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RKSL Bovington Test Area
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RKSL Bovington Test Area

In 2 Kollektionen von RKSL-Rock
RKSL Collection
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UKAF: UK Armed Forces Collaboration
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RKSL Bovington Test Area v3.BETA42m

This includes some terrain changes, over 100 fixes and some new built up areas.

Bovington Camp is a real location in the Southwest of England. Its primary use is to teach members of the British Forces to drive and use all the vehicles in the British inventory. But it is also used to test and develop new equipment and improvements to existing kit.

The map was started after a conversation with MikePhoenix about having a map to test our vehicles on. I blame him for all that followed. This represents a lot of blood, pain sweat and so many tears its really not funny. It is not the best product I've ever released. And I'm reluctant to release it in this state. But so many people want to get hold of it I've chosen to let it escape into the wild.

Some things you really need to understand:
1) This really is an UNFINISHED, WORK IN PROGRESS!! Lots of broken and messed up things.
2) You MUST set your view distance to no more than 4000m to get the best performance. It uses a 4096x4096 height map and has a 1m per vertex resolution and any view distance over 4k causes massive FPS drops.
3) It will be updated and improved upon over time. That time frame may be months or millenia.
4) This version is a slight step backwards in terms of progress in that it has a lot of placeholder buildings and objects.
5) The green buildings are placeholders for custom buildings. These will be swapped out over time.
6) White objects are unfinished or I've screwed up. They will be replaced faster than the green buildings.
7) It was intended from day 1 to be an internal project solely for Mike and myself.
8) If you want to whine and whinge about it, just unsubscribe and move along.
9) And if you cant resist and are going to whinge. Be constructive and make a Bug report here: BUG TRACKER[]

Version history
V3.BETA42m Public BETA - Fixes and additions
V3.BETA41 Public BETA - Fixes and additions
V3.BETA40 First Public BETA Release

16.777 sq Km
109,950 ish objects.
Some custom roads,
Lots of custom objects,
600m Firing Range with custom firing points.
25m Pistol Range


Created by: RKSL Rock
Custom Objects by: MikePhoenix and RKSL Rock
Tested by:
- Farsight
- Smudge
- Siddy - (when he could remember to download the right version)
- SmokeDog
- Kyle
- John M - Lots of ref pics and advice.

If you would like to donate, I would appreciate it. Especially now with COVID its hard for people to do but If you like the map and our addons dropping me a Kofi would be appreciated[]

Rock Oct 20
76 Kommentare
SKIPS_ [스킵스] 12. März 2023 um 15:07 
Thanks for the reply. I'm looking forward to future updates.
RKSL-Rock  [Autor] 12. März 2023 um 13:44 
Its not abandoned. Its just paused while i work out some things and move it into a different namespace and finish the custom (currently green) buildings.

The 600m Range is cut into the terrain. Its made up of stock and custom objects so can be recreated on other maps. The firing post is a custom object made by me. But it will soon be editor placable when i copy it into the RKSL Objects pack next week together with the 25m Range backstop.
SKIPS_ [스킵스] 11. März 2023 um 15:00 
I love this map, Just wish it was a little bigger and actually included Bere Regis and Bovington Estate. Will more work be done on this or has it been abandoned? Is the 600m range a standalone asset made by someone else? If so where can it be found?
BigRichie_ 29. Jan. 2023 um 8:16 
but for real....please....
BigRichie_ 29. Jan. 2023 um 8:16 
Pwease make the 25m Range stand alone UwU
smithydz 6. Mai 2022 um 20:04 
Gotta say, I love this mod, although some of the untextured buildings ruin it a bit
Giggs 13. Jan. 2022 um 3:52 
please, will give kiss and hugs
RKSL-Rock  [Autor] 13. Jan. 2022 um 3:07 
Nobody seems to say please anymore... :steamfacepalm:
Giggs 13. Jan. 2022 um 1:45 
reckon u could upload the 25m ranger as a standalone?
Sanzhere 23. Dez. 2021 um 0:13 
Fair enough mate, will still be a lot nicer when it’s all on the one structure