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how to not get rdm'd on darkrp
By sans from fortnite
this will help you not get rdm'd by a cringe nae nae baby teenager who's crying over his printers being stolen or just some memer who loves to meme and get banned from servers
identify your potential rdm'er
okay so first off there are two types of people who rdm on purpose:

1st is that 12 year old boy you just rap ed and/or raided his base, and he's crying to mama n shtuff and wants revenge. These are the more powerful of the two ironically, due to the fact that most of these kids have been playing on the server for a while and have racked up cash and good weaponry. You can usually tell these apart from memers because they have a very high pitched voice and usually after you call them a name most people would take as a joke they'd have a tone in their voice as if they were crying (prolly are). You can also tell them apart because they've stolen their mom's credit card and bought something like "SUPER MEGA EPIC XD GAMER VIP!!11!" for like 100 dollars, meaning they also will have jobs with better weaponry and armor.

Moving on,

2nd is the memers. Usually these guys are just out to get a reaction out of you using the starting money, like 50k or some crap. These guys will have less weaponry but more experience shooting making them a threat as well. These dudes are smart with microtransactions on servers, meaning they don't waste their money on a server they're about to get banned off of, giving them less weaponry and gear, but their experience again adds up to a threat. These dudes can be detected if you're on a server that has ranks based on hours, and if not you'll usually see a "first time player" in the chat when they join. Honestly, these are harder to detect because you can't tell if the person is someone who actually wants to play or just wants to meme. A dead giveaway is if they immediately go on the Gun Dealer job and buy themselves somethin nice, but usually they'll wait a while to not immediately be detected.

Now how do you stop these guys from killing you? We'll get on to that part next.

ANNGGYYYYYY 12 year old
So you've run into one or more 12 year old squeakers that have you on their hitlist. Thanks for your service to america's GMod servers, but now you gotta run. If you've got a good base, wait out the storm and just grind for 40 minutes to a couple hours. If you've got a decent base, I'd suggest moving all of your printers to a different, secluded location and maybe make a base there so they don't know where you're at. If you have a bad base I would just roam the streets and whenever you see them run like hell, maybe if they hit you, you could get them for attempted RDM. Heres the fun part, if you made a 12 year old so pissed they'll kill you repeatedly as you walk out of spawn, and you really hate em, get them banned for a couple days to piss em off even more. Just keep walking out at the same location and then get the person banned for MassRDM and Harassment. Just make sure to make yourself disappear when that person comes back, because if you don't want to do that again, that 12 year old will kill you 10 times more than they did last time. Also make sure to laugh at them before they're banned just to make them feel even more anger and maybe RDM in a sit so they get an even longer ban time if they aren't perma banned already.

If you didn't read all that, heres the simple way.

1: Good base = Wait it out
2: Decent base = Move bases to discrete location
3: Bad base = Roam the streets and keep away from players
4: VERY angry 12 year old = Let them spawnkill you until they get banned for MassRDM and Harassment, or if in a sit laugh at them and get more bantime for RDM in a sit.

Remember, these 12 year olds are heavily armed and have been playing for a while, so it wont be easy to dodge them even if they're only kids. (This is coming from a 13 year old xd)
So you've identified a memer thats been stalking you for awhile, or just want to be safe in general. These guys are skilled RDM'ers that have been in the business for a while (like a year or two). Don't worry though, its easy to fix this. Again, Good bases is a good place to start. Just wait until they RDM someone else and get banned and then come back out. If you're trying to be safe all the time, don't go out of your base often. Pull up your spotify or youtube and just listen to music or watch videos while you do your work around your base. A decent base will suffice as well, due to them not having very good weapons, so you can do the same as a good base. A bad base will just get you wallbanged and then its not really RDM but it is being killed, and that still isn't good. You should watch tutorials on how to build very good bases, but make sure to follow server rules else you get warned yourself. If you have a bad base go afk in spawn and watch tutorials, then build yourself a better base. If you don't have a base or don't want to go through all that trouble, if they attempt to RDM you, you'll probably have more weapons and armor, meaning you can stop them easily. If you don't want to go through all that trouble or just absolutely suck like me, just don't go into popular places unless needed, like a gun dealers shop or the police station to enter a mayor's election.

If you don't like to read text, heres simpler versions

1: Good and Decent bases will suffice, just wait until they get themselves banned.
2: Bad bases are obvs bad, look up tutorials on how to make them better and follow step 1
3: Roam around the streets with your weapons drawn, most likely they'll shoot but you'll kill first.
4: Avoid public areas unless needed if you absolutely suck at combat like me
the end (probably i dont know)
okay so thats basically all the tips I know about staying alive, if you know more please share in the comments, btw don't complain about me adding bases in there as well, if they try to raid its not rdm, but this is a guide based on not getting killed by cringe nae nae 12 year olds and memers, not just about rdm, now go out there and practically never get killed again!
ArkCarbon 1 Mar, 2023 @ 2:44pm 
My friend made this PagMan :P:
Sebastian 12 Feb, 2022 @ 7:23pm 
sans from fortnite  [author] 21 Nov, 2021 @ 9:22pm 
i keep forgetting this guide exists and that i spent an hour and a half at 12 am sleep deprived writing out a guide on how to not get rdm'd
IrishDunce 21 Nov, 2021 @ 8:01pm 
how have i not known i've been friends with a poet, this changed my life
Sebastian 17 Oct, 2021 @ 12:16pm 
sans dead
sans from fortnite  [author] 8 May, 2021 @ 3:52pm 
sometimes the truth hurts you gotta let it happen
heRBE2007 8 May, 2021 @ 3:12pm 
this is offensive cause im an aphla gamer teenager that gets rdm and got silence by a 11 year old admin permently and now can get help and now rdm rdmers for revnage im shit at spelling cause i was a child skill exsparinment at school and was never tought to write eat an ass
sans from fortnite  [author] 7 May, 2021 @ 2:48pm 
frey.kaleb.r 7 May, 2021 @ 8:55am 
Mangost 4 May, 2021 @ 6:05am 
all i play is TTT but darkrp could be fun PAINFUL