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Garry's Mod

77 ratings
Abysm - The nextbot that lurks in the dark (FINAL UPDATE)
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: NPC
Addon Tags: Fun, Scenic
File Size
167.792 MB
Dec 23, 2022 @ 12:15pm
Jan 7, 2023 @ 8:45am
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Abysm - The nextbot that lurks in the dark (FINAL UPDATE)

In 1 collection by xX_OverlyEdgyName_Xx
They lurk...
6 items
This nextbot will spawn void black fog all over the map once you spawn it in and will lurk inside the darkish fog.

This nextbot is highly inspired by the darkness nextbot which you can download here:

Unlike where darkness will stalk you, this one has the AI similar to father. however, it is rare for it to hide (continue reading down if interested)

It spawns dark fog, hard too see and you can only see a few inches away
however in the darkish fog there is something lurking... that's the nextbot.

whenever it's roaming around the map or doesn't see you. He will move really slow but this speed makes him where he will try ambushing you from the dark once eye-contact with you.

99.6% chance of him start finding you, however he will wait for you at times to be at a area where he can eye-contact.

he found you... now run once you hear intense music...

there is a 30-45% of him just hiding and stay there until he's found so he'll chase you or run off.

sometimes you will hear footsteps at random areas which is a sign he is nearby or an eerie like ambience plays. (46% chance of footsteps playing, 70-80% chance of the ambience playing)

EERIE MUSIC PLAYING: nothing to really worry about, its his ambience that plays 70-80% at times.
INTENSE MUSIC: run... you can't see anything but just run...

You cannot really see him due to the fog surrounding you but unless he finds you.

NOTE: this nextbot is loud but not loud as ♥♥♥♥ as father or my nextbot depressed.
NOTE 2: do not spawn him in big ass map handle or your game will lag so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad that some sounds will fail to play and requires re-joining.
(you don't have to worry about gm_mallparking because he works completely normal there)

Added void mode:
Basically instead of seeing it and being chased, this is the opposite. You have to listen to sounds to know where he might be. And you can't even see it (unless you spawn it in with a skybox in the map)
The fog is just centermeter away from the player making it hard to see. Whenever you hear something you haven't really heard when spawned in, that's a sign he is near.
If he sees you, he'll charge at you.
Hearing eerie ambience: again, just plays randomly but it's more rare.
Hearing loud scream: he's chasing you
NOTE: the random sounds he may make at random happen 38% mostly. But still he will sometimes play them or wait for you ready to ambush and attack you.
He's slightly faster than the normal mode.
I'm not sure if I should make the fog close enough so you barely see the floor or keep it as this.
gm_mallparking is a recommended map for this mode.

This may be broken, not sure but some sounds may not play. I don't have a playtester but if there's bugs
leave them below in the comments.

Does not support multiplayer. (please stop asking ffs)

Credit goes to Oz for the fog code.

this is a seeker modification btw.

how tf is this getting attention

a lame update to this but however in the nextbot I'm gonna add a new phase and try making this
nextbot more interesting since it's not really interesting if u spawn him only (he is more fun with other nextbots)
- normal abysm now has a new image (since the old image was boring and not really interesting also overrated asf the old one was)
in next update (1.2) I will add a new phase plus maybe some bug fixes.

- added stalk mode
his 3rd and final phase. he will constantly stalk you more than the previous phases.
- plays a bunch of noises
- fog is now closer
- plays heartbeat noises when chasing
- does not have a chase music
- moves slower than previous phases
make sure you hear the heartbeat... if you hear the heartbeat, run... it's a sign he is coming

maybe a bit broken tho

I am not updating this ♥♥♥♥ anymore.

other kinda mid ♥♥♥♥ I made:
the creatures from the depths of hell (2D nextbot pack that all do something different):
depressed nextbot (loud as balls nextbot)
kingcorwin15 Jul 7, 2024 @ 4:07pm 
ACCESS DENIED May 14, 2024 @ 1:36am 
gives this error after a while

NextBot [79][npc_abysm] Error: lua/entities/npc_abysm.lua:603: attempt to call global 'TeleportToRandom' (a nil value)

1. unknown - gamemodes/base/entities/entities/base_nextbot/sv_nextbot.lua:46

fix it please
AquiVerde2025 Dec 23, 2023 @ 9:55pm 
Happy 1 year abysm nextbot
gordinho bola Dec 5, 2023 @ 4:09pm 
i really like tboi

the vessel May 28, 2023 @ 6:51am 
does he spawn in the tardis
xX_OverlyEdgyName_Xx  [author] Feb 22, 2023 @ 10:36am 
wot no
ACCESS DENIED Feb 20, 2023 @ 8:02pm 
does this conflict with darkness? (quite literally the same)
xX_OverlyEdgyName_Xx  [author] Feb 12, 2023 @ 11:10am 
black jack Feb 12, 2023 @ 4:33am 
good god... i have wanted this one for a long time
lake Dec 31, 2022 @ 2:38am 