Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

1,656 ratings
How to: Display Damage directly in game (without having to open console) - DOESN'T WORK IN COMPETITIVE MATCHMAKING ANYMORE!
By 3st
In Global Offensive you are able to see the damage you dealt and received once you die by opening the console. In this guide I am going to show you how to display the damage information directly in game, right above your radar without having to open the console. I also will explain how it works and post a little script that enables you to switch it on and off.
As of now (February 2022) this doesn't work in competitive matchmaking anymore.

With the CS:GO update from the 17th February 2022 Valve added the server convar "sv_max_allowed_developer" that determines the highest developer value for attached clients. It was set to a value of "0" for official servers prohibiting users to set "developer" to a value of "1".

Setting developer to 1 is essential for displaying text outside of the console. I don't know a workaround and I doubt there is any. If you know a solution post in the comments and I will update the guide. I will also keep an eye on future CS:GO updates. Valve might add more options or allow developer 1 again. Up until then everything in this guide will only work on servers that allow developer 1.

What is this all about?
In Global Offensive you are able to see the damage you dealt and received once you die by opening the console. In this guide I am going to show you how to display the damage information directly in game, right above your radar without having to open the console. I also will explain how it works and post a little script that enables you to switch it on and off.

Preview of the final result:

How it's done
To show the damage you simply have to enter the following commands (all of them) into your config/autoexec/valve.rc or console:

The Commands

developer "1"
con_filter_text "Damage"
con_filter_text_out "Player:"
con_filter_enable "2"

How does it work?
It’s pretty easy!
Normally you would find all this damage related information in your console:

Now all we have to do is to display this information directly in game. To do so you could go the cheap way and use the "developer" command (enter 'developer "1"' to your console). It will work in terms of displaying the damage information in the top left corner of the screen right above the radar. However, there will be a lot of unnecessary information inside and outside of the console:

Therefore you have to use the “con_filter”-commands. They filter out the information regarding the damage dealt and received and get sure only those will be displayed outside the console:

The final result.
Switch Script
As I mentioned before setting "developer" to "1" will display a lot of unnecessary information inside and outside of your console (see screenshot #2 above). We already got rid of the information outside the console by using the con_filter-commands. However, there still are all kinds of awkward information inside the console, which can be rather annoying while working in it. The only workaround for this problem I could think of is to switch the damage display on and off.

To do so I created a little script. Feel free to use it:

bind "Key" "displaydamage"

//Displaydamage - Switch Script by 3st
alias displaydamage "displaydamage_off"
alias displaydamage_on "con_filter_text Damage; con_filter_text_out Player:; con_filter_enable 2; developer 1; alias displaydamage displaydamage_off"
alias displaydamage_off "con_filter_enable 0; developer 0; clear; alias displaydamage displaydamage_on"

Just copy it into your *.cfg and replace "Key" with a key of your choice.

Note: Usually it will be sufficient to switch developer from 1 to 0 once you have set the remaining CVARs to the values above. Nevertheless, my solution here might come in handy if you use more than one con_filter.
Extra: Creating an autoexec.cfg
If you do not have an autoexec.cfg or valve.rc or any other way to execute scripts in game don't panic. You have two choices: If you do not want to use the switch script you can go the easy way and simply enter "The Commands" from above into your console in game.

If you want to use the script you will have to create an autoexec.cfg.

Step 1:
Go to your Windows desktop, click your right mouse button and create a new text file.

Step 2:
Open it and copy my script from above into it. Be sure to replace "Key" with a key of your choice. I myself use "KP_HOME" - it's the 7 on the keyboard's numpad.

Step 3:
Write "host_writeconfig" in the last row of your text file.

Once you did this your text file should look this way:

Step 4:
Save the text file as "autoexec.cfg". Use quotation marks ("") to get sure you don't end up with a autoexec.cfg.txt.

Step 5:
Copy your new autoexec.cfg to your Counter-Strike Global Offensive "cfg" directory. Depending on where you installed Steam and if you set a USRLOCALCSGO this might be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg or you have to use your [...]Steam\Userdata\Your 32bit Steam3 ID\730\local\cfg\.

That's it. You're done!
Is this cheating?
No. It's just a script.

Will it work in Competitive Matchmaking?

When will the damage be displayed?
It will be displayed once you are dead or the round is over.

Could this be made into a real time damage display?

How do I remove the damage display?
Enter developer 0 into console / your autoexec. If you want to set all values back to how they were also enter:

con_filter_text ""
con_filter_text_out ""
con_filter_enable "0"

It's writting all my console informations and not only the damage. What did I do wrong?
Sounds like the con_filter commands are not set up right. Just check again if you set them to the values above. Should work then! :)

Is it possible to only display the damage given?
No Problem: You just have to set the con_filter_text to "Damage Given" instead of just "Damage". When you are using the script it has to be

alias displaydamage_on "con_filter_text Damage Given; con_filter_text_out Player:; con_filter_enable 2; developer 1; alias displaydamage "displaydamage_off""

- everything else stays the same. :)

Is there a way to move it from upper-left to another positon?

Is there a way to change the text color?
Yes. You can use "log_color General #colorcode" to set an custom color. e.g. "log_color General CB4154".

What exactly do the con_filter-commands do?

(default 0, possible settings: 1, 2) - 1 enables the filter, 2 displays the filtered text brighter than other text.
(default "", can be set to anything) - Text that is used to filter the console information.
(default "", can be set to anything) - Text that is filtered out of the console information.

Is it possible to post the damage dealt dirctly in (team) chat?
Not without external scripting. There is an external (AHK) script that enables you to report the damage done to your teammates:

Please note: I am in no way involved in the creation of this external script. Use it at your own risk!

I have watched some streamer / pro gamer and for him upon death or the end of the round, it shows only the damage in the chat. How?
These streamers / pro gamers don't play MM but ESEA. ESEA has a server side script that shows the damage in the chat. There is no way to emulate this in MM with scripting. You just have to play ESEA. ;)
Final Words & Translations
Have fun! And if you like this guide comment it and give it five stars. :)

If you have any questions that aren't included in the FAQ already feel free to ask in the comment section of this guide and/or join my group and ask there.

Leave a comment on my profile if you want to translate a guide to an other language.

I thank everyone that contributed.

You could also check out my recent Workshop contribution:

French Translation of this Guide by Batou.

Turkish Translation of this Guide by Ibrahim Pasha.

Also check out my Operation Shattered Web guide:

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Frosty 6 Jan @ 8:56am 
Good work!
3st  [author] 22 May, 2023 @ 1:11am 
@kJELDSEN.,: No.
kjeldseN // 15 May, 2023 @ 5:56am 
Will this work when you play FaceIT etc.? :-)
TezZzy 4 Mar, 2023 @ 7:12am 
yeah, no one can see that
"Updated 26 Feb, 2022 @ 6:48pm"
3st  [author] 4 Mar, 2023 @ 5:11am 
It says so in the title and section 1 of the tutorial.
TezZzy 24 Feb, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
why didnt you say it doesnt work on official servers
ladiesman217 21 Dec, 2022 @ 7:08am 
SK1F 26 Aug, 2022 @ 4:38pm 
For those who need display damage in console:
player_debug_print_damage 1
3st  [author] 19 Mar, 2022 @ 7:25am 
Thank you. I will update the guide if they change it. :)
GoAwayBaitin 18 Mar, 2022 @ 6:27pm 
thanks for all your hard work, hopefully they reverse that in the future.