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[Atlantis] Star Wars Creature NPCs
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Addon Tags: Fun, Roleplay
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[Atlantis] Star Wars Creature NPCs

In 1 collection by FallenLogic
Ultimate Star Wars Creature NPC Collection
4 items
Commissioned by the French Community: Atlantis[]

Contains 15 NPCs

Duneclaw (Hostile):
The duneclaw, also known as a guuria, was a non-sentient beast native to the planet Tatooine.

Wraid (Hostile):
Wraids were large reptilian creatures found on many desert planets around the galaxy, including Tatooine and Korriban as well as other planets like Tython.

Dromund Kaas
Gundark (Hostile):
Gundarks were vicious carnivorous desert mammals from the planet Vanqor. Renowned for their power and ferocity,the large creatures had sixteen claws and keen hearing.

Jurgoran (Hostile):
Jurgorans were large, amphibious animals native to Dromund Kaas, where they were challenged only by the gundark for a position at the top of the food chain.

Asharl Panther (Hostile):
Asharl panthers were large, aggressive felines native to the frigid planet Ilum in the Unknown Regions. They lived in Ilum's Northern and Southern hemispheres.

Horranth (Hostile):
Horranths were reptilian carnivores native to the Deep Core planet Tython. Quadrupeds with short, stubby legs and an array of horns across their back, horranths were typically seen in few numbers on the grassy mountainsides of their homeworld.

Flesh Raider (Hostile):
Flesh Raiders were a sub-species of the Rakata, rulers of the Infinite Empire. Mass-mutated and bred as lower-caste soldiers in servitude to the Empire, some members of this species were abandoned on the planet Tython long before the time of the Cold War between the resurgent Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, allowing the Flesh Raiders' survival past the collapse of the Rakatan Empire.

Uxibeast (Mountable):
Uxibeasts were hair-covered mammalian herbivores native to the planets Tython and Voss. Roaming open pastures on the mountainous world, the uxibeast's horned body posed a danger to anything caught in its path when agitated.

Makrin Creeper (Hostile):
The makrin creeper was a creature that was native to the planet of Makeb. The insect-like creatures appeared to be made up of earth and wood, but in reality, these were parts of their natural camouflage.

Exoboar (Hostile):
The Exoboar was a vicious burrowing creature native to the planet Makeb.

Shyrack (Hostile):
Shyracks were large, bat-like avian creatures with razor like teeth native to the caves of Korriban.

Terentatek (Hostile):
Terentateks were creatures which fed off the blood of Force-sensitives, and inhabited caves and tombs strong with the dark side of the Force. Several guarded the entrance to a section of Naga Sadow's tomb.

K’lor’slug (Hostile):
K'lor'slugs were dangerous vermiforms native to the swamps of Noe'ha'on. They were also found on Korriban and Taris.

K’lor’slug Forager (Hostile):
The K'lor'slug Forager are a sub-species of the K'lor'slug race.

Tuk'ata (Hostile):
Tuk'ata were giant beasts that were bred to be fearless and relentless. Their distinctive characteristics included sharp horns, long claws and savage teeth. Tuk'ata were more intelligent than common animals and were even able to communicate.

Nal Hutta
Chemilizard (Hostile):
Chemilizards, originally known as orpali dragons, were reptilian life forms native to Nal Hutta. After the Hutts' terraforming and polluting of the environment, these lizards evolved to be able to extract nutrients out of the chemical pollutants that would kill most other living creatures.

Xuvva (Hostile):
The flapping of thick, hairless wings is often the last sound heard by a victim of the deadly xuvvas. Their fangs bite with brutal precision, quickly disabling prey while filling the xuvvas’ swollen stomachs. The creatures then take flight and hunt down their next meal using sensitive electroreceptors in their horn-like antenna.

Yavin IV
Stoneray (Hostile):
Stonerays were a species of flying reptavian carnivores native to Yavin 4. Living in swamps and jungles, they used their taloned tails to disembowel their prey.

Massassi Blood Warrior (Hostile):
The Massassi are subspecies of the ancient Sith. Bred for war, these hulking creatures have blood red skin and distinctive tentacles on the chin. The alchemical breeding of the Massassi took place on Korriban before the Great Hyperspace War, but they were brought to Yavin 4 by Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow, who went into exile on the jungle moon.

Malaphar the Savage (Hostile):
Malaphar, also known as Malaphar the Savage, was a massive male Massassi warrior who lived on the moon Yavin 4 during the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.

Kowakian Monkey-Lizard (Friendly):
Kowakian monkey-lizards, also known as Kowakians, sometimes referred to as monkeys, were a race of semi-sentient reptilian creatures often used by members of the underworld as pets.

Credits to Electronic Arts for SWTOR.
Credits to FallenLogic for extracting the models and making the NPCs.
Credits to Lolozaure for making the thumbnails, icons.
gael the soldier 13 Mar, 2024 @ 2:23pm 
stew_the_gamer 11 Nov, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
no monkey-lizard
jedawdy 29 Apr, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
(if you can) can you make the rathtar
scorpion2009 1 Feb, 2023 @ 3:05pm 
i cant find the kowakian monkey-lizard any were
FallenLogic  [author] 21 Oct, 2022 @ 2:47pm 
@O_O They don't have any ragdolls to spawn on death - so they would just keep the final death pose. If you want them to keep the final pose, it can be toggled via lua editing, but I will warn you that it's expensive to keep lots of models rendered
PoopyFart 21 Oct, 2022 @ 11:20am 
i seem to be having a minor problem with the npcs when they die they just disappear is that meant to happen or can i toggle it on or off or something ?
DepGlumbarg 25 Jan, 2022 @ 4:18pm 
hey I have looked everywhere for an npc of the mimic for call of duty cold war and can't find it can you please make it
Lolozaure  [author] 3 Sep, 2021 @ 3:05pm 
@ravmar314 The humans with lightsabers are players
ravmar314 1 Sep, 2021 @ 6:50pm 
what are the other nextbots or npcs in the pictires
Scum 1 Sep, 2021 @ 5:49pm 