Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Este item é incompatível com o Counter-Strike 2. Consulta a página de instruções para encontrares os possíveis motivos pelos quais este item poderá não funcionar no Counter-Strike 2.
MP9 | Spirit [Mist]
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Nos Favoritos
Arma: MP9
Estilo de skin: Pintura personalizada
Marcadores: Skin de arma
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6.911 MB
9 out. 2021 às 20:28
19 out. 2021 às 12:47
1 nota de alteração ( ver )

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MP9 | Spirit
3 itens
After I had seen the theme of the contest First thing that came to my mind was Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki.
I just immediately went to rewatch one of my favorite films. I think I was pausing and playing back some moments at least 3-4 times, made bunch of screens for further inspirations. I truly loved the lost river spirit character for its bravery and real sadness, flowing beauty and loyalty, care and possession. I wanted to show the same energy it possesses so why i decided to create the trilogy of designs with totally different vibe by coloring it according its energy. I felt it would be very suitable to implement the guardian spirit dragon into my favorite gun in CS at all for CT site - MP9. I have seen many pro player doing crazy stuff in FPL circuit or in official tournaments and hopefully in an upcoming Major. This gun really deserves the coolest design ever for its impact ingame.

Listen to this:

"Will we meet again sometime?"
"Sure we will."
"Promise… Now go, and don’t look back…"