Stronghold Crusader HD

Stronghold Crusader HD

63 ratings
All A.I. Castle Designs
By Chronicler06
This guide will show you the complete layouts of every single castle design used by all of the AIs, including hidden traps and troop placements.
Way back when I got Stronghold Crusader on the original CD in 2002, I had noticed while playing that each of the AIs use only a limited number of specific castle designs, regardless of their surroundings. I thought it was neat that they were using pre-planned castle designs, and I decided to try sketching them so that I could try to copy those castle designs for other uses. I never quite completed that old project, but I did make some significant progress before I eventually gave up on it.

Last year, when I took an opportunity to buy the expanded HD version of that game here on Steam, I remembered that old project of mine and decided to make another attempt at it. My old method of playing the game and simply sketching what I saw soon proved to be too cumbersome and time-consuming for my goal of making a perfect record of all these designs (not to mention, somehow made the game more prone to crashing while I was doing so). But then I learned about certain tools used by people who have modded this game, which would allow me to directly see the full castle designs straight from the game files, so I figured that would be my best chance at being able to accurately copy each and every one of these castle designs. It took me quite a while to go through them, but I eventually managed to make complete sketches of all 128 AI castle designs (8 for each of the 16 AIs).

With this game being around for over twenty years now, I had assumed that someone by now would've already done something like this and shared it for all to see, but as far as I could search, I found only a handful of these designs at most, and they often were not quite as complete as what I drew up. I just knew there had to be some people out there who were curious to see all of these AI castle designs in a way that would be easily accessible to them, and since no one else seemed to offer it in a way I had anticipated, I figured I might as well be the one to provide it.

I originally had more ambitious plans for this guide by including additional details like which farms the AIs would build or how many of each troops the AIs would send out to attack (things they would always do regardless of which of their eight castle designs they used), but that just took up a whole other level of effort to go through, and I've been sitting on these drawings I made for some time already, so I finally decided to just forget about all of that extra stuff and focus only on the really important subject, which is to share these complete castle designs. (If anyone wants to make the extra effort to figure out and share all of that extra stuff, then feel free to go ahead and make your own guide focusing on that information.)

I won't bother trying to share any thoughts or insights into each design. All I'm here to do is present to you fully accurate renderings of each AI castle design, so I'll leave the analysis and utilization of these designs up to you. One thing I will include with these drawings of mine is which Crusader Trail missions (1-50 for Classic, 51-80 for Warchest, and 81-100 for Extreme) you can expect to see these castle designs being used by the AIs, since they will always be the same no matter how frequently you restart the game.

Okay, enough personal exposition. Time to get to the important subject of this guide.
Map Key
First, here's a simple key to help you make sense of how I organized the content of each drawing I made:

I chose these colors based on what I felt would best fit each of the different categories of buildings. Although I accurately labeled each and every structure on these drawings, sometimes a color code can make an overall view of the entire design a little easier to understand at a glance.

Another detail I included in these drawings are troop placements (which I labeled in red text, as opposed to black text for labels of structures). What I mean by troop placements is they are sites where the AIs will place their troops to defend their castle. It should also be noted there will usually be more than one of these troops at each placement site (for example, if the AI uses 20 archers to defend their castle and the design includes 5 placements for archers, then you can expect to see 4 archers at each of their respective placement sites).

Along with each drawing, I will include a note of how many of each troop placements there are in that particular design, so that you'll know exactly how many of each there are on these maps. Some troops you see in the game might not show up on these maps (probably because each particular AI will always use the same guards around the keep, regardless of which of their eight designs they use), while other designs will somehow include placements for certain types of troops that certain AIs would never use (like I said, I'm not here to explain these designs, I'm just sharing with you fully accurate copies of the actual designs used in the unmodified game).

Of course, with very little room to spare on these drawings, I used an abbreviation of each type of troops to mark their locations on these maps (using mostly the same abbreviation system as that modding tool I had used to see these complete designs), so here's a list of the abbreviations used and which type of troops they represent:

Oil - Engineers with Oil
Mgl - Mangonel
Bal - Ballista
Tre - Trebuchet
FBa - Fire Ballista
Bow - Archers
Xbw - Crossbowmen
Spr - Spearmen
Pik - Pikemen
Mac - Macemen
Swd - Swordsmen
Kgt - Knights
Slv - Slaves
Slr - Slingers
Asa - Assassins
SBw - Arabian Bowmen
HBw - Horse Archers
Scm - Arabian Swordsmen
Gre - Fire Throwers

I also used abbreviations for the names of certain structures that can sometimes be very small:

WS - Wall Stairs
LW - Low Wall
SW - Stone Wall
Bz - Brazier
Flg - Flag

Another thing worth noting is that these castle designs are built in a specific sequence. For most structures, I decided to ignore that sequence since I doubt it would really matter at all for most of you, but I did label the build sequence for the stockpiles, granaries, armories, and hovels (the first three for which ones get filled with supplies before the others, and the last one purely for the aesthetics between the seven different hovel styles). The troop placements are also assigned in a sequence, but again, I chose to ignore that sequence for these drawings since it also doesn't really matter that much (things are already cluttered enough with the all the other information that is included).

Also, while I did use a grid to make these drawings, I had removed the grid upon completion so the labels would be easier to read. If you need a grid included, fell free to copy the image and add the gridlines yourself. The fact that most structures are at a specific size should make it easy for you to figure out the size of that grid.

(Since this is the first time I've ever tried to make one of these guides, it took me a little while to figure out that to see these images at their actual size (all at the exact same scale as I had created them), there's a certain way to do it depending on how you're viewing this guide. If you're using a web browser, right click the image and select "open image in new tab" and it will open a new tab showing the image at its actual size, though you may need to zoom in the image if it's a very large one. If you're using the Steam client, you must first click on the image to made it show up in a separate window, then click the link at the top of that window and it will open another separate window that will allow you to zoom in the image to its true size, then you can scroll vertically and horizontally as necessary. I just thought it might be a good idea to explain this part so that you won't have to struggle as much as I did to figure out how to get the larger images zoomed in enough to actually read the labels.)

And I think that's just about all of the details there are to explain. If there's anything you're still confused about, please be sure to let me know in the comments and I'll try my best to make it easier to understand.
Rat 1

Troop placements:
5 Archers
2 Spearmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
8 (yellow)
23 (black)
43 (yellow)
50 (green)
86 (blue)

Rat 2

Troop placements:
5 Archers
2 Spearmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 5 (yellow)
8 (orange)
21 (orange)
23 (purple)
29 (yellow)
43 (orange)
44 (cyan)
96 (orange)

Rat 3

Troop placements:
5 Archers
2 Spearmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 5 (orange)
8 (blue)
10 (orange)
29 (orange)
43 (blue)
44 (purple)

Rat 4

Troop placements:
5 Archers
2 Spearmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 5 (blue)
23 (blue)
25 (orange)
29 (black)
43 (black)
46 (yellow)

Rat 5

Troop placements:
5 Archers
3 Spearmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
8 (black)
34 (blue)
43 (cyan)

Rat 6

Troop placements:
5 Archers
2 Spearmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 1 (orange)
23 (yellow)
29 (blue)
43 (purple)
87 (blue)
89 (black)

Rat 7

Troop placements:
5 Archers
2 Spearmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
23 (orange)
43 (green)

Rat 8

Troop placements:
5 Archers
2 Spearmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Snake 1

Troop placements:
3 Archers
3 Spearmen
4 Slingers

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 4 (orange)
18 (blue)
44 (blue)
46 (blue)

Snake 2

Troop placements:
3 Archers
3 Spearmen
3 Slingers

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 2 (orange)
44 (black)

Snake 3

Troop placements:
3 Archers
3 Spearmen
5 Slingers

Crusader Trail appearances:
18 (orange) (black)
25 (yellow)
26 (orange)
34 (orange)
36 (blue)
96 (blue)

Snake 4

Troop placements:
3 Archers
3 Spearmen
4 Slingers

Crusader Trail appearances:
5 (yellow) (blue)
18 (purple)
36 (yellow)

Snake 5

Troop placements:
3 Archers
3 Spearmen
4 Slingers

Crusader Trail appearances:
5 (orange)
18 (yellow)
74 (green)

Snake 6

Troop placements:
4 Archers
3 Spearmen
4 Slingers

Crusader Trail appearances:
27 (yellow)

Snake 7

Troop placements:
3 Archers
4 Spearmen
3 Slingers

Crusader Trail appearances:
73 (blue)

Snake 8

Troop placements:
3 Archers
3 Spearmen
3 Slingers

Crusader Trail appearances:
Pig 1

Troop placements:
5 Crossbowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 3 (orange)
27 (blue)
28 (yellow)
34 (black)
40 (yellow) (purple)
48 (black)
74 (cyan)
78 (purple)
89 (orange)

Pig 2

Troop placements:
7 Crossbowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
4 (orange)
11 (orange)
28 (orange)
49 (cyan)
50 (purple)
86 (yellow)

Pig 3

Troop placements:
8 Crossbowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
21 (black)
40 (black)
46 (cyan)
97 (orange)

Pig 4

Troop placements:
7 Crossbowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 3 (yellow)
11 (yellow)
14 (orange)
29 (purple)
36 (orange)
44 (orange)
49 (green)
97 (blue)

Pig 5

Troop placements:
6 Crossbowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
25 (blue)
96 (purple)

Pig 6

Troop placements:
8 Crossbowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
11 (blue)
21 (blue)
40 (blue)
44 (yellow)
73 (yellow)
92 (cyan)
97 (yellow)

Pig 7

Troop placements:
9 Crossbowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
21 (yellow)
72 (yellow)

Pig 8

Troop placements:
9 Crossbowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Wolf 1

Troop placements:
9 Archers
5 Crossbowmen
1 Pikemen
3 Engineers with oil
4 Mangonels
4 Trebuchets
5 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen
6 Slaves
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
6 (yellow)
19 (orange)
39 (blue)

Wolf 2

Troop placements:
10 Archers
4 Crossbowmen
1 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
5 Trebuchets
5 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen
4 Slaves
4 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:

Wolf 3

Troop placements:
10 Archers
7 Crossbowmen
2 Engineers with oil
3 Mangonels
5 Trebuchets
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen
4 Slaves
7 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
50 (cyan)
76 (purple)

Wolf 4

Troop placements:
10 Archers
10 Crossbowmen
3 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
4 Trebuchets
5 Fire ballistas
4 Arabian Bowmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
31 (blue)
91 (blue)

Wolf 5

Troop placements:
10 Archers
9 Crossbowmen
9 Engineers with oil
3 Mangonels
5 Trebuchets
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen
6 Slaves
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 5 (black)
31 (yellow)
96 (black)

Wolf 6

Troop placements:
8 Archers
10 Crossbowmen
1 Pikemen
6 Engineers with oil
4 Balistas
4 Mangonels
5 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen
9 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
35 (orange)
80 (yellow)

Wolf 7

Troop placements:
10 Archers
10 Crossbowmen
8 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
5 Trebuchets
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen
9 Slaves
9 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
25 (black)

Wolf 8

Troop placements:
10 Archers
10 Crossbowmen
7 Engineers with oil
2 Mangonels
5 Trebuchets
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen
1 Slaves
9 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
Crusader States 4 (yellow)
31 (orange)
35 (yellow)
Saladin 1

Troop placements:
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen
2 Horse Archers
4 Arabian Swordsmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
27 (black)
42 (orange)
47 (purple)
50 (black)

Saladin 2

Troop placements:
4 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen
3 Horse Archers
5 Arabian Swordsmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
32 (blue)

Saladin 3

Troop placements:
4 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
5 Arabian Bowmen
1 Horse Archers
6 Arabian Swordsmen
4 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
38 (blue)
47 (black)
78 (black)
100 (yellow)

Saladin 4

Troop placements:
2 Ballistas
3 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen
5 Arabian Swordsmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:

Saladin 5

Troop placements:
4 Ballistas
4 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen
4 Horse Archers
6 Arabian Swordsmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
14 (yellow)
30 (yellow)
38 (orange)

Saladin 6

Troop placements:
4 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen
3 Horse Archers
6 Arabian Swordsmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
10 (yellow)
16 (yellow)
38 (yellow)
46 (black)
100 (orange)

Saladin 7

Troop placements:
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen
2 Horse Archers
6 Arabian Swordsmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
9 (orange)
16 (orange)

Saladin 8

Troop placements:
4 Ballistas
3 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen
5 Horse Archers
3 Arabian Swordsmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
Caliph 1

Troop placements:
9 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
7 Arabian Bowmen
2 Arabian Swordsmen
9 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
3 (blue)
20 (yellow)
22 (orange)
41 (blue)
49 (orange)
70 (blue)
86 (orange)

Caliph 2

Troop placements:
8 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen
2 Slaves
9 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
3 (yellow)
32 (purple)
37 (blue)
78 (cyan)

Caliph 3

Troop placements:
6 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen
2 Slaves
1 Slingers
3 Arabian Swordsmen
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
37 (yellow)
50 (orange)
95 (blue)
99 (black)

Caliph 4

Troop placements:
6 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen
2 Slaves
4 Arabian Swordsmen
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
7 (orange)
26 (yellow)
41 (yellow)
81 (orange)
84 (purple)

Caliph 5

Troop placements:
9 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen
2 Slaves
5 Arabian Swordsmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
7 (yellow)
13 (orange) (yellow)
20 (black)
48 (orange)
74 (purple)
80 (purple)

Caliph 6

Troop placements:
9 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen
2 Slaves
1 Slingers
3 Arabian Swordsmen
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
14 (blue)
20 (blue)
26 (blue)
32 (black)
34 (yellow)
95 (orange)

Caliph 7

Troop placements:
9 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen
2 Slaves
3 Arabian Swordsmen
9 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
37 (orange)
91 (cyan)

Caliph 8

Troop placements:
9 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen
2 Slaves
4 Arabian Swordsmen
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
2 (orange)
Sultan 1

Troop placements:
6 Slingers
1 Arabian Swordsmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
14 (black)
17 (yellow)
26 (black)
45 (blue)
46 (purple)
50 (yellow)

Sultan 2

Troop placements:
6 Slingers
2 Arabian Swordsmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
47 (blue)

Sultan 3

Troop placements:
6 Slingers
3 Arabian Swordsmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
10 (blue)
24 (black)
34 (purple)

Sultan 4

Troop placements:
6 Slingers
3 Arabian Swordsmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
1 (orange)
24 (orange)
27 (orange)
32 (yellow)
45 (yellow)

Sultan 5

Troop placements:
4 Slingers
3 Arabian Swordsmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
24 (yellow)
29 (cyan)
45 (orange)

Sultan 6

Troop placements:
5 Slingers
4 Arabian Swordsmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
17 (orange)
30 (blue)
45 (black)
47 (yellow)
49 (yellow)

Sultan 7

Troop placements:
6 Slingers
3 Arabian Swordsmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
24 (blue)
87 (purple)

Sultan 8

Troop placements:
5 Slingers
3 Arabian Swordsmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
17 (blue)
32 (orange)
Lionheart 1

Troop placements:
5 Archers
9 Engineers with oil
2 Mangonels
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
3 (orange)
33 (orange)
42 (black)
49 (black)
80 (black)
94 (blue)

Lionheart 2

Troop placements:
9 Archers
8 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
30 (orange)
33 (yellow)
41 (orange)
42 (yellow)
46 (orange)
49 (blue)
91 (orange)
93 (black)
98 (orange)

Lionheart 3

Troop placements:
4 Archers
9 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
20 (orange)
39 (orange)
95 (purple)
100 (blue) (black)

Lionheart 4

Troop placements:
9 Archers
9 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
21 (purple)
36 (black)
42 (blue)
92 (purple)
95 (black)

Lionheart 5

Troop placements:
9 Archers
8 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
1 Mangonels
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
40 (orange)
47 (orange)

Lionheart 6

Troop placements:
10 Archers
9 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
39 (yellow)
48 (yellow)
50 (blue)

Lionheart 7

Troop placements:
5 Archers
8 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
1 Mangonels
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
6 (orange)
15 (orange)
36 (purple)
49 (purple)

Lionheart 8

Troop placements:
10 Archers
8 Engineers with oil
2 Ballistas
2 Mangonels
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
12 (orange)
48 (blue)
70 (yellow)
Frederick 1

Troop placements:
8 Archers
8 Crossbowmen
1 Trebuchets

Crusader Trail appearances:

Frederick 2

Troop placements:
8 Archers
8 Crossbowmen
2 Mangonels
1 Trebuchets

Crusader Trail appearances:
79 (cyan)

Frederick 3

Troop placements:
8 Archers
8 Crossbowmen
2 Mangonels
2 Trebuchets

Crusader Trail appearances:

Frederick 4

Troop placements:
8 Archers
8 Crossbowmen
2 Mangonels
2 Trebuchets

Crusader Trail appearances:
71 (blue)
72 (orange)

Frederick 5

Troop placements:
8 Archers
8 Crossbowmen
2 Mangonels
3 Trebuchets

Crusader Trail appearances:

Frederick 6

Troop placements:
8 Archers
8 Crossbowmen
2 Mangonels
3 Trebuchets

Crusader Trail appearances:

Frederick 7

Troop placements:
8 Archers
8 Crossbowmen
2 Mangonels
4 Trebuchets

Crusader Trail appearances:

Frederick 8

Troop placements:
8 Archers
8 Crossbowmen
2 Mangonels
4 Trebuchets

Crusader Trail appearances:
Phillip 1

Troop placements:
10 Archers
7 Spearmen
8 Knights
2 Ballistas
2 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
70 (orange)

Phillip 2

Troop placements:
8 Archers
5 Spearmen
6 Knights
2 Ballistas
2 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
87 (orange) (black)

Phillip 3

Troop placements:
9 Archers
6 Spearmen
6 Knights
2 Ballistas
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
92 (green)

Phillip 4

Troop placements:
9 Archers
6 Spearmen
4 Knights
2 Ballistas
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:

Phillip 5

Troop placements:
9 Archers
7 Spearmen
5 Knights
2 Ballistas
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
69 (yellow)

Phillip 6

Troop placements:
9 Archers
6 Spearmen
8 Knights
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
91 (yellow)

Phillip 7

Troop placements:
8 Archers
6 Spearmen
6 Knights
2 Ballistas
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:

Phillip 8

Troop placements:
9 Archers
6 Spearmen
8 Knights
2 Ballistas
1 Slaves

Crusader Trail appearances:
Wazir 1

Troop placements:
5 Engineers with oil
4 Fire Ballistas
3 Arabian Bowmen
4 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
65 (blue)
70 (purple)
76 (orange)
78 (yellow)
79 (purple)
95 (yellow)
99 (blue)

Wazir 2

Troop placements:
5 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
5 Arabian Bowmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
54 (orange)

Wazir 3

Troop placements:
4 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
4 Arabian Bowmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
58 (black)
92 (orange)

Wazir 4

Troop placements:
6 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
6 Arabian Bowmen
8 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:

Wazir 5

Troop placements:
6 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
6 Arabian Bowmen
8 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
62 (blue)
64 (orange)
83 (orange)
84 (blue)
88 (yellow)

Wazir 6

Troop placements:
8 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
8 Arabian Bowmen
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
68 (orange)
71 (orange)
74 (orange) (yellow)
75 (yellow)
82 (black)

Wazir 7

Troop placements:
8 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
8 Arabian Bowmen
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
67 (orange)
73 (orange)
80 (cyan)
85 (orange)
93 (orange)

Wazir 8

Troop placements:
9 Engineers with oil
5 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
Emir 1

Troop placements:
7 Archers
5 Engineers with oil
2 Mangonels
7 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
65 (yellow) (black)
69 (blue)
79 (yellow)
99 (orange)

Emir 2

Troop placements:
7 Archers
5 Engineers with oil
2 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:

Emir 3

Troop placements:
9 Archers
5 Engineers with oil
1 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
57 (blue)
60 (yellow)
62 (yellow)
66 (orange)
67 (blue)
68 (purple)
70 (black)
74 (black)
77 (yellow)
84 (yellow)
92 (blue)
94 (orange)

Emir 4

Troop placements:
6 Archers
5 Engineers with oil
1 Mangonels
5 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
51 (orange)
58 (orange)
62 (orange)
72 (blue)
78 (blue)
79 (blue)
80 (blue)

Emir 5

Troop placements:
6 Archers
5 Engineers with oil
1 Mangonels
5 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
58 (yellow)
64 (blue)
77 (blue)
82 (yellow)
83 (blue)

Emir 6

Troop placements:
6 Archers
5 Engineers with oil
2 Mangonels
8 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
79 (orange)

Emir 7

Troop placements:
6 Archers
5 Engineers with oil
1 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
60 (orange)
77 (orange)

Emir 8

Troop placements:
6 Archers
5 Engineers with oil
1 Mangonels
6 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
63 (orange)
82 (orange)
91 (purple)
99 (yellow)
Nizar 1

Troop placements:
4 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
68 (yellow)
75 (orange)
99 (purple)

Nizar 2

Troop placements:
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
73 (black)
76 (black)
80 (orange)

Nizar 3

Troop placements:
4 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
61 (orange)
69 (black)
84 (black)
91 (black)

Nizar 4

Troop placements:
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
63 (yellow)
71 (black)
79 (black)

Nizar 5

Troop placements:
5 Fire Ballistas
9 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
64 (yellow)
72 (black)
74 (blue)
83 (yellow)
94 (yellow)

Nizar 6

Troop placements:
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
76 (yellow)
78 (orange)

Nizar 7

Troop placements:
5 Fire Ballistas
8 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
71 (yellow)
76 (blue)

Nizar 8

Troop placements:
5 Fire Ballistas
10 Arabian Bowmen

Crusader Trail appearances:
Sheriff 1

Troop placements:
9 Crossbowmen
2 Assassins
8 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
67 (purple)

Sheriff 2

Troop placements:
9 Crossbowmen
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
92 (black)
93 (cyan)

Sheriff 3

Troop placements:
10 Crossbowmen
2 Assassins
6 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
68 (blue)
93 (yellow) (blue)

Sheriff 4

Troop placements:
10 Crossbowmen
2 Assassins
7 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
68 (black)
69 (purple)
82 (blue)
89 (yellow)
90 (orange)

Sheriff 5

Troop placements:
9 Crossbowmen
3 Assassins
8 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
70 (cyan)
90 (blue)
93 (purple)

Sheriff 6

Troop placements:
10 Crossbowmen
3 Assassins
7 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
90 (yellow)

Sheriff 7

Troop placements:
9 Crossbowmen
3 Assassins
4 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:

Sheriff 8

Troop placements:
10 Crossbowmen
3 Assassins
10 Fire Throwers

Crusader Trail appearances:
Marshal 1

Troop placements:
2 Archers

Crusader Trail appearances:

Marshal 2

Troop placements:
3 Archers

Crusader Trail appearances:
59 (orange)

Marshal 3

Troop placements:
3 Archers

Crusader Trail appearances:

Marshal 4

Troop placements:
2 Archers

Crusader Trail appearances:
55 (yellow)
87 (yellow)
88 (orange)

Marshal 5

Troop placements:
4 Archers

Crusader Trail appearances:
55 (orange)

Marshal 6

Troop placements:
3 Archers

Crusader Trail appearances:
58 (blue)
64 (purple)
67 (yellow)
92 (yellow)

Marshal 7

Troop placements:
3 Archers

Crusader Trail appearances:

Marshal 8

Troop placements:
4 Archers

Crusader Trail appearances:
52 (orange)
Abbot 1

Troop placements:
7 Archers
5 Ballistas

Crusader Trail appearances:
53 (orange)
64 (black)

Abbot 2

Troop placements:
6 Archers
4 Ballistas

Crusader Trail appearances:
56 (orange)
65 (orange)
67 (black)

Abbot 3

Troop placements:
6 Archers
4 Ballistas

Crusader Trail appearances:
57 (yellow)
69 (orange)

Abbot 4

Troop placements:
8 Archers
4 Ballistas

Crusader Trail appearances:
56 (yellow)
84 (orange)

Abbot 5

Troop placements:
7 Archers
5 Ballistas

Crusader Trail appearances:
63 (blue)

Abbot 6

Troop placements:
8 Archers
5 Ballistas

Crusader Trail appearances:
57 (orange)
73 (purple)

Abbot 7

Troop placements:
5 Archers
4 Ballistas

Crusader Trail appearances:

Abbot 8

Troop placements:
8 Archers
5 Ballistas

Crusader Trail appearances:
59 (yellow)
96 (yellow)

AgressorKill 11 Feb @ 12:13am 
Sack of Knowledge 9 Feb @ 4:27pm 
Crazy work wtf. Amazing
Tsukiya 10 Dec, 2024 @ 7:05pm 
wow great guide :MysteriaAzure:
fantozen 18 May, 2024 @ 10:51am 
good job man!:halberd::shsword:
FranzM 19 Feb, 2024 @ 7:44am 
Amazing guide it probably took long to make i will give you a like for it mate!
Immortal 6 Feb, 2024 @ 7:21pm 
Incredible guide! As someone who played countless hours of this game as a kid, I noticed the patterns of the AI castles as well. However, I must note that I have never seen Lionheart build a two wall castle... Can I ask what conditions/maps that this occurs on? I'd be interested in testing it out/playing against it. Thanks!