Sonic Adventure™ 2

Sonic Adventure™ 2

311 ratings
Lost Chao Guide
By j u n
A complete guide for All Lost chao locations within the game for each character.
In just about every stage, there is a mission to find a lost chao (always mission 3, except on Rouge and Tail's kart racing levels.) Requirements can change depending on the level. Sometime they can be quite easy and can become really obvious (crying will be heard).Sometimes they might be in a bizzare place or in a location you probably would never venture to. Thats why this guide is here! To help you find those locations!

First off, Its best to work on the Chao Missions after obtaining all, if not most of the upgrades, as well as the Mystic Melody for each character. If you are missing a Mystic Melody for a certain character, I would recommend looking at Purple Smart's Mystic Melody Guide to help you find any Mystic Melody Upgrades you may be missing.

*I recommend trying some of these out on other missions, where there will always be a Life in the place of a Chao. This way, you can practice the route (and still receive something for the practice)

Also! Sorry in advance for the Bad English! I also plan on writting this in Japanese as well ^^
Sonic's Levels
City Escape
A Rank: 2:30
Requirements: Mystic Melody (RECOMMENDED*)
Just play through this level like normal until you are at the part where you will be running down the building. When you hit the spring, immediately move backwards so you do not continue on forward. Next to where the springs are located, there is a Mystic Melody shrine. Playing Mystic Melody will make a spring appear over the trash can. From here, just keep hitting springs then home-in on the enemy. BEWARNED! YOU CAN ACCIDENTLY KILL THE ENEMY (It happens often). There should be an electric enemy after a while, which once its barrier is down, hit its spring and latch on to the pole above. Time this correctly, hold up and jump at the correct time, push yourself against the building a bit and fall into the gap on the side, where the chao will be located.
  • *This level it is POSSIBLE to do this without Mystic Melody, but its a fools attempt, and isn't needed for an A Rank. You can quickly home in on an enemy during your fall and reach there spring without Mystic Melody. This doesn't happen often, and tends to not work for the most part.

Metal Harbor
A Rank: 0:50
Requirements: Bound Attack, Mystic Melody
Play the level normally, after the LSD(Light Speed Dash!) on the rings, you should be on the Landing bay where the airplanes are located. Go forward and a bit to the left where there should be three storage lockers, and another one ontop. Double bounce to reach the the top level storage area, where there should be a Shrine. Using Mystic Melody, floating platforms will appear, leading you to the Chao.

Green Forest
A Rank: 1:30
Requirements: Bounce Attack, Mystic Melody
Play this level normally, going in any direction you like. A little after the second check point (but right before the third), there is a part where you must jump on a few floating island and then two springs. After landing from the last spring, turn to your left, there should be a Shrine hiding on the side of where you landed. Land ontop of the Shrine, and play Mystic Melody. After doing so, go ahead and jump back to were you were originally, and start climb the slabs. You will need to double bounce here to reach them. On the third slab, you will need to jump and home-in on the flying enemies, doing so will lead you to a floating island where the chao should be.

Pyramid Cave
A Rank: 2:50
Requirements: Bounce Attack, Mystic Melody
Play this level normally. Continue on until you reach the White wall, where a robot will be shooting at you (and an extra life floating right behind it.) Continue on and grind across the mini rail to the other side, hitting the timer and going on through the other side. There should be a Shrine right after the door. Play Mystic Melody and jump on the new spring. This till take you to the top of this structure, where a new path will be made available for you. Go down ant hit the spring. Immediately bounce here and grab onto one of the poles. Swing to the next pool, then the next, Then from here try to swing above the springs, and quickly make it through the other side of the door. The Chao will be here, waiting for you atop the snake head.

Crazy Gadget
A Rank: 5:00
Requirements: Bounce Attack, Light Speed Dash, Mystic Melody,
(Sorry in advance if my Left/Rights sound weird, the level is a bit wacky as you know.) Play the level normally, yes its practically the whole level. Continue on until your at the final check point, and infront of the area with the rainbow colored blocks and gravity switches. Pull the first switch, landing on the purple block. After landing, Go down the path and twoards the next switch. From here, try and jump over to the Red block. ignore the monster and go to the left, pulling the lever there, and falling right back on the Purple block. Ignore the lever next to where you land, and continue on down the path, then turn right when given the chance. FINALLY, you will find your Mystic Melody Shrine. Play your music here, right next to you, a stream of rings will appear for you to Light Speed Dash on. Remember to push forward AFTER the dash, to make sure you land ontop the Red Block. Head straight ahead to reach the Chao. (Becareful, a flying enemy appears as you get close)

Final Rush
A Rank: 4:15*
Requirements: Mystic Melody
This one might take some practice. Play the level, again, as you normally would. After the fifth check-point (on the normal route) You will be in the area with a lot of different rails, one of which makes you go up vertically, landing next to two other rails (a purple and an orange.) I recommend taking purple, this way you wont miss the Shrine. If you take orange, just make sure you jump as soon as you see that shrine so you can land next to it. Anyways, just incase, go ahead and hit the check point mark, and turn around, and play Mystic Melody here, allowing the floating platforms to appear. Follow them and take the rail upwards. Just go forward and walk onto the dark colored platform, where there will be another Shrine. This one will make rings appear for a Light Speed Dash. Take them and continue forward until you see all of these floating ramps to grind on. Just continue straight on these and get to the other side, go down this hall (watch for the enemy here.), Grind upwards** and the chao will be right near you.
  • *Final Rush is a HUGE level, and I recommend trying to find different paths. Really go on a dangerous journey and explore where the rails are, and which is the fasted way to getting to them. Sometimes those suicide Jumps will really help. I am saying this not just for the A rank on mission 3, but for all missions.
  • **This can be very annoying and can probably take you a lot of time. If you want, just bounce a LOT right here, eventually sonic will grab onto the side and pull himself up instead. This might save you a lot of time. However, facing the opposite direcntion and then bouncing onto the rail is a method I have heard that works as well.

Knuckle's Levels
Wild Canyon
A Rank: 0:40
Requirements: Sunglasses
Right off the bat, run straight into the wind tunnel, and let it take you to the above area. as soon as possible try to glide left (it would be the ledge with the two chest and a spring in the middle.) Underneath this ledge is a plaque on the wall, climb ontop of the plaque and drill in the middle (right over the little amulet). In this room, only one plaque will lead to the chao. Right from where you entered, it should be the middle one on the right. If you are unsure, go ahead and use the Scope. Dig through the image and you will be the room with the chao.

Pumpkin Hill
A Rank: 1:00
Requirements: Mystic Melody (OPTIONAL)
At the start of the level run to the first Balloon, then turn left to take the rocket up to the top of Church Mountain. Then Take the rocket up to Pumpkin Mountain. If your fast, the second knuckles lets go of the Rocket, press A and glide forward to the floating island infront of you. If your worried you will miss it, just land and play Mystic Melody, making platforms appear for you to clip on. Just run straight and the chao will be at the end of the bridge.

Aquatic Mine
A Rank: 1:00
Requirements: Air Necklace (OPTIONAL), Mystic Melody
Go ahead and run to the structure in the middle of the level and grab the lever that takes you to the top room (where the Level 3 switch is located, but do not change the water level for this!) up there, use Mystic Melody on the nearby Shrine and head down the now open hall that leads down to the Ghost Mine shaft room. Swim to the middle of the room, where rings should be lined up vertically. Follow the rings up, and go down this tunnel. Grab the pulley and you will be brought to the room with the lost chao.

Death Chamber
A Rank: 2:00
Requirements: Air Necklace, Mystic Melody
This, I feel, can be one of the hardest Chao missions possible, and it might take you a few times before mastering an A Rank. Anyways, from the start, head straight into the timer and continue to the next room and so forth until you reach the center of the Level (where the mechanical pillar is located.) From the exit of the Red Room (where you came from), Glide right a bit towards the opposite side of the room, and drop down once you are near a White/Blue flame, . You should be right next to a Mystic Melody Shrine. Play Mystic Melody and dive into the pool below. From this point, there should be a closed off area behind you, which is where the chao will be located. For now though, swim to your right, avoiding the two spike balls that will swing by, As you do this, ignore the first yellow floor plaque, and keep swimming until you see a floor plaque with an hourglass. Flip the hour glass and immediately swim back to where you first appeared in this area, to the unclosed area. This is timed, and if you end up not making it in time to the entrance, you will need to turn back and repeat the timer again. When you make it through the closing door, go ahead and head straight down this hall. Try your best to avoid the shooting robots, and the ghost. The room right after the ghost should be much more open. Right as you enter, swim upwards, as there should be an opening in the ceiling for you to swim up. When you emerge from the waters, you will be in a room much like the Blue room of this level. In this room, just below the ceiling, there is an over hang with yet another hour glass. Hit this hour glass. then quickly glide to the side of the wall and crawl over to the above overhang, where there will be a (hopefully) still closing door, quickly enter inside where the chao will be located. Again, if the door closes, you will have to repeat this step.I find it is easier to hit the timer, glide to the side of the wall, crawl up a bit, then glide some more.

Meteor Herd
A Rank: 1:30
Requirements: Mystic Melody
Another hard level, which can be very tight on time. Leave your starting location and glide over to the main tower. There should be a spring right near you. Bounce on it, and on the floating platform with the rocket and take that to the next Platform. Turn your camera in the opposite direction and Glide towards the blue containers you should see. Climb up the middle one, jump and glide over to the platform closest to it (floating above it, in the direction you were originally at.) Take that rocket on that platform up, and as it explodes, quickly latch onto the wall and climb up. The platform you should have climbed up on will be the one with the Moon icon. Facing the tower, jump and glide over to the balcony on the left, then from there go to the next balcony on the left. There should be a Shrine here for you to play Mystic Melody. Jump into the rift and fall down into this storage area. There will be another shrine, which you must again, play your song. This rift will then drop you right next to the chao.
Tail's Levels
Prison Lane
A Rank: 2:00
Recommended: Booster, Mystic Melody
Play through Tails level for a bit, until after you finish the first elevator. Continue down the hall, shooting everything that moves. When you come to the open area, there should be floor plate to your right, near the hallway infront of you. Step on it to make it raise. Jump onto the top of this platform, and turn your camera a bit to the left. You should see another platform across from you with a Shrine. Hoover over to the shrine and play Mystic Melody. A spring will appear for you to jump on. This will take you to another platform, with quite a few enemies to shoot. Do so to open up the caged hallway. Enter inside to find the chao.

Mission Street
A Rank: 3:30
Recommended: Booster, Mystic Melody
This is a pretty simple one, as you might have seen part of the area before. Play the level until you get to the area with the Caged Phoenix (right before a check-point, almost impossible to miss him.) Go ahead and drop on the left side of the building structure a bit (Hoover of course to avoid dying.) and below should be the side of the street/construction with a Mystic Melody Shrine. Play Mystic Melody which will make a portal that brings you to the area where the phoenix was (you will be ontop of the building that housed the rocket for that.) To your right, you will see the floating tube structures (that you have been seeing through out this level.) Hoover and hope along them, killing the Gun Robots that appear. The Chao will be at the last one!

Route 101
There is No Chao in this level! This is a Racing Mission!

Hidden Base
A Rank: 2:50
Recommended: Booster, Mystic Melody
This is another simple one, as you literally pass the shrine every time you play this level on Mission One. Anyways, play the level as you normally would. I can't even say much except come to a stop when you see the BIG ASS STONE DOOR and the Mystic Melody Shrine. Play Mystic Melody, which will open the door for you to enter inside. Inside you will have to be careful and hover a bit down. There are Flying Gun enemies, so make sure to take them out or just stay clear our of there way. At the bottom there should be an opening to your left, Go on through, and make your way up. There, you will find the Chao on the top Platform.

Eternal Engine
A Rank: 2:45
Recommended: Booster, Mystic Melody
Go about your normal fox-in-a-killing-machine business. When you come to the door that required a switch to be turned on (the switch that is hidden behind a chao box.) You will be outside ontop of a Balcony and a long bridge. On the side of the balcony, you will find the Mystic Melody Shrine. Hoover over and play Mystic Melody. Hope along the now visible Slabs to the metal Platform. The platform should take you upwards to another Slab. Look in the direction of where you would normally be going. There should be another entrance above the one you normally would enter. (There shouldn't be anything there like a balcony or such.) Hoover over to that entrance, which will lead you to another corridor (with two Chaos Enemies, one of which has a bomb strapped to it, if you shoot it, it will open all doors in this room.) Go ahead past them to the outside on another Balcony. Jump ontop of the cages and then onto the moving platform infront of you. I recommend waiting until its as far left as possible, then jump and and Hoover over the red lasers protecting that entrance. Inside you will find the Lost Chao.
Shadow's Levels
Radical Highway
A Rank: 2:30
Recommended: Mystic Melody
Play this level as normal until your at the second check-point. Keep going forward, and after the huge loop, there will be ramps in the middle of the street. Make sure to get ONE OF THE RAMPS and time your jump. This will take you to an above construction area. Make your way across by jumping on the floating tube pieces and gun robots, and make it to the other side of the structure. Here you should go ahead forward and attack the Gun robot that appears then hit the spring, taking you to the top of the bridge. On either side, Omachao should be there to instruct you how to grind down to the other side. Make sure you grind in the OPPOSITE direction, meaning your going towards the camera. Grind down the rail, which will take you to the top of the other side of the bridge. Becareful the momentum of the grind doesn't fling you off past this area. In the middle, there should be a Mystic Melody Shrine. Go ahead and play the song, which will make Platforms appear. Jump from platform to platform to reach the last one, containing the chao.

White Jungle
A Rank: 3:20
Recommended: Mystic Melody
Play until you reach the large Black weight trap (this area is reached from one of the vine-levers, there should be a spiked enemy infront of it as well.) Go past the trap then to the left. There should be a fenced off area you can roll under. Doing so will take you to a Chao box and a Spring. Take the spring up to the next level, but do NOT grab the vine-lever. Instead, walk backwards towards the camera until you reach a Mystic Melody Shrine. Play Mystic Melody, which will create platforms for you. Get a bit close to the edge of the last one for the Gun enemy to appear. Then continue on with the vine levers. They will take you to another floating piece of land with an electric enemy. Wait for it to be un-electric to attack it, chaining off the gun Robots to keep appearing for you to jump off, leading you to the Chao.

Sky Rail
A Rank: 1:10
Recommended: Air Shoes, Mystic Melody
Go about your business, until your at the area with the jump springs and flying gun robots. Take the jump spring to the top of this area, which is where the second check-point and rails should be. Avoiding the rails, go behind the black boxes near by for the Mystic Melody Shrine. Go ahead and play your song, causing rings to appear for you to Air Dash across. Take the springs up wards, there should be two in total. From here, go around the area, After the first spiked ball (in either direction you choose to go) there will be an opening for you to jump up to reach the next ledge. There will be multiple gun robots here as well, Try to attack them and use them as leverage to reach the top of the hill where the Chao is located.

Final Chase
A Rank: 5:15
Recommended: Air-Dash, Mystic Melody
Play the Level normally until you come to up through the squared tube. If your not sure what I mean, then just play until you reach the area with a lot of horizontal tubes and springs. Go towards the end and reach the lever that will take you up a bit. Infornt of you (as your on the lever) there should be a Tube and a Chaos enemy infront of it. Attack the Chaos Enemy and get onto the tube. Walk up the tube, and there should be a side guard, making this a lot easier as well. On top of the tube, there will be a spring, and another Lever to grab onto. Go for the latter and grab the lever to a platform above with a Shrine. Play Mystic Melody to summon a row of rings to Air-Dash across, taking you to another area with another tube. Make your way up the tube, avoiding the hazards along the way (such as meteors, electric fences, ect.) at the top will be another lever. Grab on and it will take you the the platform with the lost chao.
Rouge's Levels
Dry Lagoon
A Rank: 0:40
Recommended: Pick Nails, Iron Boots, Mystic Melody
This is one of the easiest chaos to get. Right from this level onward, just go forward and climb the Bronze monument to the top of this area. Turn your camera around, and glide away from the tower, to the other side of this area (there should be a Gun enemy and 4 Silver Containers. break the containers, and then drill into the now visible plaque on the wall. This will take you to a room with a Mystic Melody Shrine, play it and run into the now opening room and jump as soon as possible. You will land in a rift, which will take you right into the room with the missing chao.

Egg Quarters
A Rank: 1:00
Recommended: Pick Nails, Iron Boots, Mystic Melody
From the start, just turn left and follow the path and hallways into the next full room. You should now be in a large opened area, with a big platform in the middle, with candles surrounding it. Climb ontop and there will be a Shrine for you. Playing Mystic Melody here will summon a portal, taking you to room with a trap, that will fall as soon as your close to it. On each side, there should be a Gun robot shooting at you, except for one, where there will be a Stone Plaque for you to climb into. Doing so will take you to an identical room (minus the robots and trap.) In one of the Metal containers, there should be a switch to turn off the trap in the other room (It should be, from where you entered, the second from the right-top corner.) After activating the switch, head towards the middle of the room, where there will be an opening in the ground and another stone tablet. Digging into that will drop you atop the now, elevated, trap. Just go under the trap and secure the chao!

Security Hall
A Rank: 0:30
Recommended: Treasure Scope
No need for Mystic Melody (though thats how you got the Treasure Scope in the first place.) Right from the start of the level, head forward and to the left. There should be a Metal container here with a Spring ontop (beside two boxes.) Hit the spring, which will take you to a platform above. Here, there will be a Lever to latch onto. Take it upwards to the top of Security Hall. After you land onto the side, climb up the middle structure in this room. There should be a lot of lasers here, as well as the yellow markings for A/B/C block. When here, use your treasure scope to reveal a hidden spring. Taking this spring will take you to the platform with the Chao above.

Route 280
There is No Chao in this level! This is a Racing Mission!

Mad Space
A Rank: 1:30
Recommended: Iron Boots, Mystic Melody
Right off the bat (get it?!), turn around and head toward the Metal container under the Blue launch area. Breaking the container will activate the switch under it. Take the spring to the rocket above here. As the rocket explodes, glide over to the top of the middle structure here and take its rocket as well. The rocket will drop you off on a platform with a rocket in the corner, take that rocket upwards. This will take you to yet another platform with yet another rocket. As you can guess, take that rocket up to the top! As it explores, go ahead and glide to the edge of the blue alcove infront of you and climb up. You should be on one of the 'red' balconys, with floating containers. Continue forward and fly over to the other balcony, the Yellow one. Again, ignore it and continue in the direction of the next balcony. Over to the right though, there should be a platform in view with two Light poles and a Shrine in the middle (as well as a not yet visible Chaos Enemy). Glide towards there instead, and land next to the Shrine. Play Mystic Melody to summon up a Portal. Jump in and you will be in a container, run to the end of the container, breaking the metal boxes along the way, and there will be another portal. In here, go in the opposite direction, taking out the Flying Gun robot, and land in to another portal. At the end of this room will be the Missing Chao!
Eggman's Levels
Iron Gate
A Rank: 2:00
Recommended: Jet Engien, Large Cannon, Mystic Melody
Play this level as you normally would. After the Elevator* and the second check-point, go down the adjourning hallway, destroy the door, and it will take you into an open area. Ignoring the camera change, head straight along the yellow tube to reach a spring, which will take you the the platform above. Break the metal container for another spring, taking you to the platform with 3 springs next to each other. Take the spring over to another Yellow Pipe. Follow the directions of the Rings next to the pipe to land on another one. Between this pipe and the one infront of it, there should be a ledge with the Mystic Melody Shrine. Playing Mystic Melody will make floating slabs to appear for you to jump on. Climb up the first three, turn around and hover over to the last one. Jump up to grab the lever, which will take you up wards (to an area much like rouge's in Security Hall.) Head towards your right for another Shrine. This one will bring a spring and more slabs to jump on. Take the slabs upwards to top of the area. Here you will see a little platform with a little chao off in the back. Head towards there and jump on to save the chao.
  • *To shave off time, I recommend just jumping over the gate of the elevator, drop down a bite, then hover and shoot the door out. This will save you a LOT of time on this level, and more to come!

Sand Ocean
A Rank: 3:00
Recommended: Jet Engine, Large Cannon
Play this level as Eggman would, and just get to the third rotating altar with the flame in the middle (its right before a check point, which you can get if your worried of getting sand in your suit.) Wait for the alter to turn around till the camera changes and you see a platform in the distance with a spring on it. Glide over to that platform (aim for the SIDE, DON'T hit the spring.) Wait for the moving platform ahead of you to get close enough and hover on over to it. Face to the side and just keep shooting down those metal boxes farthest from you. Hover over to the gates platform near you* and land ontop of one of the boxes, from here just hover over to the next area (where you shot the 4 metal containers.) Continue on forward and climb the top to reach the chao.
  • *If you don't think you can make this jump, just shoot the containers, making it easier to land

Lost Colony
A Rank: 2:30
Recommended: Jet Engine, Mystic Melody
Play the level up until after the second-check point. You will be in an open area with gaped bridges (Omachao will warn you about holes in the floor here.) Just at the edge of the first gap, there is a hidden floating platform to your right side. land in it and it will take you upwards to a platform with a Shrine. Play Mystic Melody, which will create platforms for you to hover on. They will take you to another area, which houses two flying gun robots. Outside is another balcony. Despite how dark it might be, just glide forward to the Red light in the distance (there will be a flying enemy near it as well, try shooting it for some quick lighting.) Enter this area to find another flying enemy. Once destroyed, the chao will be in the next room.

Weapons Bed
A Rank: 2:15
Recommended: Jet Engine, Large Cannon, Mystic Melody
Again, as always, play this level normally. Once you get to the second landing base (which is right after the third check-point) walk down the area as if you were playing normally. On to your left side (near the end of the area.) there will be Three containers (much like Sonic's Metal Harbor.). The last one will house a Shrine for you to play Mystic Melody. A portal will appear, taking you right to the chao.

Cosmic Wall
A Rank: 1:30
Recommended: Jet Engine, Mystic Melody
Despite being such a long level, this chao takes about a Minuet to reach. Play along the level like normal until you pass the second check-point. Here, glide upwards and on the right will be a floating platform with a Pyramid you can shoot. Doing so will reveal a Chao box and a Shrine. Play Mystic Melody to bring forth a spring in which you jump on (of course..). This will take you to another platform. You might see in the corner, there is an arrow to tell you to continue upward. hover upward to another platform that should have a Meteor on it. Continue up ward for yet another Meteor protected platform, which will have two springs. The springs will take you upward to the chao.
Cannon's Core
F I N A L S T A G E: C A N N O N ' S C O R E
A Rank: 7:30
Recommended: All Upgrades Available + Mystic Melody (All)

This Chao is a group effort, and will require EVERYONE'S cooperation in order to find it! Do not be fooled into thinking the Shrines do nothing in this level, as Each Shrine will reward you with a Shield, but also unlock required help for the next character.

Tails: You will start off as Tails, just continue on his level as you would normally, as he does not have a Mystic Melody shrine available for him (Okay, cooperation from everyone BUT Tails. Thanks a lot buddy!)

Eggman: Play as him through this level normally, after the room with the Green Plasma and floating blocks (and its accompany Hallway) you will reach a check-point. Right after this check-point, there will be a balcony with a floating platform and a room on the other side. Touching the floating platform will make it fall immediately, not allowing you to reach the other room. In order to get there, jump ontop of the railing on the Balcony, and hover over to the other side of the room. You should land just on the ledge. Shoot the gray boxes (and hey sure why not the chao box) in order to enter the area. There will be a Mystic Melody Shrine here. Playing the Melody will reveal a Shield. Go ahead and finish Eggman's level.

Rouge: Playing as Rouge, go ahead and fall down to the floor, near the tallest tower, there should be a room that's now opening up for you (thanks to Eggman's Mystic Melody.) In this room, there will be Rouge's Mystic Melody. Go ahead and play it, unlocking her Shield as well. Go ahead and do your bat thing.

Knuckles: As Knuckles, go ahead and jump out of the water. Platforms will appear right near the middle of the pool your in (again, from Rouge's Mystic Melody.) Climb up them and activate the Shrine there, and receive an Electric Shield (which, yes, does work under water!) Go ahead and finish this part up.

Sonic: Its all up to you, Sonic! As Sonic, just go ahead and play normally. Its not until you reach the Sand Slide will you notice what Knuckles did for you. There should be a row of rings available for you to Light Speed Dash on. Try to get them the first time, as if you miss, you might not be able to jump back up fast enough. Reach the platform the rings take you to, and go ahead and Kill the two Chao Enemies. This will Open the door to the Last Chao of the game. BUT BE CAREFUL! 3 GUN MECHA WILL FALL FROM THE CEILING AS WELL!
That is it! That should have roughly covered everything for you to find all those Missing Chao! If you find you are still having trouble, feel free to ask for a better explaination! Thanks for viewing my first Steam Guide! Good Luck with getting the A Ranks as well!
Sonicthehedge3 17 Jun, 2023 @ 1:35am 
is there a 100% chao save file
Ragingwaffles506 8 Jan, 2022 @ 11:58am 
Pretty good post, using this to get through these lost chao levels
penm 21 Dec, 2021 @ 8:07am 
where is the chao garden
ColonelFatass 4 Jan, 2021 @ 6:10pm 
Sorry but your description for Wild Canyon is total garbage. You don't glide left when you get to the top, you turn completely around, and that ledge behind you has TWO springs and ONE chest, not the other way around.
SotiCoto 24 Jun, 2020 @ 11:23am 
The White Jungle one was misleading... I'm guessing you meant to refer to the ~second~ large black weight trap... since the first also has a fence to the left, a spring behind it, and then one of those vine levers... BUT if you go back towards the camera from the first, there is nothing but a tree.
Had me confused for a while there.
Man o' Bore 12 Dec, 2019 @ 11:47pm 
I was actually able to get the Cannon's Core Lost Chao without using any shrines. If you hit the time-stop switch on the reverse (death) side of the sand slide, where you first land, then you can quickly get close to the top of the slide. From there, if you spin dash, jump, then homing attack near the top of your jump, you can just barely land on the ledge to get the chao. I was even able to get an A-rank on my first time trying this.
FlowerCatta 24 Jul, 2019 @ 9:33am 
Pick Nails? Yes
Iron Boots? No

I forgot to get my Iron Boots before I can go Chao hunting!
FlowerCatta 16 Jul, 2019 @ 8:07pm 
@Junko [JAP] Ok
j u n  [author] 16 Jul, 2019 @ 4:25pm 
@XxFlowerCatxX I mentioned in one of the first parts of the guide you need Mystic Melody for practically all of the levels. City Escape is technically possible without, but its highly recommended to use it, since that IS how the level is meant to be played. If you need Mystic Melody for Sonic, there is a guide on steam on where and how to obtain it for him.
FlowerCatta 14 Jul, 2019 @ 6:26pm 
All the Lost Chao levels require all the upgrades to get them all.