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Spherical Abilities in a Vacuum! – A Wildermyth Guide to Abilities
By AngusOfTheDandelion
“What do you mean I have to account for air resistance?? There’s no air in the Yondering lands!!” ~An Exasperated Physicist of the Yondering lands, probably

This guide looks at what makes abilities strong, and why some abilities show up extremely often in builds and others… don’t. That said, I don’t think there are any base abilities that are so bad they have no builds they are optimal in (though some upgrades do fall into this category)
About me
Hey everyone! I make guides for Wildermyth and write...things? At the moment only my Wildermyth guides are published, but I do intend to branch out into other games (eg. I have an unfinished guide to Bad North lying around somewhere) and share some of my (original) fictional works when I get the time and inclination!

I play Wildermyth on Walking Lunch difficulty, recommended Calamities, standard save system (though I did once win a Carved in Stone 3-chapter story campaign). Even at this difficulty, there’s a lot of build diversity, so much that I can only be sure I haven’t thought of them all. If you do things differently to me and it works for you, that’s awesome! Please let me know how you do it!

This means you can be sure that my guides will work on all difficulty settings, and that when you start with higher level heroes (level 4 or 5) you should be able to complete higher calamity starts without too much trouble. It doesn’t mean I believe in a handful of hyper-specific builds as the only way to play – I said it in the last paragraph and I’ll say it again; I love to hear what works for others!

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Anyone may freely excerpt, reference, and build on my works, provided they are clearly cited and referenced, and that my works are never used to promote hatred or bigotry of any kind - including but not limited to:

fascism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, polyphobia, bi/panphobia, acephobia

Further, while I may throw my voice behind things from time to time, I will never accept money or control over my works to do so. There will be no adverts here or anywhere else I create

That said I do need to eat, so if you enjoy my work and want to support my ability to keep making it, here’s a link to my Patreon[patreon.com]
THIS GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR SOME MINOR EVENTS BECAUSE IT HAS THEME ABILITIES IN IT! That said, I don’t have any main-campaign spoilers, and I mostly don’t touch on how you get things, so use your noggin and think about how unspoiled YOU want the game. Probably not too unspoiled because you’re looking up guides?

If anyone has feedback, I'd love to hear it! There will always be a few mistakes, plus some of my theoretical stuff is really educated guessing (praise the wiki) so hearing from folk who've tried things is great!

Anything marked with a (Th) or (Theoretical) is something I haven’t specifically tried on a specific build, though I may have experience with it otherwise, and in many cases am relying on the knowledge and experience of others who have tried it

As of 25/02/2023 this guide is unfinished – I plan to cover class abilities and theme abilities, though I may split those into separate guides, given how long this is at 6.2k words (feel free to chip in your opinions) I also plan to add ability images. Any other suggestions I am happy to take :D

This guide was written during patch 1.11 Firlow – I will list any patch updates it receives here
Criteria, Scoring, and Other Setup
Deciding what makes an ability good is hard. Contrary to the title of the guide, I will be covering synergies and interactions with all of the rest of everything, though there will be only a limited amount of deep diving, since I don’t want a dense document that’s inaccessible to newer players and causes them to run out of figurative air!

As a brief aside I consider character levels in overlapping categories: low levels are level 1 & 2, mid-levels are 2 through 4, and high levels are 4 through 7 (and if it ever pops up, very high levels are 6 & 7)
Raw power – Strong in a Vacuum!
This category is all about how strong the ability is without any other abilities or themes present, though it will allow for the most optimal setup of armour, non-artifact weapons, and non-artifact offhand items. It will also account for an ability’s power as a first pick – that is to say, its earlygame power. Getting a score of 5 in this category will require an ability to provide immediate value to a character, at low levels, without requiring specific other abilities from any other character
Versatility – Power of a Sphere!
This category is all about the versatility of an ability being useful in any build, and any team, and against any enemy – this will consider how well the ability slots into a random combination of themes, equipment, and abilities. Since those things aren’t truly random, this category will contribute less to overall score, but it’s important anyway because it can make picking from the random 3 abilities on level up easier!
Scaling – Power at Size!
We’re looking at what happens at high levels (4-7) here – some abilities just need higher base stats and/or other (but not necessarily specific) abilities to achieve their potential and will outstrip other abilities that may have been stronger earlier on (though some abilities that scale well also start out strong). Getting a 5 here means an ability can make a high-level hero a force of nature!
Synergy – The Power of Friendship!
This is all about how well an ability works with specific other abilities to create strong builds and teams. Abilities that might not shine alone are the ones you can expect to score highly here, and this category will be the one with the highest weight for overall score – after all, when it comes down to it, the best builds are the ones where every ability works together to form a greater whole!
Overall Score (Formula)
I will be ranking each category on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 as the worst, and 5 as the best score), then combining the scores for each category with a weighted average (detailed below) into an overall score

I weighted the categories with a mind to simplicity:
  • Versatility is the least useful trait an ability can have so it gets a weighting of 1.
  • General power (raw and scaling) are both worth more than that so they get a 2.
  • Synergy is the single most important thing an ability can have in terms of builds so it gets a 3

To create a score out of 5: 2 times Raw power score (R) plus 1 times Versatillity score (V) plus 2 times Scaling Score (Sc) plus 3 times Synergy Score (Sy), all divided by 8. Or, more mathematically:

(2*R + 1*V + 2*Sc + 3*Sy)/8
General Abilities
The abilities available to every class, and therefore every character.
Aid: 2.25
This once per combat ability costs a single action and grants 3 + potency temporary health to an ally within 1.6 tiles of the hero (cannot target self) and clears some negative status effects.

Raw Power: 2
A hero boosted by this might survive an extra hit, which can be a big deal, but ultimately it’s better to have an ability that can prevent that hit from ever happening.. and can do so more than once

Versatility: 4
This is never bad per se, but it does require a character that wants to stand adjacent to their allies, which is only true of most heroes. It does use a characters swift action, but only once, and it can be done in advance

Scaling: 2
Scaling with potency is good, but since enemy damage also scales as your heroes get stronger, this might not be as big of a deal as it otherwise would be. It also scales with character’s other defences

Synergy: 2
There are builds that benefit strongly from access to a teammate that can throw out a lot of temporary health reliably and on short notice (notably bloodrage builds) but not many, and they often have other options

Overall Score: 2.25
A decent ability most characters can use, if not particularly shiny in and of itself. Since it does not clear some of the nastier status effects, it doesn’t serve as a specific counter to enemies that use those, and isn’t therefore a standout in any category other than versatility
Aid+: 2.25
This upgrade grants 1 additional use of the base ability, so I won’t re-tread all the specific explanations

Raw Power: 2
Versatility: 4
Scaling: 2
Synergy: 2

Overall Score: 2.25
This… is just more of the base ability and scores the same as the base ability for the same reasons. Arguably a second use is less strong than a single use, but that’s not true in every situation and so overall I see no reason to adjust it
Bard: 1.75
All heroes in the party (in the same mission) gain +5 stunt chance. Recruitment costs are reduced by 1 legacy point, and prepare recruit effectiveness is tripled

Raw Power: 2
+5 stunt chance on everyone, for up to +25 stunt chance total is decent, but not drastically fight changing without elemental weapons or certain artifacts. 1 legacy point cost recruitment reduction is nice but is only going to save you up to 5 legacy point (or 2.5 missions) across a 5 chapter campaign – and only 3 (1.5 missions) in a 3 chapter. Since these can be ground out through incursions, it’s not that big of a deal. That said, it does stack across characters, so you could have 5 characters with bard for +25 stunt chance each

Versatility: 5
This is never bad. It always provides its benefits in a consistent manner, and no team has no characters with attacks. A handful of enemies prevent stunts, but they always occur alongside enemies that don’t

Scaling: 1
This just flat out has no scaling. It can be a benefit to other abilities etc. but it itself doesn’t scale

Synergy: 1
You can’t really combo this with anything, a price paid for the sheer versatility

Overall Score: 1.75
A solid ability, but not one likely to show up in many final builds. That said, I do love the ability myself, and will pick it if there’s nothing I specifically need available
Bard+ (Th): 1.875
Granting the ability Swellsong, a once per battle swift action that grants allies within 5 tiles +50 stunt chance (+250 total if in a party of 5 you get it on everyone!!) for 1 turn

Raw Power: 3
+50 stunt chance on top of whatever everyone already has makes characters more likely than not to stunt – very strong in the right circumstances, but very limited and occasionally useless against enemies that prevent stunts

Versatility: 1
Since it competes for your swift action on critical turns, many abilities that need swift actions (especially every mystic) will compete with it, making their builds really struggle to use it. Given the sheer volume of abilities this includes, it really can’t be used with a random anything

Scaling: 1
This ability has no intrinsic scaling, though it can contribute to the scaling of other abilities with the stat boost – I strongly considered ranking this a 2, but it just doesn’t quite offer enough

Synergy: 2
You can’t exactly make a build from this, but +50 stunt when you need it most is pretty awesome. (+55 if you count the +5 from base Bard) and synergises extremely well with equipment and abilities that want stunt (Rogue+ springs to mind). That said, the limited use really holds it back here.

Overall Score: 1.875
Despite loving the base Bard, I’ve simply never picked Bard+ - the limited nature and 2 point investment using an already weaker ability makes it extremely difficult to fit into a build. If it lasted 2 turns and/or had a 3-5 turn cooldown instead of being 1/battle, it would be much more attractive
Endurance: 3.875
Hero gains +2 armour and +1 warding

Raw Power: 3
Your hero’s effective health goes up by a lot and they will now survive many more hits – if you were taking 3 damage before, you’re now taking 1. A surprising number of enemies don’t do much damage, and even the biggest threats are losing something like 1/5 of their effectiveness. The only real danger is shred, which in some ways having more armour makes you less vulnerable to

Versatility: 5
You can’t go wrong with this. Very few builds can come close to never being attacked and/or hit, and Endurance will never compete with another ability for actions of any kind. Other abilities may be more useful in specific situations, but Endurance will almost always be useful

Scaling: 4
The more health and defence you have, the more useful a little more is – effective health is multiplicative (sort of – it’s a little funky with flat defence like armour/warding). At higher levels Endurance can be the difference between taking some damage, and taking no damage

Synergy: 4
There are a few abilities that increase armour/warding, and those with endurance can turn your hero into a moving brick wall – or explosive stone wall in the case of Shardskin builds

Overall Score: 3.875
A strong ability you can’t really go wrong with, even if you might not see its full potential without a specific build
Endurance+: 3.875
You gain an additional +1 armour and warding, for a total of +3/+2

Raw Power: 3

Versatility: 5

Scaling: 4

Synergy: 4

Overall Score: 3.875
The scores here share reasonings with base Endurance. While you’re getting less absolute value, the relative value of defence goes up the more defence you have until you hit diminishing returns (which is only barely possible in Wildermyth), so it’s roughly equivalent in actual value.

To show a worked example, a character with 0 flat defence taking 10 damage gains 10% damage reduction when gaining 1 defence (1 damage of 10 removed = 1/10 reduction = 10%), but a character with 8 flat defence taking 10 damage gains 50% damage reduction (despite 10 damage incoming, only 2 would have been taken, so reducing that by a further 1 is 1 damage of 2 removed = 1/2 reduced = 50%) this actually trends to 100% reduction when you have enough flat defence, though with how shred works, the tankiest characters will eventually start taking 1 damage per attack unless they have a shield or a way to restore armour
Hardiness (Th*): 3
Hardiness (Th*): 3
Hero has 30% more health

*I’m not actually sure if I’ve used it, so I’ve marked it theoretical to be on the safe side

Raw Power: 2
Much like Aid, your hero’s surviving an extra hit. Unlike Aid, it’s exactly you and not an ally. It’s solid but not spectacular.

Versatility: 5
Much like Endurance, with only a handful of builds even approaching never being hit, a no actions required “can soak up more damage” is never a bad thing, even if it’s not optimal either

Scaling: 3
The numerical scaling isn’t terrible – at high levels this can easily be 3 or more health – but, much more importantly, it scales well with other defences – the more armour, warding, block, and dodge a character has, the more each health is worth. Unfortunately, health is the worst-scaling of all the defences – if you rely on health, you have a small and finite number of hits against you, whereas avoidance and flat defence can carry you much further (although they are sort of multiplicative with health). Plus recovery rate goes down with age, so you may not get to use all that health every battle, where you’ll always benefit from the others

Synergy: 3
The synergy here is what happens when you combine all the various types of defence – you might not be truly invincible, but you’ll get pretty close. Warriors with Bloodrage can additionally benefit from missing health, so having more left when that has fully scaled, and taking longer to recover to full can be an advantage. Characters with Beartouched and other things that increase base health have great synergy here too

Overall Score: 3
It’s a solid ability, and I’ve seen at least one person theorise out a silly build around this that winds up with something in the region of 30 health
Hardiness+ (Th): 3
Your hero gains an extra 20% health (for a total of +50%) and +5 recovery rate and +5 retirement age

Raw Power: 2
Alongside what I said for Hardiness, the recovery rate is extremely valuable, and synergises well with the extra health granted. Retirement age is also nice, but not a must have for most heroes (warriors getting the most benefit (which is nice since they also benefit the most from extra health and have the highest base health)

The higher the retirement age the less likely heroes are to retire before the end of a 5 chapter campaign (to make it to chapter 5 a character needs retirement age = starting age + (10*(chapter number -2)) + total time taken to complete all chapters they appear in but the last. Occasionally there’s an extra 1 to 3 in there because some gaps are 11 years instead of 10

I usually estimate this to be starting age + 40 to 50, which for a Mythwalker is likely to be around 75 to 85 but can be as low as 60 to 70 for a raw recruit. (on account of the higher starting age of Mythwalkers)

Versatility: 5

Scaling: 3

Synergy: 3

Overall Score: 3
The extra parts of this are very straightforward, and good. Solid ability that self-synergises and plays nice with other abilities

Heroism: 3.75
As a free action, hero gains +1 action point and attacks cost a single action this turn

Raw Power: 3
This is a power boost. It’s nothing too spectacular on its own – if it’s all you have you can find yourself in waaay too deep, and it’s not exactly a sustainable ability. However, the ability to do more of what you’re already doing when you need it the most is invaluable

Versatility: 5
“Do more of what you’re already doing” is pretty difficult to mess up in terms of build. It won’t always be optimal, but it will always be good

Scaling: 5
Weirdly for an ability with no intrinsic scaling, I consider Herosim to be the second highest scaling ability in the game (after Spiritblade… which also has no intrinsic scaling). The reason for this is that as the value of each action a hero takes goes up through other scalings – special abilities, themes, raw stats such as accuracy, potency, and damage, so too does the value of an ability to triple your effectiveness for a single turn (by granting and extra action, and allowing the weaponisation of an action that’s normally restricted to movement)

Synergy: 3
The price of versatility is specific combos. Strangely, the abilities I think it combos best with are Battledance+ and Spiritblade+, both of which do not need the “attacks are single actions” part but benefit significantly from having an extra action. Thornfang has a similar synergy, but inverted – it grants actions, but benefits from attacks becoming single actions.

Upgraded theme attacks also work well with Heroism, since they’re often both fairly strong and turn ending

Overall Score: 3.75
An extremely solid ability, usually not build defining, but always good
Heroism+: 3.75
Heroism+: 3.75
You gain an additional action point when using Heroism (now +2)

Raw Power: 3

Versatility: 5

Scaling: 5

Synergy: 3

Overall Score: 3.75
Same as base Herosim – you’re not getting the “attacks are a single action again”, but you are guaranteed to have it, and going from 3 actions to 4 is a surprisingly bigger deal than 2 to 3, so it balances out. You could argue that it’s a little less valuable, but it definitely doesn’t justify a loss of rating
Inspiration: 3.125
Adjacent allies (range 1 through 1.6) gain +1 bonus and spell damage. Stacks if in range of multiple heroes with inspiration.

Raw Power: 4
At low levels with a well grouped team it’s worth +2 damage. That isn’t earthshattering, but it is solid, and more than most abilities that add damage (eg Ember arrows is often +0 because it scales on potency and Viciousness is always +1). Crucially, it also empowers NPCs and those combined make it a solidly above average ability

Versatility: 4
It doesn’t cost actions, and the major requirement of being near allies is what most builds want anyway. Only more “lone wolf” builds can’t work with it, though it won’t be optimal on most builds

Scaling: 2
No intrinsic scaling, but as a team picks up abilities that see characters making more attacks, and more use of bonus/spell damage (many of them) it does get stronger. It also scales with party size

Synergy: 3
It does play nice with abilities that grant extra attacks – Heroism, Spiritblade+, Battledance, Thornfang (though those builds don’t always want to sit next to the team), as well as abilities that hit multiple targets like Throughshot and Broadswipes, but it’s a stat boost so it isn’t exactly a combo piece

Overall Score: 3.125
It’s solid – a little above average. It looks awesome too – it’d get a 5 in “makes you feel awesome when you’re using it” unfortunately that’s too subjective a measure for me to do alone. Maybe I’ll set up a survey at some point :D
Inspiration+: 3.125
Range increases to 2.9 (a 5x5 Square), and allies in range gain +1 warding

Raw Power: 4

Versatility: 4

Scaling: 2

Synergy: 3

Overall Score: 3.125
It’s the base ability but more. I think the warding is less impressive than the +1 damage, but the range makes up for it. Very solid, and even more awesome feel to using it
Long Reach: 4.25
All attacks and abilities have +1 range

Raw Power: 2
If I was only covering warriors, it might be a 5, but the other classes do exist, and what really makes this ability strong is how well it goes with literally everything

Versatility: 5
It’s impossible to make a build that isn’t better with Long reach. It isn’t always 100% optimal (Sharpshooter and a few specific builds do that), but it often gets close. It’s not a mandatory pick up, but it’s about as close as Wildermyth gets

Scaling: 5
You may be wondering why this scales so hard – it’s a flat value to range, surely it doesn’t scale? But the thing is, it affects so much. Interfusion range. Inspiration range. It stacks with Sentinel. If you don’t have an ability that scales with Long Reach, you’re an NPC, or trying extremely hard to be one: the base abilities for mystics and warriors do, and every non-base Hunter ability does. Even Foxflight, although it’s unintuitive why (Foxflight gives you more tiles you can get to when positioning, and Long Reach makes more of them useful). Many general abilities Scale with it too. Probably more than half

Synergy: 5
For an ability that goes with everything, you’d think it wouldn’t have specific synergies. You’d be wrong. It synergises so well with the base warrior ability, Guardian, that it’s literally build defining (just add a knockback weapon). So all the warrior abilities that synergise with guardian also synergise with Long Reach, Vigilance being the best example. It even synergises with the torch item! Anyone can get that! There’s no limit!

To be more useful, it synergises extremely strongly with melee builds – warrior and hunter alike. Even mystics get in on that party with some melee Vigourflow builds (typically with a theme like Wolftouched)

Overall Score: 4.25
It’s nutty. Totally nutty. I don’t think it should be nerfed (at least, not without an extensive weapon reach rework), but it’s probably the closest Wildermyth has to an ability that should be
Long Reach+: 2.375
+0.6 range (total +1.6)

Raw Power: 1

Versatility: 5

Scaling: 3

Synergy: 2

Overall Score: 2.375
Oh how the mighty fall. This isn’t a bad ability, but it suffers from diminishing returns and just giving a lower value than base Long Reach. There are builds that want it (and are extremely funny with it ie Thornfang, Broadswipes), and no build is bad with it, but it’s just not as shiny.
Riposte: 3.25
Counterattack after a successful melee dodge or block (if you are in range)

Raw Power: 2
More attacks are great, but when they come with danger (ie taking damage sometimes) they aren’t all that worth it

Versatility: 3
You need to have a good, solid melee attack, AND high avoidance (block + dodge), otherwise it’s low efficiency. However, it’s never terrible because it doesn’t interfere with other abilities.

Scaling: 2
When you get a bunch of random abilities, it doesn’t get better. In some ways it gets worse since all heroes lose dodge as they age. However, between augments, attacks doing more damage, and heroes gaining more health and survivability in general, it is better when you have stuff

Synergy: 5
There’s a build known as AvoiDance, and it’s one of the strongest builds in the game. The only two abilities (only two anything really) it always has are Riposte and Archery. Check out psionusoid’s guide for a deep dive on the build, or my pets guide’s section on the duck and rat for a quicker and less dense overview

Overall Score: 3.25
I like Riposte and I like what it enables, even if it takes a fair bit of setup
Riposte+: 2
Every time the hero is hit, they gain +20 Dodge that resets after a successful block or dodge; this does stack, but is always fully expended

Raw Power: 1
You have to get hit.. for what? A chance to not get hit? Pretty suspect, especially since it resets any time it might have been useful

Versatility: 4
Everyone gets attacked eventually, and attacks can come more than one at a time, so even though the effect is questionable, it at least doesn’t interfere with anything else a build might be doing

Scaling: 2
As with base Riposte, it does at least scale with the character gaining survivability in general

Synergy: 2
This isn’t going to make the final cut in many builds, but it does at least work well with abilities that grant flat defence like Endurance and Stalwart

Overall Score: 2
It’s not surprising that Riposte+ is a little on the weak side, but I do think it has at least got some niche applications, maybe in an Untouchable & Riposte Warrior build with decent flat defence
Sharpshooter: 4.25
Ranged attacks have +1 range and damage. Bows no longer have a minimum range

Raw Power: 5
The insanity here is palpable. Melee characters need 2 skills to get +1 damage (viciousness) and +1 range (Long Reach) and then you’re also removing the minimum range of bows? That’s like giving ranged characters +2 range!! (they no longer need a crossbow unless they want a specific offhand item)

Absolutely busted in the most balanced way possible - ranged characters benefit less from range because they start with so much, and removing the minimum range mostly functions as a quality of life deal, but they also benefit more from flat damage increases, since they have lower base values there

Versatility: 3
It can go on any build, but it won’t be useful without a ranged attack. No costs tho, so that’s good

Scaling: 3
It scales well with other abilities, helping characters delete from safe distances, but it’s not really incredible outside of dedicated ranged builds (often Hunters and Vigourflow mystics)

Synergy: 5
When you stack the ranged abilities like Throughshot and Ember Arrows, Sharpshooter becomes a force multiplier – even allowing destruction from outside the visual range of enemies. Alternatively, Vigourflow can achieve that effect, or make an AoE like Cone of Fire that much more deadly.

Overall Score: 4.25
Very strong ability, especially early on when ranged characters are struggling to get both range and damage down (they have lower base damage than melee builds), but flourishes in the late-game too when partnered with synergistic abilities and themes.
Sharpshooter+: 3
Ranged attacks gain a further +1 range (to a total of +2)

Raw Power: 2
This is not even half the ability base Sharpshooter is. Quite sad actually

Versatility: 3
Same reasons as base Sharpshooter, it won’t interfere with things

Scaling: 2
There is a bit of diminishing returns here, since you must have base Sharpshooter, and can only scout so far.

Synergy: 2
As with scaling, Diminishing returns strikes

Overall Score: 3
Strictly worse than both base Sharpshooter and base Long Reach, I think the reasons to pick this are your build being desperate for range, or a need to cut down on available upgrades
Tinker: 2.25
As a swift action once/battle, hero grants themselves or an ally +3 armour +2 warding that wears off after 2 turns

Raw Power: 3
Armour and warding are stronger than health because they increase effective health. Unfortunately, the wearing off part of this ability can make it hard to use. Sometimes it will do nothing. That said, the raw value it can provide on important turns can’t be ignores – it has the effectiveness of Endurance+ but can be applied to any ally, costs a swift action, and wears off. Solid middle-of-the-pack ability

Versatility: 2
This won’t work on any build. The swift action cost is offset by lasting just long enough to be used in advance – but only just. On builds that need their swift actions it won’t fit, and you lose the “can be thrown to an ally” on independent builds like Thornfang Rogues. This is a high 2, but it’s definitely a 2

Scaling: 2
It scales in that effective health goes up more when you’ve already built it up, so it’s not a 1. It’s a low 2 though.

Synergy: 2
Some synergies do exist, and they can be across the team, but there’s nothing spectacular that needs Tinker specifically.

Overall Score: 2.25
It’s not a build maker, at least, not that I’ve seen. I haven’t used Tinker much – when I do get it it’s often a “too good to use” ability, or at least something I’m trying not to waste
Tinker+ (Th): 2.25
Gain one extra use of Tinker

Raw Power: 3

Versatility: 2

Scaling: 2

Synergy: 2

Overall Score: 2.25
It’s just an extra Tinker, so it’s the same score for the same reasons
Viciousness: 3.125
Melee attacks deal +1 damage

Raw Power: 4
You’re only getting one damage… but one damage can be a lot when you need it

Versatility: 3
No action cost, so it’ll never be in your way, but it also won’t always do anything useful

Scaling: 1
It’s 1 damage, nothing more. It can and will drop off as time goes on, losing relative value as stats scale

Synergy: 4
You’d think an ability with bad scaling wouldn’t synergise well. Generally that’s true, but there are some builds <looks at the Thornfang Rogues> that will do whatever they can for any extra damage, that they may strike at bigger targets. The flanking ones can even double the value of Viciousness by doubling their damage, and that means even more when your base damage is lower than average. Similarly (as Perditian kindly pointed out) multiple attacks and with multiple strike benefit multiple times (eg Battledance, Wolftouched (both arms) Frenzy)

Overall Score: 3.125
Sometimes what you need it just one more damage, and this ability provides. Kinda hard to argue with really. Damage solves.
Viciousness+: 3.125
Melee attacks deal +1 damage (to a total of +2)

Raw Power: 4

Versatility: 3

Scaling: 1

Synergy: 4

Overall Score: 3.125
It’s just more. Can’t say fairer than that but I’ve already talked about why it’s solid
Windwalk: 3.25
Once per combat as a swift action teleport 8+potency tiles, to any visible tile (ignoring line of sight)

Raw Power: 3
It’s a strong movement ability that can enable both aggressive and defensive plays, but the limited uses hold it back a little

Versatility: 5
Any character can use this. Due to its limited nature and being movement, even those that need swift actions can benefit from it

Scaling: 3
The potency scaling, and the increasing number of viable positions to higher level characters give this solid scaling

Synergy: 3
Some builds really love a chance to get wherever they need to be for a swift action, others are more ambivalent. Flanking builds especially love a chance to get behind hostiles

Overall Score: 3.25
Solid ability. Might even be optimal on a few builds, though they often have competing options that lean more into sustained movement
Windwalk+: 3.25
Gain an extra use of Windwalk (now 2)

Raw Power: 3

Versatility: 5

Scaling: 3

Synergy: 3

Overall Score: 3.25
It’s just more of what you already got, so it’s solid for the same reasons. Where it really shines is that if using Windwalk puts you in a bad spot, you can now use the extra use of Windwalk to get out of that spot
Wisdom: 3.5
Gain a completion speed bonus to campaign level tasks that scales by +100% of base speed for every 35 years old the hero is. That is, for every 0.35 of a year, the hero is 1% faster at everything.

Raw Power: 5
The importance of doing overland tasks faster is tricky to overstate – the less time you spend, the fewer calamities and incursions; more critically, the younger your heroes are at the end of each chapter, and the less likely they are to retire before the end of a 5 chapter campaign (to make it to chapter 5 a character needs retirement age = starting age + (10*(chapter number -2)) + total time taken to complete all chapters they appear in but the last. Occasionally there’s an extra 1 to 3 in there because some gaps are 11 years instead of 10

I usually estimate this to be starting age + 40 to 50, which for a Mythwalker is likely to be around 75 to 85 but can be as low as 60 to 70 for a raw recruit. (on account of the higher starting age of Mythwalkers)

They also lose less stats due to age

Versatility: 5
With no combat effect, Wisdom doesn’t interfere with anything. Since the benefit is always active in the overworld, it’s never bad

Scaling: 5
It scales with age, and that scaling is great – at 70, a character does the work of 3 characters, and this stacks with class bonuses

Synergy: 1
With no combat effect, Wisdom doesn’t interfere with anything. Consequently, it doesn’t interact with anything. Ok strictly speaking it interacts with things that increase retirement age and let you gain more benefit, but the speed it grants you slightly anti-synergises with that.

Overall Score: 3.5
Probably the strongest standalone ability in Wildermyth, Wisdom turns a character into a solo builder, clearer, explorer etc. In the main group they accelerate progress. Split off they become a bastion of work done; stronger on warriors and mystics, since warriors can stack the build defences bonus to turn back incursions passively, and mystics can rebuild settlements at a vastly accelerated rate. Mystics gain the additional bonus of a higher starting retirement age, so they can stack the bonus further, and their low reliance on ability combos makes it easy to slot in

I don’t rate it on hunters. Their builds are often very ability hungry, and they need at least 2 other heroes to safely scout infested tiles anyway.. and scouting jobs are among the fastest to start with. Pretty hard sell
Wisdom+: 1.75
+10 retirement age, +15 Charisma

Raw Power: 2
It’s an ok stat boost, but it won’t be crazy early on

Versatility: 5
Always works, never messes with the rest of your build

Scaling: 1
What you see is what you get. Arguably this could be a 2 for retirement age scaling on Mythwalkers but eh

Synergy: 1
Technical synergy with base Wisdom, but I talked about that there

Overall Score: 1.75
This isn’t very shiny. It might be what you need, but it’s unlikely to be optimal outside a handful of cases where you’re scrabbling for some extra retirement age to make it one more chapter
Acknowledgements/Thanks for reading!
I hope this was helpful to everyone! again, here's a link to my Patreon[patreon.com] for anyone who wants to support me and my guides!

Thanks to:
psionusoid for clearing up details on a few abilities (the range of inspiration+ springs to mind)!
Perditian for helping to clean up some confusing parts of setup, as well as some minor typographic errors, and my omission of the full scope of Viciousness
AngusOfTheDandelion  [author] 29 Jan, 2024 @ 5:00am 
ok yeah, so I asked them... and basically nobody has ever tried this at all xD there was a fair bit of scepticism mainly over the range of treecall and the action economy of actually moving everyone, but honestly? nobody has been able to pop up and say they tried it and it didn't work xD

I can confirm that dropping a damage character is completely fine, provided you have enough crowd control (which you are getting from arches when you aren't pulling silly movement shenanigans)

if you'd like, here's an invite link to the official Wildermyth discord server; anyone who puts forward a build I've never heard of that sounds even partway plausible is someone I'd love to hear more from!


not sure which link'll actually work but hopefully one of them will xD
Sly-Scale 29 Jan, 2024 @ 4:31am 
I'd take their advice! Like I said, I don't know how it holds up in WL difficulty; being down a hero for damage might sting too much, especially around Drauven where you want to hit hard.

Still. It's a mobility counterpart to Spiritblade Mystics. Instead of giving attacks to reward movement, you give movement to reward attacks. That's gotta work out somehow, right?
AngusOfTheDandelion  [author] 11 Jan, 2024 @ 5:09am 
that's a really neat combo! it does actually sound like something that could do serious work at WL level, or on the <redacted> I think my only concern would be the range of treecall, though I'll admit I haven't played around with it too much!

I'll have to add a note about ignoring terrain and LoS, that's a bit of an oversight on my part! maybe I'll even bump the synergy rating a little if that mystic build proves to be a heavyweight! I'll have to consult the discord server about it!
Sly-Scale 11 Jan, 2024 @ 12:51am 
I used to sleep on Windwalk, until I tried it on a Mystic who had Arches+ and Naturalist.

See, Windwalk is not just "8 + Potency = Speed for 1 turn." It's, "go to a visible tile within range of that." That's right, it ignores the user's line of sight. If a party member or a piece of scenery can see a tile, Windwalk can take you there. Very few maps are big enough for Windwalk to come up short, and most of those few maps tend to zig-zag so Windwalk is still leagues ahead of other mobility options. As it happens, Mystics get quite a bit of potency from just leveling up, so they don't have any issues using Windwalk to go places.

Having Arches+ and Naturalist together means that in one turn, a Mystic can cast Arches+ to spawn a tree, become hidden, and start Treecalling people in this and the following turns.

As it so happens, Treecall also ignores line of sight, and it also has a generous range that's based on the user's position instead of the tree's position.
Sly-Scale 11 Jan, 2024 @ 12:51am 
So what you do with all these abilities, right, is send somebody out so a Mystic can launch himself halfway across the map, spawn a tree, and start dragging his team through walls and over chasms. The icing on the cake is that the Swan Scepter artifact has pretty much no bearing on rolling out with that build, so you don't really need it.

What I don't know, however, is how well this all holds up in Walking Lunch difficulty. I can see it cheesing certain maps with the team-wide mobility it offers, but dedicating 4 levels [5 with Windwalk+] seems a little extreme for a Mystic. They have trouble reaching level 7 in most campaigns, so they won't soon be picking up Earthscribe, Spiritblade or Elementalist to contribute much besides the zoomies. I guess maybe if you drop Arches+ and stick to just Arches, Windwalk and Naturalist you'll get your options back?

(I also play with free level-up rerolls, because that's just too much RNG for me.)
AngusOfTheDandelion  [author] 3 May, 2023 @ 7:43am 
I've just realised there's another way to read it - it isn't "works on no builds" it's "doesn't work on every build" I would have thought that contextually obvious, but I wrote it so eh.

I stand by "go write your own" though.
AngusOfTheDandelion  [author] 3 May, 2023 @ 2:25am 
go write your own guide then.
Robur Velvetclaw 2 May, 2023 @ 8:12pm 
"Let it end here"? No because I wholly disagree on the "Won't Work On Any Build Part." Tinker is alright, just not good enough, Shieldshear and Sentinel are just plain no. As is Sharpshooter on a Mystic. Not going to explain myself again why.
And Viciousness is a waste of Legacy Points too. I used to pick Endurance, Hardiness and Viciousness. I don't any more. NOT even on non-mod based builds.
AngusOfTheDandelion  [author] 2 May, 2023 @ 4:49am 
dude, stop. your gaming experience is unusual and your assumptions about mine are wildly incorrect. you also seem incapable of grasping that you're saying exactly what I've said already in the guide.

I already know how you play the game. the extended nothing-discussion on discord about how you've adapted my Ember Rail Cannon team was more than enough to clue me in. I'm not having another nothing-discussion on steam. please, for the love of the game, let it end here.
Robur Velvetclaw 1 May, 2023 @ 5:11pm 
You tend to realise not everyone plays the same sort of campaign settings as you, right? if I were playing 5 chapters or 7 chapters I would NEVER touch Tinker. 3 chapter campaigns are where Tinker shines the most when you have nothing else better going.