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Dual Berettas ~ Hypnosis [Astral]
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Style de finition: Armurier
Étiquettes: Finition d'arme
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8.680 MB
20 oct. 2021 à 10h01
20 oct. 2021 à 11h10
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Making an art for the pink tire design I was looking for some "Solid-Simple-Sturdy" concept for Dreams and Nightmare contest. I felt the Hypnosis theme will fit the best, so I started to research. I was pretty impressed by Snake charming (the practice of appearing to hypnotize a snake (often a cobra) by playing and waving around an instrument), so I composed the snake silhouette following the gun shape and played with other elements such as spirals to fit the gun flow best. Also what really impressed me was the theory that African python has hypnotic power in it's eyes, I wanted to replicate this on the artwork, so I decided to draw the crystal on its eye where the hypnotic powers are blasting from. Also you can observe by the pictures I've gathered (moodboard) that I was inspired by other geometric elements, colors and style.

big credits to workshop map creators: