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65 ratings
MONMUSU Mechanics Guide
By SuperFluffyKitty
A quick explanation of how the mechanics of this game work in terms of your summoned monster girl as it's not fully explained in the game.
Clicking Mechanics
An auto-clicker is suggested.

There is a hidden boost that is activated by clicking the monster girl. All math is explained in the bottom section.

Originally posted by Devs:
Touching them will boost your production rate and affect your favorability rating.
Depending on where you touch, boost rate and fluctuation of favorability rating will vary.
By reaching maximum favorability rating, Monster Girls will start off Support Mode, which further boosts your production rate.

By clicking on their head you can fill up the heart bar, and while clicking on their head, this grants a small boost in production speed and you'll see the bars of each unit increasing faster.

When the heart at the bottom right on the monster girl is fully increased a small scene will play and you'll enter Support Mode, you'll get a value boost to each unit and their character pane will turn a pink colour.

While the character pane is a pink colour you are able to click on the monster girls chest and crotch area and you'll get a bigger boost in production speed than you would if just clicking on their head.
There is a 3 minute / 180 second cooldown on the ability from each monster girl and during this time you are only able to get the boost in production speed as if the heart hadn't been filled at all. You are able to move to the monster girls chest and crotch area during this time, but you'll decrease the heart meter and run the risk of getting a production debuff.

Base Rate
Clicking head
Clicking chest
Heart buff
Clicking head w/ heart buff
Clicking chest w/ heart buff

As can be seen from the above table, leaving an auto clicker on the Monster Girls head will yield a 50% boost to production (150%) and every three minutes when you get the heart buff you'll reach a 125% boost (225%) for 20 seconds.

If active clicking, you can rotate between head and chest to get the most out of the boosts, and click the chest during the heart buff where your heart meter won't decrease.
There is probably an AHK script that can manage this if someone wants to write a clicker script that targets the head and rotates accordingly when the buffs land.
Leveling up
When you summon a new Monster Girl all your units will automatically level up, this gives all your units a permanent 50% boost to their production.

Flah32000 22 Dec, 2024 @ 1:20pm 
If you are on the Steamdeck, I went ahead and created a simple profile that can alternate click zones.
K9ofChaos 29 Dec, 2023 @ 3:40am 
Also, how much starting gold do the Archer, Swordsman, Knight, Prince and Princess make? Is one of them at least a million? Or a more realistic 6 digit or 4 digit number?
K9ofChaos 29 Dec, 2023 @ 3:36am 
This guide is good like @Coyote4 said.

In terms of strategy, should I try to bum rush getting at least one Archer, Swordsman, Knight, Prince and Princess in order to get fat stacks of cash? I've got 5 bandits and 2 wizards as my major breadwinners so far.
webbk 11 Oct, 2023 @ 10:47pm 
What about the 18+ patch? I didn't see it on the store page.
Crimson Fox 3 Jun, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
How do I reset the game?
komi 28 Apr, 2022 @ 11:15pm 
Thanks :Speech_Love:
Coyote4 3 Feb, 2022 @ 12:40pm 
Good guide. Here are a few more things to add to the list of game mechanics.

Magic Lamp and Cat Teaser can be obtained through buying units and from clicking on the girls. Seems like they show up more often from clicking tits and groin areas.

Cat Teaser is a great item as it allows you to click on the girls tits and groin area without decreasing the heart gauge. Lasts only for a minute but it really can be helpful to use during the 3 minute cooldown. Clicking (any mouse button) on the girls tits or groin reduces the time to earn gold from all units by 1 second per click. To get the most out of the Cat Teaser item, click both mouse buttons on the tits or groin area and if you can, even press the mouse wheel button so it registers 3 at once.
Pcwojjo 25 May, 2021 @ 1:13am 
Fair made guide, it helped a lot in progress :sakurabeachnenelaugh:
Zagreus 12 Feb, 2021 @ 12:14am 
Did you know that your guide has been published on and is monetized ?