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Achievement Guide
Por zZz
This guide explains how to get every achievement in the game. It contains spoilers so read at your own risk.
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Nos Favoritos

This is a complete guide to getting all achievements in the game.

Each achievement has an image of itself as well as its name and the game description of said achievement in a code box beside the image. Below the image and the code box are my notes which clarify the (sometimes) cryptic descriptions. I also add a few tips here and there to help you optimize your time spent hunting the more time-consuming achievements.

Additionally, there are some game terms that I will reference throughout the guide:
  • Level: these are marked in underline and are one of the three campaigns that you can play (City of the Undead, Dwarven Mountains, and Enchanted Forest).
  • Stage: these are marked in italics and are any of the 13 zones which you can visit within a Level (such as Old Town, Mountain Foot, Green Woods, etc.). Each Stage has seven Areas with battles.
  • Area: these are referenced by their number (third, fourth, etc.) and refer to one of the seven battles within a specific Stage.
  • Enemies and equipment are marked in bold.

Any achievements that require you to kill certain enemies can be done with multiple classes. For example, you could kill two of each of the Kings with three different classes.

If there are any errors with my information, you can confirm any unconfirmed claims that I've added (unconfirmed claims are in bold), or you have new information to add, then leave a comment with proof of your claim (a screenshot or video) and I will eventually look into it.
City of the Undead Achievements

Doomsday Specials Buy one of the special offers in Alley Town's shop.
Complete Alley Town and you will automatically visit the shop. Don't forget to buy something while you're there to get the achievement.

Ground Zero Reach the epicenter of the plague.
Choose to go to Infested Town.

Pest Control Considerably reduce the rat population in the City.
Defeat the Palerat Collective in Sewers.

Plague Contained Stop the spread of the plague.
Complete Catacombs.

Honorary Guard Help the city guard clean the streets of High Town.
Complete High Town.

Regicide Kill the King in the City.
Defeat The King in Castle.

Horror Killer Kill the 3 different types of horror that can be found in the City (Hulking, Festering and Burning Horror).
Defeat the following:
Hulking Horror
Old Town
Festering Horror
River Town
Burning Horror
Burnt Town
Note: this must be done over at least two playthroughs.

One Long Night Finish the Cursed City Adventure.
Complete Cathedral.

Old Acquaintances Meet Jacknives in Alley Town after finishing the Rogue Training.
    Complete the following steps:
  • Complete the Rogue Training;
  • Start a new game in City of the Undead and choose the Rogue class;
  • Head to Alley Town; and
  • Encounter Jacknives in the fourth Area. He is a rare encounter so you will have to reload many times.
    Tip 1: use the Dragon Whistle to skip Old Town and start in Alley Town.
    Tip 2: use items such as Throwing Knives and Dwarven Bombs to speed up the process.
  • Unconfirmed: he might also appear in the third Area.
Dwarven Mountains Achievements

Goblincide Destroy a goblin village.
Complete Goblin Village.

Smash the Matriarchy Destroy the Harpy Nest.
Complete Harpy Nest.

Mountainier Reach the Peak in Dwarven Mountains.
Complete Mountain Peak.

Dragon Slayer Kill Skelfilegur, Ijotur and the Great Modir in the Mountains.
Defeat the following:
Mountain Peak
Mountain Peak
Great Módir
Dragon's Lair

Friend of the Dwarves Finish the Dwarven Mountains adventure.
Complete Dragon's Lair.
Enchanted Forest Achievements

Amateur Archeologist Finish the Forgotten Ruins.
Complete Forgotten Ruins.

Wolf Hunter Kill the Moontouched and Hans Mooncursed.
Defeat the following:
Wolf Woods
Hans Mooncursed
Logging Village

Friend of the Nymphs Finish the Deep Gardens without killing any Nymphs.
Complete Deep Gardens without killing any Nymph enemies (pictured in the image).
Note: this achievement was bugged for me because I got it even though I killed every Nymph in every battle on my first playthrough of Deep Garden.

Legendary Hunter Finish the Enchanted Forest adventure.
Complete Beast Trail.
Other Achievements 1

Big Game Hunter Kill a Giant Boar and a Cave Bear.
Defeat the following:
Big Game
Giant Boar
Green Woods
Enchanted Forest
Cave Bear
Mountain Foot
Dwarven Mountains

Arachnophobia Kill the Great Spinner, the Spider Huntress and the Spider High Master.
Defeat the following:
Great Spinner
Spider Woods
Enchanted Forest
Spider Huntress
Spider Caves
Dwarven Mountains
Spider High Master
Fallen City
Dwarven Mountains
This enemy is a Dwarf with a whip and is located in the fourth Area. He is a rare encounter so you might have to try multiple times to encounter him, similar to Jacknives.
The fastest way to get to the Fallen City is to have all three keys for the Dwarven Mountains and start in whichever Stage is easiest for you.
Unconfirmed: he might also appear in the third Area.

Serial King Slayer Kill 6 different Kings (the King, Dwarven King, Fairy King, Forest King, Shadow King and Forgotten King).
Defeat the following:
The King
City of the Undead
Dwarven King
Dwarven Fortress
Dwarven Mountains
Fairy King
Fairy Grove
Enchanted Forest
Spawns from defeating the Fairy Champion.
Forest King
Beast Trail
Enchanted Forest
Shadow King
Equip the Shadow Crown Armor set as any class and die at any point. You will then be whisked away to a special battle where you will have to face the Shadow King and if you win then you will be revived and resume your adventure.

Tip: if you have the Dragon Whistle trinket or Forest Crown Armor set, you should choose to start at Stage 4 in any Level so you start at a higher level. Alternatively, if you don't have these and feel confident then you can take on the Shadow King near the end of a run when you're level 10 and have more consumables.
Forgotten King
Forgotten Ruins
Enchanted Forest

Applied Student Complete all trainings.
Complete the following in any order:
  • Tutorial;
  • Wizard Training;
  • Fighter Training;
  • Rogue Training; and
  • Hunter Training.

Special Hero Have your hero reduce his intellect considerably.
Complete the following steps:
  1. Start a new game in the Enchanted Forest and choose the Fighter class;
  2. Complete Troll Thicket to get the Troll Blood trinket;
  3. Start a new game at Stage 1 of any Level, choose the Fighter class, and equip the Troll Blood trinket; and
    Tip: use a build that deals damage quickly and can deal damage to multiple enemies at once to speed up the process.
  4. Use the Troll Blood each battle until you get the "Decreased Intellect" mutation (Concentration costs +2 Stamina). You must use the item three times in order to get a mutation and can have a maximum of five mutations (after 15 uses) so if you don't get it after you have five mutations then restart the process from step 3.
    Note: there are five different mutations that you can get, some of which you can get multiple times, so it might take you a few tries to get the necessary mutation.

Big Family Collect all 9 wizard familiars.
Complete the following Stages:
Dragon Familiar
Mountain Peak
Dwarven Mountains
Fairy Familiar
Fairy Grove
Enchanted Forest
Spider Woods
Enchanted Forest
Imp Familiar
City of the Undead
  • Complete Cathedral (City of the Undead) and choose the Cursed Box item as your reward;
  • Start a new game at Stage 4 of any Level and equip the Cursed Box;
    Tip: equip and use the Dragon Whistle in order to start at a later Stage or equip the Forest Crown Armor set in order to be a higher level.
  • Use the Cursed Box to summon the Demon in the Box;
  • Defeat the Demon in the Box to get the Demon's Heart item; and
  • Use the Demon's Heart item and it will turn into the Imp Familiar.
Stone Familiar
Deep Gardens
Enchanted Forest
Crow Familiar
Infested Town
City of the Undead
Owl Familiar
Wild Tangle
Enchanted Forest
Salamander Familiar
Mushroom Caves
Dwarven Mountains
Vampire Familiar
City of the Undead
Other Achievements 2

Sausage Gourmet Eat a royal sausage.
Complete the following steps:
  1. Complete the Fighter Training to get the Sausage trinket;
  2. Start a new game in the Dwarven Mountains, choose the Fighter class, and equip the Sausage;
  3. Head to Goblin Village;
  4. In the third or fourth area, you will meet the "Goblin Cook" enemy. Get them to low health and they will transform the Sausage into the Spicy Sausage trinket before retreating;
  5. Start a new game in the City of the Undead, choose the Fighter class, and equip the Spicy Sausage;
  6. Head to Castle;
  7. In the third or fourth area, you will meet the" "Royal Cook" enemy. Get them to low health and they will transform the Spicy Sausage into the Royal Sausage trinket before retreating; and
  8. Use the Royal Sausage in the next battle.

Demon Blood Become a demon.
Complete the following steps:
  1. Start a new game in the City of the Undead and choose the Rogue class;
  2. Complete Cathedral and choose the Cursed Box item as your reward;
  3. Start a new game at Stage 4 of any Level and equip the Cursed Box;
    Tip: equip and use the Dragon Whistle in order to start at a later Stage or equip the Forest Crown Armor set in order to be a higher level.
  4. Use the Cursed Box to summon the Demon in the Box;
  5. Defeat the Demon in the Box to get the Demon's Heart item;
  6. Start a new game at Stage 1 of any Level, choose the Rogue class, and equip the Demon's Heart;
    Tip: equip an Armor set which boosts your HP (such as the Brigand Armor) as well as any trinkets which can heal you (such as the Royal Elixir or Magic Mushrooms) to speed up the following step.
  7. Use the Demon's Heart 13 times. You will receive a benefit every third use of the item.
    Note: this will also unlock the "Demonling" subclass for the Rogue class.

Undying Have your hero come back to life.
See the "Shadow King" entry in the Serial King Slayer achievement above.

Rich Man Have more than 1200 gold in one run.
The easiest way to get this much gold is as follows:
  1. Complete Dragon's Lair (Dwarven Mountains) and choose the Bag of Riches item as your reward;
  2. Start a new game at Stage 1 of any Level and equip the Bag of Riches; and
  3. Use the Bag of Riches every battle until you have enough gold.

The Collector Collect all items in the game.

Check out this wiki for basic information on where to get every item:
In the future, I plan on making a comprehensive "Item Guide" which will cover what the items do because the game and the above wiki don't explain things very well or things are bugged and don't work as intended (as far as I can tell).

That being said, the wiki is a great resource for where to find the items but isn't very detailed beyond being a basic list of the items. This led me to playtest the items and noting their stats and properties for myself so I figured that I may as well put pen to paper, so to speak, and share that information with whoever plays this game.

Anyways, hopefully this guide helped you get some of the more mysterious achievements!
12 comentários
Athezir 18 fev. 2023 às 11:57 
In the "Old Acquaintances", I met Jacknives in the fourth area and fought him before realizing that I didn't play the tutorial, and after finishing the training tutorial, he appeared in the third area and gave me the "Lucky Penny" item and I finally got the achievement. Thanks.
Deaf Sparrow 26 out. 2022 às 7:24 
The item totals under the classes. I assume that refers to the items you need to get with each specific class. I just realized that probably doesn't refer to achievements at all, so ignore that. The Goblin Cook is also rare. It took me about 4-5 times going through that battle for him to appear. Royal Cook about 3.
zZz  [autor] 25 out. 2022 às 22:48 
I'll add the part about the Royal Cook being a rare encounter.

What numbers are you talking about?
Deaf Sparrow 24 out. 2022 às 18:36 
You might want to note for the sausage achievement that the cooks are actually rare appearances. They do not appear every time.
Deaf Sparrow 22 out. 2022 às 20:15 
So I just realized some of these must be class specific. This explains the different numbers below the classes in the main screen.
zZz  [autor] 9 out. 2022 às 15:45 
I don't believe they are but I can't say for sure as I wasn't able to test this when I made the guide (which was after I had already gotten the achievements while playing through the game casually).
Deaf Sparrow 6 out. 2022 às 13:19 
Lol actually no I did kill him I just didn't kill the big spider. What's bizarre about this is I only got the unlock with the rogue, even though I entirely cleared that level months ago with the wizard. Are some of these achievements class specific?
Deaf Sparrow 6 out. 2022 às 4:29 
Awesome thanks! Yeah it was the wrong guy.
zZz  [autor] 5 out. 2022 às 16:41 
Deaf Sparrow:
1. Go to the Fallen City Stage (fifth column, middle choice).
2. Within each Stage is seven battles, denoted by boxes which your avatar travels through. Example: .
3. You will encounter the Spider High Master in the fourth battle/box. This is their sprite:

They are a very rare encounter and it will take you multiple tries to encounter them so keep trying. There is no need to "activate" them, they just have a small chance of appearing. Lastly, don't get them confused with the "Dwarven Spider Master" who has the exact same sprite and is the common version of them.
Deaf Sparrow 5 out. 2022 às 15:48 
Where exactly in the Dwarven Mountains does this spider guy appear? Is there a way to activate him when you see him? I thought I encountered him but nothing happened and I'm not sure which of the fourth level battles you're referring to.