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The Ultimate Guide to a Communist Sordland
By Crummy Wizard
Like Socialism? Here is a complete walkthrough to make reform Sordland into a Communist Republic. Seize power for true socialist democracy in whatever way you please! Updated for version release_3.0.7.

This guide will only work on Suzerain 2.0 and later. As of writing, the 2.0 update is only available for PC/Mac. If you are playing on mobile or the Nintendo Switch, this guide may not work for you as there will be things mentioned that you cannot do. This guide was originally written for 2.0_release_0.6, but I have personally confirmed that it will work on all paths.

This guide is a walkthrough for three variations of the same basic run through your first term as president of Sordland. Your first step, however, is outside of the game: what kind of communist Sordland do you want to lead? This guide covers these three options:

  • A Democratic Communist Sordland under a non-USP party (referred to as the democratic path)
  • An Authoritarian Communist Sordland under a non-USP party (referred to as the ACP authoritarian path)
  • An Authoritarian Communist Sordland under the USP that has imprisoned all major opposition figures and oligarchs (referred to as the SSP authoritarian path)

Once you have chosen your path, play through the prologue like this:

  1. If you're on the SSP authoritarian path, start poor. Otherwise start rich or middle class. I prefer to start rich to give me options around the investments Gus offers later on in the game.
  2. Pick any education and group involvement you like. I recommend studying economics and joining a student council since it gives the biggest boost to the economy. If are on the democratic path and you want to change the citizenship articles (articles 6 & 7), study law. If you'd like to get Rumburg sanctioned, join a human rights group.
  3. Tell Monica you wholeheartedly support her cause. Down with kitchen slavery!
  4. Join the Red Youth, obviously.
  5. If you're on the SSP authoritarian path, vote for the USP when Soll wins the civil war. Otherwise vote or don't vote to your heart's truest wish.
  6. Let the refugees slip through. We need the Bluds to like us a little bit in order to give them rights later on. The opinion of the military shouldn't be a problem unless you say the wrong thing to them during your term.
  7. Sacrifice family time to improve your position in the party. We want Gloria to like us at least a little bit in the beginning of our term.
  8. Wholly support Alphonso over Soll in every option that comes up. The 2.0 update turned Alphonso and the gas company Gasom into a major player throughout your term and you need him to like you to get the best deal for Sordland, Gasom, and, most importantly, Gasom's workers. To that end, join the internal opposition, vote for Alphonso, join the party effort and campaign for Alphonso, and privately advise Alphonso to step down. This will make him the most friendly towards you that he can be even with your dedication to the planned economy.
  9. Promise to enact democratic reforms.

I don't believe the amount of cowardice you exhibit and your personal feelings matter, but I fully involve Rayne in the history of the country (stand my ground, run to save the girl, etc) and do things for selfless reasons (worry about the recession, improve the country, etc)
Chapter I: President Rayne

Turn I
Your promises should be:
  • Promote Planned Economy
  • Align East
  • Retain Relaxed Immigration
  • Term focus on health OR education. DO NOT PICK MILITARY. Your term focus is what the people expect you to increase funding for during your term. Personally I always pick education since I have a feeling it gives slightly more popularity and it has a semi-hidden synergy with a few investments and choices that really give your economy a boost at the end of the game.

Generally dialogue options don't matter too much unless otherwise specified. Overall throughout the whole game though:
  • Defer to Iosef's expertise (despite defunding him, lol)
  • Be diplomatic with everyone (unless you are about to arrest them).
  • Be feminist with Monica
I find that this makes things a little bit easier than otherwise, although I'm not sure if it makes a difference.

These are the actions you should take this turn:
  • If you've chosen the democratic path, "write a more democratic Constitution with the reformists." Otherwise, "[t]he new Constitution should give the President wide-ranging powers." On the second option you'll have to do some convincing to get Petr and Lucian to agree. You'll know you're on an authoritarian path if you choose to "draft a bill with more executive powers." Otherwise, load the most recent save and start this conversation again.
  • "Promote a planned economy as we promised."
  • Agree to meet with Marcel Koronti, but have Lucian on the phone. We will take his deal as it gives us a large popularity boost throughout our term despite the nationalization.
  • If you're on the SSP authoritarian path, sign the Electoral Campaign Finance Bill. You need every extra bit of popularity you can get and for some reason this bill gives you some. Otherwise veto it. Since you're going to leave the USP anyway, you don't want to deprive your next party of valuable funds.
  • Invest in a mega-infrastructure project.
  • Build the L-1 high-speed rail project. Do not be fooled by Lileas Graf in these conversations. She is not a socialist, she is just nostalgic for the days of Soll. Her concerns about the Agno-Sords will be covered by a trade deal with Agnolia.
  • Put all of your personal wealth into Arcasian Company Stocks. You need every penny you can get to lobby the assembly and (depending on your path) paying for Serge's family and investing into FC Anrica. If you started rich you can afford to only put 2 personal wealth into Arcasian Company Stocks, but you will not be able to invest in FC Anrica later on if you do this.
  • Don't sick the guards on the reporter!

Turn II
These are the actions you should take this turn:
  • "Franc, turn down that racket and open the door!" is the quickest way to get Franc to open the door.
  • Stay on good terms with all of your ministers and the military during the security briefing. Probably don't throw UC under the bus.
  • React to the situation by visiting affected towns in person.
  • Be diplomatic with Tusk and take his bigger bribe (we both know you can do better than that). You need this money either to lobby the assembly if you started poor on the SSP authoritarian path or to get Serge's good luck charm on the other paths.
  • Take Marcel's deal. Taking his deal and nationalizing both companies will mean you get the popularity benefits he gives you without the benefits to the assembly vote or justice vote on your constitution. That's fine though because our popularity and lobbying will get us where we need to be in the assembly and our maneuvering will get us where we need to be in the court.
  • Provide stimulus cheques for people in need.
  • Pick the Sordish State Corporation for construction regardless of Tusk's bribe. He'll be out of the picture once you nationalize the major companies.
  • Attend the funeral of Bernard Circas and let the red yutes in without a security detail. Hold your own umbrella!
  • Be open to trade deals with Agnolia and Wehlen and supportive of relaxed immigration. Be open to diplomacy with Valgsland.
  • Close the consulate in Dome. It gives you a bit more popularity and we need to maximize that.
  • Be open to the deal with Gasom. You don't need to hear anything about Rizia if you don't want to.
  • Discuss your proposed constitutional reforms with your ministers.
  • Sign the Tourism and Cultural Preservation Act. It helps with the tourism which helps the economy and it helps with popularity.
  • End the meeting with Hawker AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We are not starting an emergency decree run.

Turn III

  • Feel free to tell Franc about your past and how a communist revolution is necessary.
  • If you're on the democratic path or the ACP authoritarian path, give Serge 2 of your personal wealth so he gives you his good luck charm before the assembly vote. Otherwise, don't give Serge any money since you need every penny for the assembly.
  • Stay true to the welfare state and socialism in the welfare briefing. Prepare for the Gasom meeting with Alphonso.
  • In the meeting with Gus and Alphonso, just don't make any snide remarks to them. Invest 2 budget into Gasom ("tell Rizia to back off"). We'll be able to double our money with this investment. Address the concerns of the Gasom workers by asking for better housing, access to healthcare, and opportunities for education. Since you've just won the workers' demands, prepare to face the crowd head on.
  • "Address the protestors and leave via car."
  • While addressing the protesters, lean on the fact that you have made real progress. Dialogue options that talk about progress in a future date will make them a bit cross with you. Ultimately the good news will win them over. Don't leave at the first opportunity.
  • Don't ban any youth groups. Banning youth groups causes unrest that we really want to avoid. In addition, you will have to unban the Young Sords with Kibener. You can ban the Young Sords on the Democratic Path.
  • Sign the GREEN Act for the popularity boost. It hurts the Gruni economy, but UC will bail it out.

The general strategy with the constitution is that the SSP authoritarian path must compromise heavily with the Assembly, but the democratic and ACP authoritarian paths do not. Now that we're on the constitution, here are the changes to implement:
  1. ACP Authoritarian: Pocket veto; SSP Authoritarian: Limit vetoes 3/5; Democratic: Limit vetoes 3/5
  2. Remove Supreme Court's Voting Rights
  3. The Assembly and the Supreme Court may impeach
  4. Confidence vote required
  5. Do not change threshold; On a Democratic run you may change it, but it will preclude you from joining up with the CPS at the end. For Articles 6 & 7 changes, reduce the threshold to 8%.
  6. Authoritarian: Stronger presidential decrees; Democratic: Do not change decrees
  7. SSP Authoritarian: 2 term limit; Any choice on other paths. On Democratic choose 2 terms on 6&7.
  8. SSP Authoritarian/Democratic: Justices may be impeached by the Assembly; ACP Authoritarian: President picks justices; Democratic with Articles 6 & 7 Amended: No change if you don't have a law education
  9. Abolish Member of Honor Title (or no change for 6 & 7)

  • Set the EPA to 49%. With this move, we can cash in our investment in Gasom for 4 budget.
  • Say whatever to the Business Council and don't promise Tusk a tax cut.
  • At the budget meeting be diplomatic, but don't lie. Say we should spend as much as possible to achieve growth.
  • Increase health funding, increase education funding, increase law enforcement funding, and decrease military funding. This will upset the military, but as long as you don't transfer the gendarmerie away from them, cause mass unrest, or out yourself as a communist in front of them, you will avoid a coup.
Chapter II: A New Sordland
Turn IV

  • Sign the Workers' Rights Act
  • Do not do any regional investment. Our other investments will bring every region to green.
  • For the SSP authoritarian path, allocate the budget to the Ministry of the Interior and form the Secret State Police. For the democratic and ACP authoritarian paths, allocate the budget to the Ministry of Justice and form the Anti-Corruption Police. Do not bother with the SSP on the Democratic Path.
  • With Monica, either allow her to make a speech, or not. Ultimately Gloria won't let you do it.
  • Don't give the SSC more funds to make the deadline. The ED impact of the delay is negligible. Warn or fire people.
  • Increase the taxes for large corporations. Maintain the taxes of small and medium businesses.
  • If you get the option, you may donate to the Alphonso Foundation if you like. It's not required. Just be sure to have at least 4 personal wealth after Petr's party in Turn V.
  • Put that little girl in the boys program, don't take down Soll's portrait, don't privatize education; reform education.
  • If your budget is now at -8 or lower, reload a previous save. The next turn will immediately trigger a trade war which tanks your investment and your budget.
  • Do not put any funds into Gruni Rural Development Investment. United Contana and our other investments will take care of Gruni for us.
  • You do not need Gloria Tory's support if you're on the democratic path and want a 3% threshold, but this precludes you from joining the communist party at the end of your term and from amending Articles 6 and 7. If you are doing 6&7, concede the Member of Honor changes. You can't keep them anyway. With Gloria Tory, "the reforms are a necessity," "I have no intention of putting Colonel Soll on trial," "try to find some common ground," say the Justice impeachments will benefit the party, and don't give concessions. Then when she gives her final condition, be like Crona and take Monica off the schedule at Benfi.
  • Play chess with Lucian and purposefully lose if you're going for that achievement on the democratic path. Don't lose in chess otherwise. He will expose your red youth funding and the democratic path gets you popular enough without it. Win at chess if you want to investigate Livia and keep Petr.
  • With Albin Clavin, promise him the VP spot (something else) [Collusion]. You'll never give it to him, but it's the best way to get his support. The other way is to start with a 15% threshold and concede to 10% during an authoritarian path. During the speech don't talk bad about the Old Guards or whoever just talk about democracy or whatever.

Turn V

  • Accept United Contana aid.
  • Veto the Religious Harmony Bill.
  • At Petr's party invest in FC Anrica if you have at least 6 personal wealth. If you don't, no sweat.
  • When Iosef confronts you on accepting UC aid, say desperate times or Sordish citizens in mind.
  • Say Sordish citizens come first, but keep immigration relaxed anyway lol. Say the work for Sordish citizens continue.
  • At Benfi be apologetic with Monica and don't interrupt her outburst. At the end of it say she's right.
  • Promise Monica you'll work with her on women's rights.
  • Do not build Rumburg fortifications. Waste of money since they won't attack anyway.
  • If Karl is in charge of the SSP, point him at the opposition parties. We'll keep him there for the whole term. For every path with the ACP, start with them pointed at the Old Guards. You will have to switch them to the Oligarchs no matter what after the vote on the reforms.
  • Tell Iosef to keep an eye on the communists you've accepted into the country. Be very apologetic about how you defunded the military.
  • With Wehlen, negotiate your way down to half-participation in Operation Bear Trap and accept that trade deal. The Bluds will accept one (1) collaboration in genocide but no more!
  • With Agnolia, take the trade deal for -1 budget but decline the alliance and the claim over the island. Don't piss off the PM by overpowering his handshake or giving him a dog. Try to get on his good side even (give him a sword and drink vodka).
  • During the speech in the GNA do not say you will put Soll on trial. Address the opposition responses however you wish.

Turn VI

  • Remove conscription and agree with everything Iosef says about it. Try to be lenient about the Wehlen mission.
  • During the economic meeting, talk about the projects of infrastructure and production.
  • Invest in the Morna Port unless you want to make Bergia autonomous. Then invest in the Sarna Agricultural Zone. The autonomous Bergia will end the game with a yellow economic status instead of green, though.
  • If you're OK with Bergia ending the game on yellow instead of green or if you're on the democratic path and you want to reform articles 6 and 7, tell Nia to work on an autonomous zone. Otherwise, tell Lileas to work on centralizing Bergia.
  • Sign the Central Bank Reinforcement Act. We're going to have a debt crisis this term and this is the way out of it.
  • Do not privatize healthcare; focus on improving rural care.
  • If you're on the democratic path, be a realist with Mr. Ricter. Promise him proper credit (whatever that means). Feel free to ask him about that time he nearly tried to sell the country to Arcasia, but you don't have to.
  • If you're on an authoritarian path, be sure to ask about Kesaro's lighter. Don't ban the Red Youth but do promise Kibener a signature on the Unified Education Language Act and be sure to offer him an alliance. We can abrogate it later, but we do need it to make sure he gets us in touch with the last justice necessary to pass the reform through the constitution.
  • Award the Morna port/Sarna AZ contract to the SSC.
  • Use the extra education money to build new rural schools.
  • Sell one-third of Gasom shares. This will get us 2 government budget. The next 2 government budget will be from Gasom profits.
  • Ban creationism and mandate evolution.
  • Spend 4 personal wealth to lobby the assembly.
  • At Victory Day endorse the NFP statement that Bluds are Sords according to the law. Or...
  • If you're on the democratic path, you can do the PFJP statement. This puts you on the path to amend Articles 6 and 7. To complete this, you will have to sacrifice the Member of Honor change and either the status of the EPA or the autonomous zone project. You must also maximize popularity and, due to your socialism, have the ACP pointed at the Old Guards OR have a law education. You can only do this on the democratic path. You cannot do this on the authoritarian path. If you have Kibener's support, the Bluds will not meet with you. If you do not, your reform will not pass.
Chapter III: Victim of Changes
Turn VII

  • Meet with the Bludish if they give you the opportunity. If you're on the democratic path, you may choose to change articles 6 and 7 here.
  • Listen to Koronti and say you'll think about it.
  • Tell Lucian all about your call with Koronti and go down the nationalization path.
  • Fully nationalize Bergia Steel and Heart of Sordland. If you have the SSP, antagonize Mikhail so you can arrest him.
  • If you're on an authoritarian path, sign the UELA. Otherwise, veto it.
  • With the SSP, make sure to arrest Tusk and Koronti right after their companies are nationalized.
  • On amending Articles 6 and 7, compromise with Gloria (arrest Ejall and centralize Bergia OR reduce EPA) and don't give Ricter credit. This conversation's tricky!
  • Get Serge's good luck charm if you haven't arrested the oligarchs. Get Gloria to speed up the vote. If you don't have Gloria's support, shout at people to get them voting.
  • Pass the assembly vote. If you're on the SSP authoritarian path and the vote isn't 225 ayes and 26 nays, reload a save. You need that margin to convince a justice.
  • If Mr. Ricter comes, accept the alliance if you want Bergian autonomy.
  • If Mr. Kibener comes, tell him the alliance must wait, but you would like his help in setting up a meeting with Heron Garaci.
Just to understand the strategy, here is a graphic and an explanation.
The justices circled in purple are the variable justices. They can and have to be convinced and there are a few things to note about their convincing.
  1. We need 6 of the 11 votes.
  2. Justice Isabel Edmonds will always bring herself and her two other centrist votes. Convincing her gets you halfway to your victory.
  3. Nia Morgna and the reformists will always back a democratic constitution and will never back a dictator constitution. If you're on the democratic path, you only need to convince Edmonds.
  4. Heron Garaci will bring himself and one other justice when convinced. All ways to convince him are equally beneficial. There is no extra benefit to giving him money or giving him more money. With him convinced, that gets us to 5 votes. We're nearly there.
  5. Once there are at least 5 Supreme Court votes, outside pressure comes into play. These are: having a deal with the oligarchs, pointing the Anti-Corruption Police at the Old Guard, and/or having a historic victory for our draft proposal in the assembly. Having one of these, we will have our new constitution. However if the Oligarchs are free and upset at you, they will take away the justice vote gained by the historic victory. This is why we need to imprison the Oligarchs in the SSP authoritarian path ASAP or point the ACP at the Old Guard in the beginning of the other paths.
  • Send the Rumburg whistleblower back for the popularity boost.
  • Go to the movie.
  • At the Day of Descension confess to whatever and DO NOT REVEAL YOUR SHADY DEALINGS PARTNER; grab sceptre with left, kneel, touch sword with right, hand sceptre to archpriest, and pass sword to disciple.
  • Send Franc to whatever school you want. Personally I like sending him to the land of communism.
  • Trust Iosef's assessment, get Valgsland on your side (don't say get rightful place in CSP), and begin negotiations with Valgsland.
  • Deal with Justice Edmonds like this:
  • When the waiter comes, you're waiting for someone.
  • Stand up for a handshake when she arrives
  • Have Justice Edmonds order before you and then copy her order (salad).
  • Ask her about the situation in the Supreme Court
  • Ask her what she thinks about the proposal
  • Do you not approve of those? (6&7)
  • "We need a proper balance of power."
  • I can't do a lot...
  • You thought she'd agree to that...
  • Ensure new processes are respected and executed in transparency.
  • Ask her to help please. No bribing/point getting.
  • The judiciary shouldn't have legislative powers.
  • DO NOT TELL HER YOU'RE A MALENYEVIST. You can say you aren't one or you're a democratic socialist or that Malenyev isn't the only communist theoretician, but she will not pass the Leninist's constitution.
  • Emphasize how this will open the way for further reforms.
  • Power of judicial review.
  • Judicial review plays an essential role in limiting powers.
  • Only a safety mechanism against threats like Old Guard.
  • No plans to try Soll (lie). Just make him a regular citizen. (MOH)
  • When she says yes just say thank you.
  • If Kibener calls, tell him to arrange the meeting with Heron Garaci.
  • If you meet with Heron, just promise him you'll impeach or only impeach Hawker.
  • Your proposal will now pass with 6-7 votes for it. Give Petr a hug.
  • At the meeting immediately after the Supreme Court vote, say "First, I want to talk about our new focus and some of my plans forward."
  • Change the party and talk about another plan.
  • Impeach the Chief Justice OR reshuffle the court and talk about another plan.
  • Investigate Tarquin Soll if you can. For a glorious communist Sordland we must make the reactionary pay for his crimes. This isn't strictly necessary, but it will make the Bluds happy.
  • If you have an alliance with the NFP now is the time to break it. Bring it up and ask for concerns. Ciara will object. You can then reconsider it and break it outright or break it with a vote.
  • Don't promise Lileas Graf to transfer the gendarmerie.
  • If you changed 6&7, only go after the BFF if you will centralize Bergia.
  • Don't escalate with Rumburg.
  • If applicable, tell Karl to shift or keep focus of the ACP on the Oligarchs. You need to do this to prevent capital flight from destroying your economy. Drop the investigation of the Old Guard.
  • In the speech don't say the future is with the east or west or that you're going to try Soll since some people don't like those.


  • Send Franc off and ride the train at the L-1 opening.
  • Make the USP platform socialist. This won't last but it and the Soll trial should alienate enough conservatives in the USP that you lose at the party congress which we need to secure real communist party rule of Sordland. If you have the SSP, it will last.
  • Pick the most experienced judge to fill Hawker's seat OR replace the Old Guard Justices.
  • If you would like to do the Bergia autonomous zone, you must've allied the PFJP. If you didn't, it won't pass the GNA after the platform change. Otherwise, do De-Solinisation, Fair Trade and Competition Commission, Amnesty for Soll Era Prisoners, and/or Remove Independence of the Central Bank.
  • Sign Lileas' docs.
  • Take the medium returns.
  • Sign the BSUM/BALGA if available.
  • In Valgsland, get the trade deal, the alliance, recognize their claim on the island, and ask for a meeting with Malenyev.
  • Empty the office and Call Lucian about the affair. With SSP, investigate and kill Livia. Only investigate legally if you won at chess. Arrest and lay it on Rumburg OR don't fire.
  • Agree with the feminists and approve their committee. Pass their proposal as a decree if you can.
  • Donate however much you want to the League of Women.
  • Don't transfer the gendarmerie to Lileas Graf.
  • If Koronti was arrested, you will have a meeting with Karl about him. Just tell Karl to keep a lid on what he's saying.
  • Start the mass vaccination plan to prevent polio.
  • Sign the Less Smoke Bill
  • Build the medical school.
  • Attend to support the Aschraf Anniversary, grab the red candle, make a speech about unity and hug Leke. Don't react to provocations.
  • Listen to Lucian's advice on the election.
  • Take the aid from UC.
  • Expand electronics industry.
Chapter IV: Checkmate
Turn IX

  • If you weren't able to pass it as a decree, sign the Women's Liberation Act. Do not worry about the government budget deficit. We will go into a debt crisis, but the measures we took around the central bank and our other investments will pull us out of it.
  • Veto the Human Dignity Bill as it will just imprison sex workers.
  • Sign the Children for Future Act. We're already in a debt crisis we're guaranteed to be pulled out of, so there's no harm.
  • Sign Mr. Leke's proposal as a decree.
  • Sign the Fair Luxury Tax Act.
  • Sign the Alcohol Tax Act.
  • Fund the Red Youth (unless you lost to Lucian at chess). This and fixing the economy will guarantee you an electoral victory.
  • Do not give Rumburg reparations. This guide only supports status quo with Rumburg.
  • Shoot down Rumburg's plane and hold a military parade. Do not start the Sordish War Machine. This should give you more popularity which you do need. This precludes you from getting Rumburg kicked from OMEC, but you aren't doing a solo war or getting them sanctioned so it doesn't matter.
  • At the meeting where we invite Malenyev, don't be too enthusiastic but do accept the meeting. Give them a plain welcome.
  • Agree with Malenyev as much as possible and join the CSP. With the CSP's financial help and everything else we've done around the bank and budget, we will be out of the debt crisis.
  • Don't introduce false evidence against Soll if you hold his trial.
  • If you have the SSP, Lucian will give you the option to kill/imprison either the new PFJP head or the NFP heads depending on who you ask about. Either one will completely disable that party for the election. If you have the ACP, go ahead and try Tusk in absentia.
  • Cheer for FC Anrica after the speech if you can.
  • Holl will now congratulate you on fixing the economy. Unfortunately either production or infrastructure will be lacking. Don't do anything to get more money since it just hurts your popularity.
  • Say whatever you want in the interview. You've already bungled your international reputation by shooting down that plane.
With the reforms you've pulled off, you should see this headline in The Lachaven Times. This is the party you will soon be able to join. If you put the threshold to 8% or below, this party will not form and you will not have the option to join either the CPS or WPB.
  • If you don't have the SSP, Lileas will now tell you she is challenging you for the USP ticket. We want her to win it, anyway.
  • Do whatever you want at the military parade, just don't offend Iosef Lancea.

Turn X

  • If you own FC Anrica, follow this guide so that they win.
  • Do whatever you want at the Alliance of Nations except don't openly antagonize Rumburg. You don't want a war (not that one is likely). I like to really lean into the role of CSP state and pound my fist. Also, don't insult the AN.
  • You're a die hard Malenyevist. Accept Deivid's resignation and then Symon Hall and Gus Manger on all paths and Ciara Walda and Nia Morgna on the authoritarian paths. Symon and Gus because of the communism, Ciara and Nia because of the authoritarianism.
  • If you lost at chess, Lucian should endorse Lileas. You should lose the party congress regardless. DO NOT RESIGN FROM POLITICS.
  • It's up to you as to whether you form the People's Party or join the Popular Front on the side of the CPS (continue politics in another party). This choice is only available if you kept the threshold at 10%. "I still believe we can do something together." If you have Serge's good luck charm, you can choose "I will start my own party" then call it the People's Party then "campaign as hard as I can to get elected again," to start your new term with your own communist party. If you don't have Serge's good luck charm, you must choose to join the Popular Front either on the side of WPB or CPS and tell Petr you'll campaign for them. If you win the election for your own party you will be shot by the Oligarchs' gunman and die without the charm blocking the bullet.
  • In the ACP Authoritarian path, do not go into the People's Front. A recent update has changed things and this does not work.
  • Don't promise Monica you'll resign at dinner. We're a shoo-in for the election no matter what thanks to the fixed economy and the Red Youth. If you chose to continue politics in the People's Front, this will be the last event of this turn.
  • If you are still running, pick a focus for your next term. I recommend health since you get to say that thing about polio. It probably isn't great to pick a focus you defunded this term.
  • At the debate, say your party will bring communism to Sordland and that you're prepared to ally the communist party (but don't do these things if you're still in the USP). Unveil the Universal Basic Income plan.Let Denis speak. If he throws a fit, just let him. You have no idea about the censorship. Really he shouldn't be complaining.

Turn XI

Say whatever you want at the election speech. This is the end of the game proper anyway. If you're running in your own party, you'll get shot at the end of the speech, but it's OK because you have Serge's good luck charm.
Unless you were shot, voter turnout will be low, but the Red Youth will ensure everything runs smoothly.

If you won the presidency with your own party, congratulations! Do what you like, but this is what I do:
  • Congratulate whoever
  • Cooperate with the opposition for new constitutional changes - Establish a socialist constitution
  • Work to achieve the dream of Malenyev
  • Know there is more you can be doing
  • The real morning (the complete transition to socialism from capitalism on the planet) is on the horizon

If you joined the People's Front, this is what you must do to become their Vice President.
  • Congratulate whoever
  • Keep supporting the party when they do socialism.
  • Vocally support your wife in the feminist cause.
  • Accept the position of Interior Minister.
  • Keep supporting Mansoun once factions form.
  • Be happy about allying correctly I guess.
  • Work to achieve the dream of Malenyev

Congratulations on fulfilling Malenyev's dream and McCarthy's nightmare of subverting the democratic process and turning Sordland into a socialist republic! Your final screen should look something like these.
ACP Authoritarian
SSP Authoritarian
The Democratic path is one tick to the right due to the EPA/Gasom profiting without nationalizing the central bank.
Duck 5 Mar @ 6:46pm 
Actually I would also recommend being diplomatic with Rumburg, they get kicked out of OMEC (because fuck Beatrice) and your international presence is better (I managed to do it on democratic path with articles 6&7)
furioN 21 Feb @ 9:49pm 
@Crummy Wizard huh because I followed the guide but still lost the election, not even making it into the assembly when I formed my own party. Will try and redo the democratic path.
Crummy Wizard  [author] 21 Feb @ 2:41pm 

I may have written this a bit unclear. You can amend articles 6 & 7 and FORM your own party, but you can't amend them and JOIN the People's Front party which forms while the election threshold is 10% or higher.
furioN 21 Feb @ 11:36am 
Am I understanding the guide correctly in a way that you cannot do both of amending articles 6&7 AND also make your own party that wins elections?
Crummy Wizard  [author] 15 Feb @ 7:04am 
@DaRain DaRain

When the walkthrough was originally written, the mechanics behind the BFF raid were not fully known. You're right that it only succeeds if Bergia is centralized. I've added a bullet point to that turn saying to only do the raid if you centralize Bergia, but that section is basically at character limit.

Sheltering or not sheltering the whistle-blower does not affect whether or not a war occurs if you join ATO/CSP. For this reason, I included the step to send them back due to the popular opinion increase. The goal of this walkthrough is that a few noncrucial steps can be missed and it should still work.

The walkthrough as written does end with Gruni being green due to the agricultural aid from UC and other synergies.
DaRain DaRain 15 Feb @ 1:50am 
lll check if funding red youth is necessary for the democratic path with 6&7+SAZ
DaRain DaRain 15 Feb @ 12:39am 
Also if you want to do the 6&7 Combo + SAZ, calling off the attack on the BFF during the party meeting when you're announcing your party alliance + intent to reform the party manifesto. Actively antagonizing the BFF leads to open rebellion, while just leaving them alone has them just dissolve.
DaRain DaRain 15 Feb @ 12:32am 
I advise mechanization in Gruni, as that actually brought up my economy to green

You should shelter the rumburg whistleblower,

im wondering though, can there be other presidential decrees? I'm on the Democratic socialist path, amending 6&7, and implementing the SAZ. Ive succeeded all the way up til the near end. where I want to do more economic improvement. With the Presidential decrees I could combine the FTCC and Value added tax, but would that have other bad effects? I want to release the Soll era political prisoners, but if i fix the economy better i can make substantial change,

It could also be nothing, since its just +2 added GB (+1 if you add on my extra advice of Gruni Mechanization) but im wonding if this is incorrect and will lead to me losing out on winning the re-election. Also Value Added taxes are okay, but more of a social democrat solution not a marxist one.
Crummy Wizard  [author] 30 Jan @ 7:38am 
@Ricky Rescue

I don't have a step by step guide, but try to choose options that indicate that you don't want to work with the reformists. Things like "I will not be swayed by them," we need more power, etc. It is a bit tricky, but remember the goal is to EXPAND executive power, not maintain it.
Ricky Rescue 29 Jan @ 6:52pm 
Thanks for the guide, but I cannot for the life of me get, "draft a bill with more executive powers." in Chapter I. When Lucian asks what my intentions are, the closest I get is, “The President needs to be able to exercise his powers with ease to maintain stability.” then in the next dialogue tree, the best I can do is, “No, I will only support a new constitution that strengthens my position. Forget the reformists and reach out to NJP instead.”

I must be doing something wrong. Does anyone have a step by step guide to get this right?