, so don't be too discouraged of such a thing.
    Also often players choose to play in the online lobby where the most people live, as example for the EU that is the UK Lobby 1.
    There are still sometimes events, like lobby night days, so keep a look out for those! (twitter and discord etc.)
Join the Discord channels!
Because it can sometimes be hard to find players, people don't simply wait around in lobbies all the time hoping that someone joins. Instead, they use other websites or chats to talk with each other and meet together for games. The standard right now is the chat-program "Discord", which you can download here:

You can download the app and let it run in the background (suggested) or use it in your browser. The program works with channels that require an invite, so you have to get a link from somewhere to be able to join the channel and be able to watch and write there. You only need to do that once, as soon as you got invited with your account the channels will open anytime you open Discord.

  • This here is the most popular GBFV Discord channel, click the link to get invited: (or this link: )
  • Every chat is divided into sub-channels, for finding people to play with, click on the matchmaking channel for your platform, there is "na-ps4-netplay", "europe-ps4-netplay", "latin-america-ps4-netplay", "asia-pacific-ps4-netplay" and their PC-platform counterparts "na-pc-netplay", "europe-pc-netplay", "latin-america-pc-netplay", "asia-pacific-pc-netplay".
  • To be able to be notified for when a player searches for a match in your region, you first have to assign yourself a role. For this, click on the "#role-selection" sub-channel at the top under INFO. Listed there are all the possible roles you can assign yourself, you do so by clicking on one of the appropriate numbers, letters or character-potraits below. Search for your platform and your region, then click the number for your region. If you scroll down you can see a map declaring how each region is divided. Do the same for the platform you play on.
  • Now as long as you have Discord open, you will be notified by a sound and a red flag on the channel it came from when a player who has the same role searches for an opponent currently. Go back to the matchmaking channel and accept the match, agree together on a server lobby or if you want to make a private one and play!
  • If no one else is searching currently, you can put out a call yourself. For that go into the matchmaking channel of your platform and then type "@" with the role you want to ping behind it and press enter. This informs now everyone on the Discord with a ping who has the same role, maybe someone out there agrees! You can also tag multiple regions to spread your net further if you can't find anyone.
    (But don't ping too often and don't spam the "@" option, because if you do it can become very annoying as a lot of people get informed constantly and a mod might ban you for it. Give it a break after every ping, like at least half-an-hour, sometimes people who join later see your ping and then agree.)

As an example, here is how in my case I would go if I want to find a match:
  • I play on PC (Steam) and I play in Europe, Austria. Therefore I go to the "role-section" channel and and check the map at the bottom for which region I am. The map says I am in "Central"-Europe.
  • I see that there is a role that fits my options, it is called "EU-Central".
    The number of "EU-Central" is a 2, so I click on the number 2 below the Europe region-list.
  • There is also a platform option, and I see that Steam is listed as number 2, so I click on the number 2 below the platform-list.
  • I then join the appropriate matchmaking channel, which is in my case "europe-pc-netplay". I see that no one searches for someone to play with currently, so I type "@Steam Queue - EU-Central" which pings all people on the Discord with the same role.
  • Luckily after a few minutes, someone in the channel answers me. We tell each other which nick we have in-game and agree to meet in a lobby.

Discord is a great way to take part in the community of a game and to find people to play with. Or just to chat! Also, there is a lot of tech shared about the game and the characters, be sure to check out the approriate character-channels where you can find all kind of information and help. You can also assign yourself a character role to be notified of news about them.

There are other Discord channels of the game, which you may find useful too:

A more general discord run by granblue_en people: (or this link: )

A discord specifically for EU-matchmaking, Granblue Versus EU: (or this link: )

There are also Discords for general fighting games and for specific regions and more, you can find more information in the "rules-and-info" sub-channel.
Have patience!
If you followed the above points, the last advice I can give is to sometimes simply be patient.
You may have already opened up a game, went into online mode and then found out that all the lobbies are empty. You then closed the game.
But it could very well been that another player was thinking the same, also saw empty lobbies and also closed the game.

You see what I want to say here? Sometimes no one joins a server because it is empty and it ends with it staying empty. Whereas often if you enter the lobby and wait some 15 minutes, someone who just checked the lobbies saw you being there and then joined too. This often then ends with more people seeing players on the server, and more people joining, further populating it!

So ye, it doesn't work all the time obviously but sometimes you need to be the change you want to see yourself. Mulitplayer games "dying" happens very naturally most of the time, but it always starts with people not wanting to bother to search for others to play with. It sometimes needs a bit of an active effort to drive against that regression.
lornlynx  [author] 17 May, 2023 @ 1:35am 
You can test ports on
lornlynx  [author] 17 May, 2023 @ 1:32am 
It could be that you need to open some ports on your router:
Girl Gamer 16 May, 2023 @ 11:50pm 
understand and when found lobby me search and no found
lornlynx  [author] 16 May, 2023 @ 11:14pm 
Entering a lobby with friends? You can all enter a public lobby, but you have to be sure that you all enter one on the same server (like europe 1) and on the same lobby (like europe 1 lobby 1).
Otherwise you can also make a private lobby with a name and a password, and people can enter it if you give them both.
Also I think when someone else plays the game, you can right-click on their name in the steam friendlist and enter the same lobby as them?
Girl Gamer 15 May, 2023 @ 2:28pm 
how me doing ener in lobby with friends
Patroklos 3 Feb, 2022 @ 9:49am 
I'm trying to find people in Discord. But they're just ignoring the newcomers and just responding their requests. :mbgaan:
银角大王 24 Dec, 2021 @ 9:16pm 
Sprout 2 Apr, 2020 @ 1:23am 
I heavily discourage telling people to not play ranked because it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
You recommend people shouldn't play ranked -> people don't play ranked -> less people in ranked so yeah, obviously you won't find people then.
Right now on EU you have a match every 30sec - 1min (in C and B ranks at least) and people often rematch.
Xaks32 27 Mar, 2020 @ 6:10pm 
I'd rather play random people, mainly because of how people can be greedy and cause griefing in fighting games by exploiting bugs, character unbalancement and bad mechanics that are built into the game, not to mention difference in experience. It's much more time saving. You can simply move to the next opponent. :lunar2019piginablanket:
lornlynx  [author] 24 Mar, 2020 @ 1:56am 
Ok, try now, I added both types of links.