The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

31 人が評価
Improved Dark Brotherhood Dawnstar Sanctuary Room
22.486 KB
2012年4月7日 16時49分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Improved Dark Brotherhood Dawnstar Sanctuary Room

Improves the quality of the little room that the player acquires upon completion of the Dark Brotherhood questline, by adding more furniture and other features, such as:

- An enchanting and alchemy table
- 2 wall-mounted weapon racks
- 5 (!!) player-owned chests that are safe for storage
- A player-owned bed
- A bookshelf
- Your own personal bodyguard that will watch over and protect you day and night
- A table with the map of Skyrim on it, perfect for planning your next murder >:-)
- 3 fully-functioning manakins
- A few other misc. items and furnishings

There are a few other items and features included, but you'll have to find them for yourself!
If there's anything you'd like me to add into this mod, please post it in the comment section and I'll get round to it when I can.
12 件のコメント
The Solution 2016年12月28日 9時39分 
Yeah, I was definitely planning on making my own. But this is ok. I think there may be too many chests, though. It's not very lore friendly with that many.
Felix 2014年11月23日 21時25分 
Definitely in theme. Make the chests nonrespawning though so people's items won't be lost.
bruhsalad 2014年8月27日 19時01分 
Something for the author:

The mannequins are alive.
Aquilathestone 2014年7月2日 18時29分 
Nice.I was going to make my own, but this works. has all the admenitys now this delvin, is a room fit for the listner
Frostphoenix 2013年7月20日 8時44分 
like the mod . also when i place stuff in the chest's they dissapear after some time.
HarbingerRose 2013年6月16日 21時22分 
I wish there was a way to convert the torture room, so the prisoners become new assassins/fallowers and the tourture room is a skyforge or something like that? Because that would be sweet.
DJ_Bunce 2013年1月23日 4時12分 
I guess asking you to re-texture the whole Sanctuary is a bit much? Thing is the vanilla version is a bit shit for a master assassin... Same deal with the Thieves Guild - they look run down, even when at full power/notoriety... :(
InvictuSND 2012年7月21日 9時40分 
good work man
alwayskayday 2012年7月16日 14時33分 
Great mod, only thing i don't like is that the body guard has generic dialogue which goes against the idea that theyre an assassin. "Don't like those eyes you have, there's a bad hunger in them" doesnt seem fitting
Amura 2012年7月13日 1時21分 
Are the mannequins supposed to be alive?