Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Bernie Sanders Is Once Again Asking for Napalm Support
Ancient_SpaceMan 31 Oct, 2023 @ 3:18pm 
Bernie Sanders is why you lose wars sirry Americans
Doctor Mobius  [author] 9 Jul, 2023 @ 7:21am 
@Animal MutterN typical bavaria
Animal mutterN 9 Jul, 2023 @ 7:01am 
FCK the Tele München Fernseh GmbH + Co. typical Bavarian Assholes secure their shit like fascist !!!! cant watch in germany
Care Bear 1 Nov, 2022 @ 3:11am 
@The Deadhood lmao die
Doctor Mobius  [author] 30 Apr, 2022 @ 5:05pm 
@The Deadhood ok who asked
Yes Fantasy 29 Apr, 2022 @ 4:59am 
LOL Bernie Sanders was fighting for Civil Rights back home for people of color. He was a real hero and braver than the troops like unironically. The USA are invading imperialist scum like the Russia was in Afghanistan and are right now in Ukraine.
Kravis 16 Mar, 2021 @ 8:02pm 
"We Were Soldiers" is the film.
Polkovnik Todd 6 Mar, 2021 @ 1:25pm 
Film name please ?
{GGC} Jofflofogus 9 Feb, 2021 @ 6:02am 
"We need to have enemy recruitment tied to a dying wage! It is unbelievable in this army that the top tenth of one percent of aircraft hold more dakka than the bottom ninety-nine percent combined - we believe B-52 support is not a privilege, but a human right!"
BEZ - GeorgeDroydAI 6 Feb, 2021 @ 10:27pm 
Dudes on the wrong team lol