Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Оценок: 108
AH's Trojans from TROY (2004) - [ EARLY VERSION ]
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Метки: mod, Overhaul
Размер файла
216.840 MB
22 июл. 2020 г. в 13:45
27 авг. 2020 г. в 11:17
Обновлений: 19 (просмотреть)
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AH's Trojans from TROY (2004) - [ EARLY VERSION ]

В 1 коллекции, созданной AH™
Предметов: 10
What is AH's Trojan War ?:

This project will create a whole new mini-campaign (WoS-map) ... the trojan war.
It's based on the movie from 2004 (Love u Brad Pitt) because I love it.
I've tried to only use bronze weapons because of bronze age u know.
This mod is far from done but it's on a good way and I'll keep working on it!
Stay tuned for updates.
PS: AH's Myrmidons are included in this mod!

- New trojan emblem!
- New greek army roster!
- New unit cards for all units!
- New faction colors for pergamon (sand-brown-blue)
- New faction colors for macedon (tan-sand-black)

This mod adds many new units to Pergamon and Macedon (GC and CB).
I've created the trojan and greek soldiers from the movie Troy (2004).
Recruitable in lvl 1-5 infantry barracks and lvl 1-4 skirmisher camps and lvl 1-4 military ports!

TROJANS (Pergamon):
- Trojan Archer Militia (Very Light Missile Infantry)
- Trojan Sword Militia (Medium Infantry)
- Trojan Spear Militia (Medium Infantry)
- Trojan Archers (Very Light Missile Infantry)
- Trojan Spearmen (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Trojan Pikemen (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Trojan Swordsmen (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Trojan Peltasts (Light Infantry)
- Trojan Javelinmen (Very Light Infantry)
- Trojan Marines (Very Light Infantry)
- Trojan Guard (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Apollonian Foot Guard (Heavy Infantry)
- Apollonian Guard (Very Heavy Shock Cav)
- Trojan Cavalry (Medium Cav)
- Trojan Assault Dieres (Trojan Marines)

GREEKS (Macedon):
- Achaean Spearmasters (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Achaean Swordmasters (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Greek Spearmen (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Greek Pikemen (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Greek Swordsmen (Very Heavy Infantry)
- Greek Peltasts (Light Infantry)
- Myrmidons (Heavy Infantry)
- Myrmidon Assault Hexeres (Myrmidons)
(more units coming soon)

Future Plans:
- Naval Units for Troy
- Greek Unit Pack
- TROY CAMPAIGN on the WoS map!

- Incompatible with my AH's Myrmidons mod because it's included here!

- Thx to Benjin for his help!
- Thx to Adopotato for some nice retextured armour!
- Thx to Choges Craft Channel for the epic 3d helmet models!

Комментариев: 124
Jean-Claude 28 янв в 6:35 
great units, especially like the greek units you added
Seba SPQR 29 янв. 2024 г. в 21:14 
Lo ideal seria que la gente deje de basarse en una película totalmente plagada de errores históricos y acepten que "Argos" era el brazo duro de las polis griegas. Personalmente molesta mucho no ver ni un trabajo dedicado completamente al Argos de Agamenon
AirHeadKXツ  [создатель] 17 янв. 2024 г. в 11:15 
The campaign is not included yet. I'm at university and didn't do a lot with this one but I wanna continue to work at this mod and because I suck at creating custom campaigns I'm planning to overhaul the Trojan and Heladic factions of the Age Of Bronze Mod when more factions are playable and if the authors are fine with it.
Alexander The Greek 12 окт. 2023 г. в 5:47 
WOS campaign don't work. No faction of Troy anywhere and I don't use other mods.
Seba SPQR 20 сен. 2023 г. в 10:27 
seria bueno que esto este en wos. precisamente en el imperio persa y hacer nuevas unidades para Argos.
bruno33_1991 5 сен. 2023 г. в 0:43 
Does the mod currently have a campaign?
chocokaran67 31 авг. 2023 г. в 15:05 
Hi, is there any plan of to update the mod?
Troll ^.^ 31 янв. 2023 г. в 15:53 
Hello! Will there be a company behind Troy for WoS?
AirHeadKXツ  [создатель] 26 янв. 2023 г. в 2:48 
I’ll probably re-upload the mod soon 🤙
This one will be taken down!
AirHeadKXツ  [создатель] 26 янв. 2023 г. в 2:46 
It’s a bit outdated
Reworked Roster and fixed issues but I have trouble with campaign
I’ll probably release a submod with Unis / Reskins when the Bronze Age Mod Campaign comes out