Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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AQD - Reinforced Windows
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Block
23.770 MB
13.5.2021 klo 14.35
14.10.2024 klo 12.22
4 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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AQD - Reinforced Windows

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä enenra
AQD - A Quantum of Depth
25 luomusta

Current version: 1.1d
Please refer to the changelog for patch notes.

This mod adds a set of reinforced windows in large and small grid (3x3) to the game. They are more durable than regular windows and are ideal for equipping on any cockpits or bridges.

AQD - A Quantum of Depth is a project of mine, encompassing multiple small and larger mods aimed at improving the gameplay experience and eventually overhauling larger parts of the game:

11 New Reinforced Window Blocks
Available in both large and small grid (but 3x3, not 1x1), reinforced windows are more durable than regular windows.
  • Reinforced Window 1x1
  • Reinforced Window 1x1 Triangle
  • Reinforced Window 1x1 Triangle Offset
  • Reinforced Window 1x1 Corner
  • Reinforced Window 1x1 Corner Inverted
  • Reinforced Window 1x1 Slope
  • Reinforced Window 1x2 Corner
  • Reinforced Window 1x2 Corner Inverted
  • Reinforced Window 1x2 Slope
  • Reinforced Window 1x2 Triangle
  • Reinforced Window 1x2 Triangle Offset


  • Shadestuff - He made the models that I based the shape of my blocks on.
  • pilfit, Consty, Purrfect-Blinky, V0ID and AryxErin - For testing the mod and providing the awesome screenshots for the modpage.


97 kommenttia
Sterling Kerman 4.11.2024 klo 14.10 
These look fantastic! Though, I do wish there was simple 1x1 small grid variants that matched the size of the standard small 1x1 window panes. The 3x3 (small grid) as the smallest makes some complicated small grid designs complicated.
enenra  [tekijä] 25.7.2023 klo 12.20 
You'll find it under AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\ShaderCache2
CynicDragon 24.7.2023 klo 23.05 
how do you delete the shader cache enenra?
Zedstein 28.5.2023 klo 13.13 
I just realized, as I was looking for a different issue, that I asked the same question as like 20 other people. Idk how much people are willing to read but having a bugs section specifically for the window loading bug might help.
Zedstein 27.5.2023 klo 6.25 
Alright. Thanks man.
enenra  [tekijä] 27.5.2023 klo 5.57 
It's a bug with the base game that I unfortunately cannot fix on my end. It's been reported to Keen but there hasn't been much progress on it. The problem is that it's different for each user - even if I opened your savegame with the issue, the bug would not appear for me.

For some people, verifying the game's files has helped, or deleting the shader cache.
Zedstein 27.5.2023 klo 5.19 
When loading a world from save window on small grid becomes invisible. Any idea why/how to fix?
NightWolf 7.5.2023 klo 5.43 
Ooh, didn't even think of that. Thank you!
enenra  [tekijä] 7.5.2023 klo 5.16 
That was done with the window mounted on a hinge, i.e. subgrids.
NightWolf 6.5.2023 klo 7.04 
How do you put seats in the window as seen in the images on this mod page? The hitbox of the window is preventing me from doing the same