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MineRalph Achievements
By Achrotone
A thorough explanation on how to get every achievement in the game.
MineRalph is a hard game. It's a blend of high-speed precision platforming and a rather unorthodox control scheme that leads for a uniquely frustrating experience. From my time spent playing the game, it's clear to me that the developers knew exactly what they were getting into when creating this, and abused the mechanic to its absolute limit. The achievements are no joke either—some take a significant amount of time to execute, while other certain hidden feats take time to even get a grasp on where to start. This guide was created in hopes of helping the achievement hunters out there to have an easier time figuring out how to get the achievements the game has to offer. So, without further ado, let's delve into the rocky realm of MineRalph.
Death Achievements
Off to a rocky start
You cannot avoid this.
Accept your fate.

Ooooh boi
Accumulate 100 deaths across all sessions.
You'll get this one pretty quick.

Yeah, this is gonna take a while
Accumulate 1000 deaths across all sessions.
Not much more to be said here.

... JUST.. HOW??
Accumulate 10000 deaths across all sessions.
Have fun farming all those deaths.
But hey, on the bright side, at least you get a cool-looking skin.
Speedrun Achievements
The Flash
Beat any level in 30 seconds or less. The easiest level to get this on is without a doubt level 2-2, so just make sure to go quick and not make any severe mistakes. Enjoy the Soni—*cough*—sorry, "R"onic skin!

Beat World 1 in 10 minutes or less. There's a moderately small amount of room for errors, so make sure to practice every level until you're confident enough to start doing full runs. Make sure to use any skips to your advantage!

Ain't nobody got time for that
After defeating RoBoss in World 3, you'll eventually enter the credits level which is nothing more than a winding corridor that repeats the whole way through. To get the achievement, go through the whole thing in a minute or less.

Better than Rune
Complete the main game from start to finish in 10 hours or less.

Better than Bo
Complete the main game from start to finish in 6 hours or less.

Just in time
Unlike what the description says, you just have to reach 3-B for this achievement in under 5 hours (which I'm not sure is true). Also, if you go over the time limit before you defeat the final boss, Ralphina will be nothing but lifeless pebbles.

Better than Michael
Complete the main game from start to finish in 2 hours or less.

Better than Dario
Complete the main game from start to finish in 1 hour or less.

I Want Gold!
Get the gold time medal on all normal levels.

Adequate Deaths
Same as the above achievement, only this time for death count medals.

Must Go Further Beyond
Hang on, there's more time medals?! Yep, and you can blame me for that. I am in fact the person responsible for creating these specific medals in the first place (they're all based on my personal best times prior to the update's release), as well as tuning all the game's time and death medals. No worries, just get one diamond time medal. How hard can it be?

Die To Survive
Just like I mentioned above, there are also diamond medals for doing a level without dying or resetting a checkpoint a single time. This will serve as good practice for the full-game deathless anyhow.

Look at me Mom
Get the diamond time medal on all normal levels. This will be the toughest achievement to get speedrunning-wise, so make sure you practice constantly (or just watch and replicate my replays on the leaderboards). Additionally, doing this achievement will earn you a very cool skin that I made for this game. Only do the bonus levels if you want pain.

Beat every normal level individually without dying once. This is a lot easier to obtain compared to the time medals, and you will also get another neat skin that I made for this game. Okay seriously, the bonus levels are hard as hell. Only do them if you're a masochist and want to suffer.
Completion Achievements
Endless rabbit hole
Clear all levels in World 1.

Machine supremacy
Clear all levels in World 2.

The End of the Beginning
Defeat RoBoss for good in World 3. Go drill yourself!

Is this the robot utopia?
Clear all levels in World 3.

Each level from World 1 to World 3 hides a sign with a rock pun. To get this achievement, you must find all 33 secrets. The bonus levels do not contain any secrets—they're hard enough already. A video showing every secret location has been included for your convenience.

eloh tibbar sseldnE
Clear all 10 bonus levels. This will take a lot of skill, determination, and patience.

Beat every single level in the game. This should unlock immediately after completing the bonus world.

Pretty clear-cut. Earn every other achievement that the game has to offer.
Miscellaneous Achievements
Make sure you have camera shake enabled, otherwise this won't unlock. This should come naturally since you'll encounter levels with huge drops early on in the game. Otherwise, just fall down from a high enough place and you're set.

Not so secret anymore.
Find one (1) secret in any level from World 1 to World 3. See the video guide under the Transparency achievement for the location of every secret.

OwO Whats this?
You get this by finding enough secrets to unlock a bonus world level. The first bonus level is automatically playable once beating World 3, but to unlock the rest, you must find 3, 7, 11, 14, 18, 22, 25, 29 and 33 secrets.

Find 15 secrets across World 1 to World 3. Again, refer to the Transparency achievement for the location of every secret.

Dance Instructor
To get a spider to dance, you have to perform an earthquake close to where they are. Do this for 10 spiders at once.

Pied Piper
To get this achievement, you have to "guide" a mouse towards any body of water. Once they're in there, the achievement should unlock.

Stay in mid-air for 30 seconds. If you touch any surface before the 30 seconds are up, the timer will restart. This can easily be done in World 2 once you get the second power.

I don't lava it
Unlock the "Lava Ralph" skin by beating level 2 of World 3.

All Inclusive
Find some friends and play local multiplayer. You can also do this by yourself, but that makes you a bit of a loner.

Brutal Revenge
After beating the last phase of the final boss fight, hit RoBoss on the head one final time while he's still stuck in the ground. He deserves it after all that unwarranted drilling.

Requires Ralphina to be alive after defeating RoBoss in World 3 for this achievement. Avoid jumping on RoBoss' head after the boss fight. After you get far enough away from him, he will resurface and slowly follow behind. You can guess the rest.

Left for Dead
Requires Ralphina to be alive after defeating RoBoss in World 3 for this achievement. All you have to do is to reach the exit before Ralphina.

Pink Knight
Requires Ralphina to be alive after defeating RoBoss in World 3 for this achievement. All you have to do is just reach the exit of the epilogue level.
Hidden Achievements
This hidden achievement is rather simple to obtain. To do this, go into Settings -> Gameplay -> click the box under "Phoebias" that says "Robots". A drill grunt should pop up and uncheck the box for you. You cannot escape your impending doom.

Here.. Catch!
This achievement can only be done after defeating RoBoss in World 3, with Ralphina still alive. All you have to do for this one is to push Ralphina into RoBoss' drill a second time. "Do I look like a toy to you guys?!"

Why would you do that?
This achievement can only be obtained in the credits level with Ralphina. The solution for this achievement is to push Ralphina into the exit, and then wait around 10 seconds before going in yourself. The achievement should unlock by then, and you can finish the level.

Devs Assemble
The four main developers who worked on the game (Rune, Bo, Michael and Dario) can be found in well-hidden spots throughout the main game. I will not fully disclose their exact location, but I will provide the levels that each of them are hiding in. Finding all the devs will unlock a special skin I made for this game—guess who it's supposed to look like!
• Rune: Level 3-4
• Bo: Level 1-8
• Michael: Level 2-8
• Dario: Level 1-2

Stay Safe
So you might be wondering, how the heck are you supposed to get these skins? As a hint, you might want to refrain from going fast between levels; these skins are hidden in plain sight much better than the QR codes, and for these achievements, there is one per world. This skin can be found in level 1-5.

This skin can be found stowed away in level 2-6.

Magic 8Ball
This skin is hidden away somewhere in level 3-2.
Deathless Achievements
No Car Insurance
Clear all levels in World 1 in one run without dying once. It's important to know that resetting a checkpoint will count as a death, but resetting the level before you get killed will NOT count as a death. Use that to your advantage.

Deep Dive Disaster
The second milestone for the Fabled Savior achievement. Clear World 1 and World 2 consecutively without dying.

The Fabled Savior
Complete the entire main game without dying a single time. This is an extremely difficult task to accomplish, especially when recalling one of the game's core concepts: nearly infinite degrees of freedom (aim angle, boost duration, momentum conservation/destruction). Additionally, the second half of World 3 is heavily backloaded and easily chokeable, not to mention a successful run can take 50~60 minutes on average. Needless to say, this achievement's sum of its parts all add up to be a very focus-intensive and stressful experience, and requires a good degree of knowledge with the game before any attempts should even be considered. To the folks only looking to get achievements as fast as possible, there's no escape from the grind. I wish you the best of luck (and skill) for this achievement. :)
And that should be everything you need to know. Huge thanks for checking out the guide, and I hope you were able to get something out of this. Now go and let other people know about the existence of this game, and support the devs!