Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Tips For Trading In TF2
作者: Dizze
Tips for people who are new to trading in TF2.
This guide is for people who are starting out with trading in TF2. This might also be useful if you've been trading for a little while but aren't super sure about some things. If this guide does help you, please consider giving it a rating.
How To Start
The first thing you should do is buy keys. What do I mean by that? Buy multiple Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys. These are the staple of trading in TF2. The second thing you want to do is make sure that you have the steam mobile authenticator set up. Nobody will want to trade with you if you don't have the authenticator.
Tools Of The Trade
Here are some helpful websites that you should use:




4. is extremely useful and almost essential for trades. In, you can check the prices of items. You are going to want to use this to price your own items and other people's items. if extremely useful for multiple things. You can join and make free raffles, you can buy and sell items, and you can make or participate in auctions.

Stn is very useful for buying and selling your items quickly. it's useful if you want to buy and sell items for real money. It's completely safe to use and a very trusted site.

An extra note that might be useful to know is that you can't trade on these sites unless you have the mobile authenticator.
Prices Of Items
In TF2 trading, metal is used as a currency. You can combine 2 common weapons into 1 scrap metal. You can craft 3 scrap metal into 1 reclaimed metal. You can combine 3 reclaimed metal into 1 refined metal. The price of a Supply Crate Key (see section: "How To Start") is always changing. At the time I am making this guide, they are worth around 53 refined metal. Knowing all of this then:

1. 1 scrap metal is equal to 0.11 refined metal

2. 1 reclaimed metal is equal to 0.33 refined metal

3. 1 common weapon is equal to 0.05 refined metal
Trading Lingo
When you are trading, there are going to be some phrases and words that you will come across that you might not know. Here is a list of common words and phrases:

1. Quicksells (QS): A quicksell or "qs" is when someone wants to quickly get rid of something from their inventory by selling it at a lower price.

2. Quickbuys (QB): A quickbuy or "qb" is essentially the same thing as a quicksell, but it is when someone is buying quicksells instead of selling them.

3. "Rec" or "reclaimed" is just a shortened way of saying reclaimed metal.

4. "Ref" or "refined" is just a shortened way of saying refined metal.

5. backpack (occasionally people say "bp"): this is just referring to (see section: "Tools Of The Trade").

6. Craft hats: Craft hats are just very cheap hats that people use in crafting. They can be made by combining 3 refined metal. There is a chance of crafting a hat that is worth more than 3 refined metal, but usually you get one that is cheaper (around 1 to 2 refined metal).
Where To Trade
So, now that you know the basics of trading, where should you trade? If you want to trade, go onto a trade server. These are community servers that are dedicated to trading. Most trade servers have admims who moderate what is happening in the server. There are A LOT of trade servers. Find some you like and go trade! You can also trade on a steam trading group. I actually have my own, but I'll talk about that later.
Don't Get Discouraged
DO NOT get discouraged when you're trading. There will always be rude people who don't care about others at all. There will be people who will make fun of you or maybe mock you. Just don't pay attention to them and keep moving on! One thing I cannot stress enough is that there will always be losses at some point. What I mean by that is that there will be ups but there will also be downs. You'll probably make some dumb trades when you start out (we all did). But don't be discouraged by those mistakes. Instead, LEARN from them.
Be Careful
These days, there are so many scammers on TF2. You have to be EXTREMELY careful. NEVER go into a link that someone gives you. It is most likely a virus or scam. You should also always check the prices of items so that you don't pay to much for an item or get underpaid for your items. I lost almost my entire inventory from being scammed. You need to be C A R E F U L.
Wrapping Things Up
Welp, I hope that this guide helps you. If it did, please consider giving me +rep in the comments on my profile. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments here. Btw, I have a Trading Group for TF2. It's so that everyone can have a safe place to trade outside of the game. If you don't want to go into the link above, you can go into my profile and find it. It should be my primary group.
4 件のコメント
Dizze  [作成者] 2020年5月13日 8時53分 
yeah, that's a good tip. I might edit that in :)
Ink 2020年5月13日 8時49分 
Reccomendation: ALWAYS check all the prices before buying/selling so you don't get shorted. Also, check rarity of hats (how many exist) on bp before selling or buying.
Dizze  [作成者] 2020年5月12日 11時31分 
Hey, thx :)
RoseSparrow 2020年5月12日 10時10分