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Weapon and Armour Skins
By §єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶
A simple guide for giving your favourite characters all the more awesome looking weapons and gear in the game, and showing all the options available to you.
A couple of things to note.

  • Tidus gets an extra weapon due to the Water Sword special artwork.
  • All characters get one ultimate weapon and only one, there is no other way to get this skin.
  • There are no official 'ultimate armours' other than what you think is ultimate, crafted yourself.
  • All characters have a starter weapon and armour so you're already off to a good start.
  • Filigree looks nice.

In order of character appearance:
1. This fine looking meat cleaver is actually the starter weapon, but you'll also be seeing it a lot later on as it is also the Capture weapon.
2. This is the extra sword for Tidus, the reason why he gets seven. The water sword is seen on some box art versions, and is also a guaranteed skin due to it being a gift from another in-game character at some point. Pretty sure you aren't allowed to sell it either.
3. Any combination of status -strikes or -touches will get you this slab of obsidian shaped like a cow prod. I'm sure there's a switch in the handle somewhere if I can just find it...
4. +attack % or magic attack % stats (when stacked, eg +5%, +10% and 20%) will net you this groovy skin, but an easier way might be First Strike or Initiative. Mixes of magic and physical % buffs may also work.
5. Elemental strikes may be the only way to get this skin, just one is usually enough, but why stop there? Go for all 4 element strikes and get yourself a sword with a better name!
6. If you're going to farm up a full sphere grid then this skin will be your friend, as Ragnarok comprises Triple OD, OD->AP, and Triple AP. That's some spicy AP.
7. Lastly it's the Ultimate Weapon, Caladbolg. Sheath not included.

1. Our resident starter shield. I'm guessing it magically appeared on him somehow after blitzball.

2. Shuriken and a frisbee rolled into one. But I can't throw it? *confused ungabunga* I believe this one is related to status -proofs or -wards. Mine was Death/Sleep/Poison/Zombieproof.

3. The blue and gold here may have been intended to complement the Caladbolg, but I don't like it. It looks like a biscuit. I wouldn't wear a biscuit for armour. Would you? What if you were attacked by milk? Oddly enough this one is just element-related anyway, so I guess it is weak compared to some of the stats you could be flexing.

4. If the last one was a biscuit, this one is a relic. It looks like a fossil someone recently unearthed. Might have been nice, if it was made of platinum, but this is rusty and covered in dirt. A basic 3-slot empty shield (Glorious Shield) will land you this skin. Just wash it first.

5. Probably the best looking one of the bunch for Tidus, it represents some of the better stats and you'll likely get it if you go for an ultimate armour. Also possible with 4x +HP% slots, or MP, or Mag Def, or Defence.
1. The main man's starter. Not too bad art.
2. Another decent design. Shouldn't be too hard to get. Piercing, Initiative, any Counter type or combo, Sensor, or even a 2-3 slot empty weapon will suffice. Mmm... filigree.
3. Might have to go out of your way for this eagle shaped blade as Auron is not often played with magic in mind. Use any combo of element -strikes, or just the one if you're on a budget.
4. Yes it has a flame on it. No it isn't elemental. It's status inducing. It will be, once you loot, buy or craft it. I recommend slowstrike, so you can cut yourself and live a longer life.
5. This is quite literally an Ultimate Weapon. I only have to look at it and I take damage. Its only problem is it suffers from a unique damage formula, where Auron at full health does less damage. Old man getting rusty I guess.

1. This one, I don't know what to say. What is it? I don't even know. Is it a secret wrist communicator? Beam me up Scotty? My head hurts now. There's a secret I'm on the verge of figuring out. While I am, why not get one with any SOS Null, or element eater combination.

2. Oddly, I like this one better than the previous one, but it turns out this one is the starter armour. How about that?

3. A nice skin that matches well with other ensemble elements, including one of the weapon's grips. Almost looks like dragon scales. I said it is, so it is. Easily acquired with a single status -proof or -ward.

4. Dragon scales is all well and good but it can't compare to a golden dragon head with glowing red eyes. This one also matches well with all the red. Get yours today with x4 +Def, x4 Mag Def, x4 HP or x4 MP buffs slotted to armour. Best stats like Ribbon or Break HP Limit might be a bit extreme if you're only going for a skin to sit in your display cabinet.
1. Yet another design that confuses me. These are supposed to be weapons, but this one has plating all up the arm. The thing on the fist looks boring as well. Might as well just bare fist punch someone. Any status -strike or -touch will get you this one, though why anyone would want it...
2. This grubby little leathery thing is the starter weapon. Between this and the previous one, I can't decide what is worse.
3. At least the orientation of the spikes makes sense here. And it has a nice mechanical / exoskeletal look. Elemental strikes are the way to go if you want this skin.
4. Weird design on this with a knobby bit sticking out from Rikku's arm, and a row of secondary spikes behind her fist that... are BEHIND her fist, not to mention too short to actually do anything. Easy enough to get with either a Capture weapon or an AP farming weapon as it is used for most of the good stats.
5. This is Godhand, the ultimate weapon.

Unlike Teedus with his boring poopy shields, Rikku gets some nice designs. A Targe is another word for Shield, which is why I compare her to Teeds. They can try to trick me but I know they have the same accessory.
1. Amazing! Here we can see the early model that eventually gave rise to the ever-popular wristwatch. This is what we call a sundial kiddos. Hold it just right and the shadow cast from the sun will point the shadow to the time of day. And it's yours free whenever Rikku decides to join your party.
2. Deciding she no longer needs to tell the time of day, Rikku ditches the sundial for something a bit more functional (and pretty). Any of the SOS elemental protections, element -proofs or -eaters make this.

3. These last two are hard to choose between, but I bet even Rinoa would be wishing she had pinwheels that looked like these. They look less like armour and more like weapons. Easiest to acquire with a single status -proof or -ward.

4. Reserved for all the best stats, like Ribbon and Break HP Limit, so it must be the best skin. If you followed my advice for #2 and ended up with this skin, then it's because you did 4x element -proofs or -eaters and ended up making Invincible or Armada. This skin has a pretty limited range of workable stats so 4 elements of the same type of nullification (only 4x -proof or 4x -eater will work, not -ward) may be the best method to get this.
1. This ball is so sad, it is even worse than your starter ball. It looks homemade - you can see wood and leather in there, likely held together with duct tape. Possibly it's a family ball with sentimental value, passed down from Wakka's father, and from his father. Anyway, you don't use heirlooms for fear you'll break them. Initiatve, First Strike, or Sensor will get you this skin if you REALLY want it that bad, but please don't use it, you'll just get laughed at.

2. So here we have our starter ball. You'll be seeing a lot of this one, so much so you'll probably want to burn it and stomp on it. You won't need to figure out how to get this, as chances are you'll have a hundred already. And it's bumpy. Like it has a disease. Ew.

3. Nice idea here with the two opposing spikes, but it looks like a circus ball. Like one of those spinning tops you give it a flick and watch it spin on one of the spikes, dancing around, maybe drawing a picture if it is loaded with ink. Probably only able to get from 1, 2, or 3 elemental -strikes - as you can see, mine was a Thunder Ball.

4. One of my favourite, simply due to the impossibility of it. Enter... the metal ball. Or concrete. I like that even better, the concrete ball. Then imagine Wakka's Overdrive throwing 12 of these in quick succession. Madness. If he threw one concrete ball I'm sure even Nemesis would lose a limb. Concrete ball has no strength requirements either. 3 status -strikes, 1 -strike, or 1 status -touch will make this orb of destruction exist for you, which makes sense because if I got hit by a concrete ball I'd probably be slowed, put to sleep, silenced, blinded and just plain k.o.'ed too.
5. If you don't have the ultimate weapon (which is a pain to get, lets be honest), then this skin is almost as good. Lets see the Luca Goers when you rock up toting this bad boy. Has a lot of top tier stats but if you make the standard AP farmer (triple AP, OD->AP, triple OD) you'll be seeing this quite a bit. But no matter how hard you smash an enemy, you still won't see any gore. *farplane fading noises*

6. How to touch it without losing a hand? The ultimate weapon. Throw it in a forest and watch all the trees fall down.

1. Much the same as there is a dad's hand-me-down ball, there is a dad's hand-me-down armguard. The only plus it has (and it's a little plus) is that it's the same colour as his shoulder pad. It's a shame really, the shoulder pad would have been nice to change with the accessory change. Starter armour, so pay it no mind.

2. Only slightly cooler than the starter armguard. This is our bread-n-butter status resistance/immunity skin. 1, 2, 3, or even 4 status protections I believe gives the same skin. The poor man's Ribbon.

3. Carefully constructed to look like a satellite image of a lawn bowls field, this skin has nothing going for it. Unless you like lawn bowls. Or maybe the top view of a green shoe, complete with laces that come undone all by themselves. SOS status buffs x1, 2, or 3, or any of the 3%, 5%, 10% or 20% stat buffs x1 or x2 should get you this, but more than likely you'll naturally get it as a drop just progressing through the story.

4. Wakka thinks he's a samurai now. This looks like the sort of thing in one of those samurai outfits, where this design covers the whole body. If you could dress Wakka up in it completely, Wakka might finally look cool, but as it's just the one little piece, sadly he still looks like he's wearing pyjamas. Wear it to look 2% better, at any rate. It's the elemental protection skin, any combination will work.
5. Easily the best skin in town for Wakka, red, gold and purple are all kingly colours. If only it was big enough to hide the rest of his silly outfit. Reserved for some of the best stat bonuses, but also for Def, Mag Def, HP or MP x4 % bonuses for the same stat.

1. Lulu is like a dank meme of all the previous Final Fantasy games. All her voodoo dolls have zero creativity, obviously the devs needed a break from all their hard work and resorted to copypasta. The moogle is the starter weapon. I say 'weapon' but please don't send it in for a physical attack until you've ground up some strength on the sphere grid. The hits are about what you expect from a soft plushie.
2. Cait Sith from FFVII is the plushie here. Don't be scared li'l fella! You supposed to snuggle the boobas! The status -strike and -touch skin.
3. Moomba from FFVIII is this skin. I managed to find one that wasn't crackling with an element -strike, so if you would actually like to see your moomba as opposed to one surrounded by a cloud of elemental energy, then strength +5% and magic +5% will get you a healthy-looking Moomba Force. Much like myself, moomba is fond of the booba.
4. Cactuar is in almost every game so if you don't know it's a cactuar, maybe you need to sit on one. Sensor, Initiative, First Strike are some of the ones that work, but things like Counter and Magic Counter are just comical until Lulu starts farming strength late game. A basic triple AP stat will work too, and be more useful. Just don't add OD->AP and triple OD, or you'll get...
5. ... the little Pupu alien doll, also from FFVIII. Fun fact, Pupu came to Spira just for Lulu's chest.
6. Lastly it's the ultimate weapon, in the form of the angry Onion Knight from FFIII.They go to a lot of effort to dress him up and give him a really nice detailed shield, arm him with a cactuar needle... but don't give him any pants. No wonder he's angry.
1. Lulu's bangles are gorgeous - I'd wear them all if I could. This is the element protection skin, including -eaters, -proofs, -wards and SOS Nulls. Just not 4x -proofs, that will change it into the black butterfly.

2. This very cool flame is your starter bangle. Huzzah! Free pretty skin!

3. The ice crystal bangle is actually the status protection skin. Fun fact, if you go with 4x status protection stats in one item, the name changes to Black Ribbon, which is an even cooler name than Ribbon, even if the effects are only a fraction as good. Still, Ribbon doesn't protect against everything...

4. Stat bonus % x3 or x4 of the same stat will get you this crazy awesome dragon tail skin, among other stats such as Auto- or SOS- buffs.

5. Likely the best skin as it is used for the best buffs, the black butterfly suits our black mage Lulu's often black mood. Black is great btw, it goes with everything. If Ribbon or Break HP Limit are too grindy, try No Encounters or all 4x element -proofs.
1. Our mundane starter weapon.
2. Various combinations of +magic% or +attack%, including 4x attack or 4x magic bonuses, will work to net you this meh skin. Again with the duct tape.
3. Our elemental strike skin, but once again NOT the 4x element strikes, as this will change it to #5.
4. The resident status-inducing skin. Copypasta other descriptions above. Stab from 5 different angles! And a wiggly angle! INDECISION!
5. As mentioned, 4x element strikes will work, but you'll get it anyway with the AP grinding combo if you go down that road. Might get it for free by opening a chest as a Counter stat but I could be wrong.
6. The only choice for a tribal, wild animal really, the ultimate weapon.
1. It's tough to find a skin that looks worse than this, even looking at the other characters. It is poop to the power of poop, sucked into a black hole of neverending poop. It's even the right colour for it. Maybe it's clay? My honest opinion is just don't get this, but if you do want it (you sicko) then any of the HP or MP Strolls, or 3x a stat buff or (oddly, for such a poopy skin) even 4x a stat buff. Get a peg for your nose if you decide to wear it though.
2. A step in the right direction with this bone armlet skin, but if I'm correct, it has some unusual combos to acquire - either one single element eater, or one single status proof or ward. 2x status -proofs may also work but I don't want to list everything that no one cares about.
3. Your starter armour. Yay! You're done with this one, and all you needed was Kimahri to beat you up a bit. That rabid crazy person. Animal. Temper temper, el capitan. Hornless hornless!
4. Element -proof x3, or -eater x3, or even a single -eater, -proof or -ward will work to get you this stylish door knocker. If I wrote everything correctly you can see why it gets confusing between #2 and #4. Kimahri get headache too.
5. Best skin hands down. And it matches the ultimate weapon nicely too! Now he just needs some clothes. While it comes as no surprise it is reserved for some of the best stats, you might be surprised to know it also applies to HP Stroll or MP Stroll as well, making it another easy skin to put in the bag.
1. Unsurprising perhaps, that Yuna should have some very nice skins, being one of the main characters. Here is the iconic staff she uses in the Sending in-game movie, and is also the starter weapon.
2. The Christmas bauble rod, and as you'd imagine, pretty weaksauce when it comes to usefulness. Whatever were they thinking, putting a bauble on a stick? This one is so basic you could do it as your first customisation, just add magic +3% or magic +5% to a weapon and you're done.
3. A bit the same as before, except to get this fishing rod you want to build Yuna down Auron's path on the sphere grid, tanking strength instead of magic. Magic? What is that? Summons? Ain't nobody got time fer dat. It's scary what you can do with builds sometimes. Anyway, once you've made #2, just customise another rod with strength +3% or +5% and you're done here as well.
4. A single status -strike or -touch will get you this pretty little thing.
5. You'll see a lot of this skin if you craft the AP farmer weapon.
6. Nirvana, the ultimate weapon.

1. Much like Lulu and her bangles, Yuna has a very nice selection of wedding rings to choose from. This is the starter wedding ring, probably her mother's.
2. I like to call this one the Ultima ring, as it looks like an Ultima spell going off. Colours and shapes and explosions everywhere! It is THE elemental skin as it covers all the element protection types. Finally, an accessory that makes sense.
3. There's no real order to the images here, but the game must think this is the best skin as it applies to Ribbon and Break HP Limit, but it may also apply to No Encounters. If all of these sound complicated, the only alternative is a few Auto-Potion combos with Auto-Med or Auto-Phoenix, or Auto-Shell, Protect, Reflect and Regen all in one. Mine was Auto-Med and Phoenix. Not easy to come by.
4. Any of the Strolls, or a single SOS buff should be the easiest way to get this skin. Too embarrassed to get in the water at the beach, Yuna instead puts the water on her finger.
5. Much the same as our elemental ring, this ring is the status protection ring, and works for any and all combinations of status -wards or -proofs. Yuna accessories makes so much sense! I'm crying tears of joy.
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶  [author] 18 Feb, 2023 @ 3:52am 
I get that you are excited about your builds but this is just a guide to the skins available in the game. That's all ;)
A Fluffy Cockatiel 17 Feb, 2023 @ 11:07pm 
Oh, and yeah, Brotherhood can't be sold as you noted above. :P
A Fluffy Cockatiel 17 Feb, 2023 @ 11:07pm 
I will have to test that. I have created my own personal version of the ultimate sphere grid. Removed all attribute nodes, hp nodes and mp nodes. Then I put all new nodes in of +4 attribute, +300 hp, +20 mp everywhere in a manner that was pleasing to my eye.

This has given all my characters 255 in all stats, 999 mp, and around 72,000 hp. Technically this isn't the most optimal as getting 230 luck maxes out accuracy against everything even if you leave the accuracy attribute at 5. So I have some nodes technically wasted.

Point is though, everyone swings for the quint 9s. Fun things to do when your party is pretty much a bunch of virtual gods and goddesses in power.
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶  [author] 17 Feb, 2023 @ 10:30pm 
Some interesting info you have there Fluffy.

As I mentioned with Auron's ultimate weapon though, the best you'll get with some hits will be something like 87000 due to the hidden effect if he's at full health.
A Fluffy Cockatiel 17 Feb, 2023 @ 12:43pm 
I will note, however, that the Celestial Weapons will still be the weapon of choice due to the fact that they ignore enemy armor entirely. They treat all enemies, including super bosses, as if they were under armor break. So they deal 99,999 damage at all times.
A Fluffy Cockatiel 17 Feb, 2023 @ 11:16am 
Hey, just to let you know, you can unlock the blue crystal skin used by Tidus' sword Brotherhood as an ultimate weapon. Just craft a replacement for his Celestial Weapon.

To do this either get a 4 slot weapon with Break Damage Limit already on it or buy one of the empty 4 slot weapons for Wantz at the entrance to Makalania Woods. Then add the following weapon abilities: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, MP Booster and One MP Cost. Steps look as follows:
1. Obtain 4 slot with weapon: either with Break Damage Limit or with no abilities
1a. First type of weapon can be gotten as a random drop from Dark Aeons
1b. Second type can be purchased for 100,000 gil from Wantz at the entrance to Makalania Woods. He works for Oaka, you did invest in his store right?
2. Add Break Damage Limit
3. Add Triple Overdrive
4. Add MP Booster
5. Add One MP Cost
A Fluffy Cockatiel 17 Feb, 2023 @ 11:16am 
To me, this is what I consider to be the ultimate weapon setup. With a maxed out sphere grid and with Quick Hit, you will be swinging for 99,999 damage so often that the counters of the Celestial Weapons are rather useless. Furthermore, the Double AP on a number of them is extremely useless. People with them should be using Overdrive AP weapons for sphere levels anyway.

This sword is called Excalibur and was the 2nd best sword in the original FF game that players crafted from adamantite. Name is, obviously, a reference to the legendary King Arthur.

I found this out today when I was making my own collection of "Celestial Weapons" for everyone. (Except for Lulu as her real Celestial Weapon already had these ideal abilities.)
CGA 28 Jan, 2023 @ 12:46am 
Well done. Take it easy, my friend^^
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶  [author] 27 Jan, 2023 @ 8:22am 
Guide is done! Uff, tired now.