Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

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Texture Pop-in Fix
By AyleidRuin
Texture bug'n out on you? Pop-in which Breaks your Immersion? Want Max Graphics? Here's a fix.
We are disabling Texture Streaming. Locate your "Engine.ini" file.
Location: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\MCC\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
Back it up and open it to find a bare text file. Add both lines to the ini:
[SystemSettings] r.TextureStreaming=0

That's it! Enjoy not seeing Textures bug'n out bc of reasons xD

Thank you, Yiryi-Sa, for posting your ini tweaks that enabled me to fix my problem :D
Max Graphics
UPDATE 2021.May: Not Working :/ 2.x works but not 3.x. 2=high which is max in game.

Backup & Open "GameUserSettings.ini"
Location (same as above):
Without Word Wrap Enabled in N++, lines: 26-33 is the graphics detail.
GraphicsQualityThrottles= GraphicsQualityThrottlesPerGame[0]= GraphicsQualityThrottlesPerGame[1]= ...etc to (6) GraphicsQualityThrottlesPerGame[6]=
Change ALL "ScaleVal=1.000000" to "ScaleVal=3.000000". EXCEPT for the First one which is WaterLOD. =You might not like the change, but I go with 3. Towards the End of the lines is "MotionBlur=True". Change to "MotionBlur=False" & say goodbye to Motion Blur. I tried copy/pasta all 7 lines but I think I ran to the max characters here for this section.

Also, I Do Not Know if You Have to do All 7 lines "ScaleVal=,&,MotionBlur=". I did.
One might be good with just Line 26/GraphicsQualityThrottles=. In the thread below Liz reports 2 is "enhanced". I chose 3 thinking "why not?" since 3 is the reported max value. Anyways I'm not having problems and my game looks great.

Last thing. I wanted to be able to Stop the Despawning of dropped weapons. I don't know if "ObjectFadeModifer=" had anything to do with it. So I just changed All "ScaleVal=3.000000" in all 7 lines.

Thank you to Liz Lemon w/ the thread here:
Copy/Pasta lines 26-33 in GameUserSettings.ini
Backup / 7zip \MCC b4 you Copy/Pasta. You never know :)
They are stretched out a long ways on 7 lines. Make sure "Word Wrap" is disabled in your notepad app. For this steam guide code section is misleading. It copied on one line for me w/o problems.

Note WaterLOD is included at 3. Change back to 1 (or try 2) if you don't like the changes to
Distant Water.

First-line #26 starting with "GraphicsQualityThrottles=" and Lines 27-33 "GraphicsQualityThrottlesPerGame[0]=" are the same Except for the start of the line. So just copy the section below and replace your lines Starting with the End of the first bit :) Don't 4get to Backup :)


As you can see there are a Whole Bunch of Settings we can Play With :D Have at it. Again, 3 is the reported max tho I wanted to try 4 or 5 & see what happens :P
Please. Take the advice and Backup all files. Can't hurt to 7zip the whole \AppData\LocalLow\MCC folder, subfolders & files. Your saves are here also. At least for my setup.

Thank you for reading & Have Fun!
AyleidRuin  [author] 25 May, 2021 @ 8:32pm 
I tried "3.x" and no go. Like you said it reverts. So I'm guessing that someone "locked off" the graphics so the PC looks the same as consoles. But, I have no idea.
Teal Master 25 May, 2021 @ 5:15pm 
Locked off?
AyleidRuin  [author] 24 May, 2021 @ 10:13pm 
Yup. Locked off :( Max graphics are a no go.
AyleidRuin  [author] 19 May, 2021 @ 5:29pm 
No. It Should stay. Did you mark ALL of the sections 26-33? That coded section at end of guide, must be copied 8 times. If still not saving then try marking your .ini as "read-only". But I wouldn't. I'd try to find why my game is reverting back.
Teal Master 19 May, 2021 @ 1:19pm 
When I do this, the graphics options in game are switched to normal. Is this to be expected?
AyleidRuin  [author] 9 Feb, 2021 @ 1:55am 
@Evanesca Cool :)

WaterLOD=3.xx =No problems, But the Water doesn't reflect the sky like were use to in original. Meaning: water close to you reflected White b4. With 3.xx it reflects the sky like it should. So all water reflects the sky(blue) with clouds. Will be updating guide to better word sections 2 n 3. Just wanted to report on that if anyone was wondering.
Evanesca 8 Feb, 2021 @ 7:49pm 
I will say that setting all the Motion Blur settings to 'False' got rid of that weird 'warp' around the corners of the screen for Reach, I always thought it was the sky box but nope. Turns out it was a post processing effect.
AyleidRuin  [author] 6 Feb, 2021 @ 2:43am 
Awesome. I'm dreading LASO xD HF!
poptones 6 Feb, 2021 @ 2:09am 
i already got all of those long ago. i just have LASO for a few games still and killing 1,000 knights and watchers in halo 4. thanks for the tip though
AyleidRuin  [author] 6 Feb, 2021 @ 2:05am 
One other thing. ODST's audio logs bug'd out on me :/ It's a known bug and 343 n others have fixes for it. Requires Backup files & delete them >Verify Game Files > Throw your saves back in. =Something like that. Played thru 5 on heroic and now going back on legend w/ searching 4 collectibles :D Freaking Nostolgic Trip xD lol