The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

67 ratings
Sussy Mother Cutscene
File Size
12.868 MB
Jun 22, 2021 @ 6:35am
Nov 12, 2021 @ 4:25pm
3 Change Notes ( view )
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Sussy Mother Cutscene

Version 1.2 tested locally and downloaded from workshop, verified working

This mod replaces the cutscene that plays after Mother dies with this:

Hooray! Thanks to the November 10th patch, this mod no longer requires extra installation steps! Just download it like you would any other mod.

The mod is now compatible with others that modify cutscenes.xml.

I was also able to reach out to the creator of the original video and I've included a higher-resolution version. The fact that the original was 360p upscaled to 540p detracted from the ingame experience, and now that problem is resolved.
CalmMagma Nov 12, 2021 @ 5:55pm 
SkyeBirb  [author] Nov 12, 2021 @ 11:13am 
@Pargus Thank you so much for letting me know! It turns out the patch might have messed with the way I had things implemented, but my testing shows that I can now cut out the extra installation step and be compatible with other mods that change cutscenes.xml! I'll have the new version posted likely within an hour.
PARGUS Nov 11, 2021 @ 2:37pm 
for some reason the mod doesn't work anymore after the patch, help
lturhan Sep 4, 2021 @ 2:47am 
amogus after this be like:
ah yes another happy customer
CalmMagma Aug 7, 2021 @ 9:21am 
Damn, sorry to hear that. Thanks for taking my feedback into consideration.
SkyeBirb  [author] Aug 5, 2021 @ 1:59pm 
That said, it's possible the bug part may have been patched. I'll try to take a look at it later tonight and see if anything's changed. If it has, I'll update the mod :)
SkyeBirb  [author] Aug 5, 2021 @ 1:57pm 
Sorry @Arizona Ranger, these are circumstances completely out of my control. As of the time I uploaded the mod (unsure if this is still the case), there is a bug that prevents the game from loading ogv files from outside the game's directory. Additionally, the video used in this mod is not made by me, and its highest resolution on youtube is 360p. I'm sorry :(
CalmMagma Aug 5, 2021 @ 11:35am 
I know the previous comment is harsh criticism, but i'd really like to see this mod in a better shape, as it is a really funny idea that could legit earn a laugh here and there.
CalmMagma Aug 5, 2021 @ 11:34am 
There are a few things with the mod that could be better.

1 - You could try renaming the video with the same name as cutscene 21 to get about the same result, and use cutscene.xml to configure proper duration and such. This might mean that extra installation may not be needed at all.

2 - The video is very low res and the audio quality is absolutely awful, seeing it in higher resolutions is such a eyesore that it instantly reminds me of how it's a mod, and completely kills any chance at a genuine reaction.
Hengus McMann Jul 19, 2021 @ 6:00pm 
Hey, wow! I was the one who made that original video! Thanks for turning this into a mod, man! Holy cow!