Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

62 lượt đánh giá
How to install cheats for tf2
Bởi (HALO) Brylan Bristopher Woods
how to install cheats for the best game tf2
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You just got pranked bro, omg you dont even know how pranked you are, it makes me laugh when i think about you sitting there getting pranked so hard you fall out of your chair, it make me laugh out loud the thought of you falling out of your chair,i imagine you getting so pranked you turn gay and homophobic at the same time, it makes me stop for a moment and admire the thought that you will never have the brain to think of that went into this prank. it makes me want to type out this paragraph to show you how i am the alpha male and you are but a lonely alpha sitting in you chair doing you homework that you have trouble doing when i did it in 1 second. you are but a trilobite to me a god, a king know your place in this world you scum of human evolution.
18 bình luận
The Windows Xp Dog 19 Thg02 @ 11:05am 
Amanda die katze 19 Thg02 @ 10:52am 
diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow you stupid little amateur and a fool
varovae 19 Thg02 @ 3:38am 
you cant
ex military 17 Thg02 @ 6:56pm 
informative guide.
Capt. Sandvich The X 17 Thg02 @ 1:50pm 
StreamyDenny 17 Thg02 @ 1:39pm 
same as some fellers already mentioned, opened to report, instead it cracked a lil' smile
Tig Bits 16 Thg02 @ 7:21pm 
lmaobox. net works and is cheap
Tig Bits 16 Thg02 @ 7:20pm 
WastingBow 16 Thg02 @ 6:54pm 
bro i honestly went into this ready to report but good job tricking them