Space Engineers

Space Engineers

35 ratings
Ranger Mk.IIIa
Type: Blueprint
File Size
3.061 MB
18 Dec, 2020 @ 4:16pm
22 Dec, 2020 @ 6:00am
4 Change Notes ( view )
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Ranger Mk.IIIa

An attack variant of the Ranger Mk.III featuring guided PMW missiles. No mods. The front hardpoints also populated with gatling turrets, and there are 2 gatling gun arrays (20 total).

For general description, see Ranger Mk.III:

This variant does have subgrids and scripts: uses WHAM+LAMP scripts by whiplash141 to launch small guided missiles to hit targets at extreme range.

Note: The block group for building the missiles also has a timer to lock the connectors on them. This is so the small tanks on them can fuel up with hydrogen.
Once the connectors are green, turn the build group off before firing the missile. This will prevent an unlucky case where connectors try to reconnect after the missile firing sequence has begun, and/or the new missile getting built before the old one has cleared the projector area.
The missile will disconnect from connector and merge blocks, turn it's gas tank from stockpile to fueling the thrusters, fire the detach thruster for 2 secs, then blaze off towards the target. 2 seconds is more than needed in space but a good amount for 1G gravity.

Update: automated the building missile group with timers. It will turn off now when firing, then back on after 3 seconds when the missile should be clear.

Range: Missile will burn for several seconds. In space should be plenty to be on target, will drift until it hits something. In 1G of gravity made it 4.9km.
Payload: 4 small warheads and a knuckle sandwich of hard blast doors.

This ship on
Nes-AliTheAvali [GUC] 22 Dec, 2020 @ 1:11pm 
owo awesome
AutoMcDonough  [author] 22 Dec, 2020 @ 6:01am 
Update: automated the missile build group with timers. It'll turn off when firing and then back on after 3 seconds, nothing to worry about now. :)
AutoMcDonough  [author] 19 Dec, 2020 @ 5:47am 
got it
Nes-AliTheAvali [GUC] 19 Dec, 2020 @ 4:00am 
spelt ranger wrong above the link btw