Star Wars Perk Collection
"I was inspired and replaced some DBD Perk Icons with fitting Star Wars themed icons. This is still work in progress and will NEVER contain all perks.
If you would like to use it, write me in the comments. I have a vanilla version (without my background) and one fitting for my Dark Collection.

You could also use the icon of Small Game for Bloodwarden or that of Leader for Mattle of Men/We'll Gonna Live Forever/Borrowed Time.
If you want to do this, but are using my Dark Collection, I will just put the different backgrounds (green, purple and pink) seperately , so you can match them to your liking.

The following Perks are (currently) included:

Hex: Devour Hope, Fire Up, Make Your Choice, Rancor, Discordance, Dark Devotion, Insidious, Iron Grasp, Stridor

Flip Flop, Dead Hard, No Mither, We'll Gonna Live Forever, Vigil, Left Behind, Unbreakable, Solidarity, Balanced Landing, Kindred, Leader, No One Left Behind, Resilience, Small Game.

Perks planned to include:

Surveillance (Imperial Drone), Nemesis (General Grievous).

Mattle of Men (Luke's/Anakin's Robot hand), Sole Survivor (Kix), Tectichian (R2D2), Lithe, Deliverance (Redeemed Vader), Dance With Me (Cantina Band), Distortion, Breakdown, Babysitter, Better Together, Cameraderie, Any Means Necessary, For The People, Hope,Premonition, Saboteur, Sprintburst, Urban Evasion"
Hermaeus Mora  [author] Jun 16, 2020 @ 5:09am 
Danke! Ich habe mittlerweile auch ein Paar meiner ersten Entwürfe verbessert (z.B. Left Behind, Leader oder Insidious), damit sie besser in den DBD Style passen. Natürlich kamen noch weitere Perks dazu.
Sohera804 Jun 14, 2020 @ 2:06pm 
Luke... Luke... NEIN, DA IST die Luke! :D Sorry, der musste sein. Sieht echt klasse aus! Vor allem: IT's A TRAP!!!