Starship Troopers: Terran Command

Starship Troopers: Terran Command

3,235 vurderinger
STTA [01] - Operation Bughouse I
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12. feb. 2023 kl. 12:00
5. apr. 2023 kl. 15:30
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STTA [01] - Operation Bughouse I

I 1 samling af LionStein
Starship Troopers Terran Ascendancy 1-1 Remake
13 genstande
Now that the Terran Council has declared war against the Arachnids of Klendathu, Command HQ has mobilized a massive invasion force. Six Mobile Infantry divisions are about to deploy from orbit and devastate the main arachnid population centers.
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11. mar. 2023 kl. 9:21
14. mar. 2023 kl. 8:09
39 kommentarer
Stevie Lee 2. feb. kl. 12:43 
This was quite outstanding, remake of the original.
Raptor 6. dec. 2024 kl. 15:52 
nice and smooth map. I enjoyed the whole one:stok:
kirwan_m_86 25. okt. 2024 kl. 8:09 
I love how you have managed to extract the audio and visuals from the original Starship Troopers game. Very well done.
L4Z4RVS 29. juli 2024 kl. 18:22 
Amazing work! Keep it coming.
Mr. No_Effs_Given 31. mar. 2024 kl. 14:25 
Bruh, your maps are great, felt like they are made by the devs themselves. Voice acting and all, im quite shocked by the quality.
LionStein  [ophavsmand] 2. feb. 2024 kl. 20:10 
Dirty Mike and The Boys 2. feb. 2024 kl. 15:15 
Great scenario, had a lot of fun playing it. My only nitpick is the running back across the map, that slowed the pace down a bit at the end, but solid 8/10
ZacLinMac 26. okt. 2023 kl. 2:10 
This is amazing. You have no idea how much I loved this game. This is so awesome. Thank You!
LionStein  [ophavsmand] 4. okt. 2023 kl. 16:15 
@Zagmodell, I honestly have no clue lol He's a good voice actor though.
Zagmodell 4. okt. 2023 kl. 15:29 
Who did the voice of Dubois? Sounds so similar to MW3 briefings